samedi 24 mai 2014



The Lifecycle of a Hijacked Hashtag and What It Means for Your Brand

Posted: 23 May 2014 05:58 PM PDT

Sarah Barber

The Lifecycle of a Hijacked Hashtag and What It Means for Your Brand image Hashtag Hijacked 1

Hashtag #fails have been all over the news lately, and it has social media marketers running scared.

In the recent #myNYPD 'hashup', a campaign meant to solicit smiling snapshots of the public with local city cops was instead used to tag photos of police brutality.

Late last year, JP Morgan's #askJPM campaign seemed to solicit incisive, rhetorical questions from everyone except the eager career builders they'd intended to connect with.

It seems the Twitter irony-train has made yet another stop.

On May 11th, conservative pundit Ann Coulter tweeted a photo of herself holding a sign reading #bringbackourcountry, in an apparent attempt to mock photos posted by First Lady Michelle Obama and other prominent celebrities in support of the #bringbackourgirls hashtag-activism campaign.

The Lifecycle of a Hijacked Hashtag and What It Means for Your Brand image BBOG TimeLine BW BW 600x219

Coulter's attempt at humor backfired big time, and enraged Twitter users immediately began making Coulter the butt of her own joke with photoshopped versions of her original twitpic.

Interestingly, Coulter didn't include the #bringbackourcountry tag in the text of her original tweet, which may suggest that she never intended the hashtag to trend.

However, the Twitter community rarely responds to intentions - #bringbackourcountry was picked up by users both to show sincere support of Coulter's message and to ironically mark posts that mocked her.

Anatomy of a hashtag hijacking

Tracking the two opposing uses of the #bringbackourcountry hashtag with Brandwatch analytics provided an interesting look at the lifecycle of a hijacked hashtag.

We found 952 mentions marked with the hashtag #bringbackourcountry since the 9th of May and built some simple rules to classify them as either sincere or mocking responses to Coulter's tweet.

We also found that, even before May 12th, #bringbackourcountry was used in conjunction with #bringbackourgirls to sincerely comment about the state of affairs in Nigeria, so we added a rule to classify these posts as well.

Here's what the data looks like sorted by category:

The Lifecycle of a Hijacked Hashtag and What It Means for Your Brand image 1 BW 600x292

Coulter's tweet was posted at 2:55AM GMT on May 12th, and conversation using the #bringbackourcountry hashtag peaked the next day. The graph shows that, while mentions supporting Coulter's message did outnumber mentions explicitly mocking her, they didn't quite make up the majority of the conversation at its peak.

Mocking mentions outnumbered sincere mentions on May 14th, while sincere usage got a boost the next day, when one particular anti-Obama tweet garnered many retweets.

There was also a small spike in use of #bringbackourcountry to refer to American conservative political sentiment on May 10th, before Coulter's tweet.

This shows that some people supportive of Coulter's message were already using the #bringbackourcountry hashtag, which may have been a factor in the overall reach of her message at its peak.

Within three days of the May 13th peak in conversation, use of the #bringbackourcountry tag had reduced dramatically, with the majority of usage being meta-conversation discussing the backlash to Coulter's tweet and debating the pros and cons of hashtag-activism in general.

What does it mean?

So, what can be learned from Coulter's hijacking of #bringbackourcountry from its original meaning and the subsequent backlash to her message?

The overwhelming take-home point is this: the collective will of social media users is incredibly powerful but often unpredictable.

Luckily, this knowledge may be your best weapon as a social media marketer. Here are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself against the turning tide of internet sentiment:

1. Be Prepared

When planning to use a hashtag in a campaign, it's important to consider not only the objective, but also any other usage of the hashtag that could possibly arise.

Take the time to understand your brand's community and the social media sphere at large, and plan for the worst. If you don't, you leave yourself wide open to the possibility that your hashtag may go viral in a way you didn't intend.

In Coulter's case, quick research would have shown that posting hashtag-sign selfies practically begs for photoshopped parodies. After all, the social media community flexed its muscles with Michelle Obama's #bringbackourgirls photo only days earlier.

2. Be Specific

With the knowledge that you can't control how people use your hashtag once it's released, it may be wise to try and limit the range of potential uses from the outset.

The fatal flaw in the #askJPM campaign was that, while the company had a very specific purpose in mind for the promotion, they chose a hashtag that didn't specify the type of questions they were inviting.

A tag like #JPMcareerQs might have kept Twitter users a bit more on-topic.

3. In Trouble? Post Something Great

Coulter's message got a boost on May 15th when a user tweeted a post that caught on among conservative Twitter community. Likewise, many of the posts mocking Coulter showed support of the original #bringbackourgirls message, but the spoofy photoshopped content drove most of the buzz.

These insights suggest that it may be possible to salvage a hijacked hashtag, at least to an extent, by introducing content that is particularly clever, funny, or relatable.

So if all else fails and your hashtag goes viral in the worst possible way, try posting something that will appeal to users.

If it catches on, it may allow you to turn the tide again for your hashtag.

The Lifecycle of a Hijacked Hashtag and What It Means for Your Brand image hashtag comic 600x187

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Interesting Infographics: How To Measure Your ROI On Social Media

Posted: 23 May 2014 04:00 PM PDT

Louis Foong

As a B2B leader, do you know how to determine the ROI on your social media efforts? In 2011, MDG Advertising released an interesting infographic titled "The ROI of Social Media: Is Social Media Marketing Effective?" Three years later, this infographic is still relevant in our social media marketing campaigns. In particular, the infographic helps us understand the following: our business objectives; the metrics CMOs apply to measure social media undertakings; and the advancement of social network recruiting. Here are some social media marketing highlights to consider, which are also featured in MDG Advertising's infographic: 4 Factors For Measuring Social Media

  1. Studying sales increases and the decline of costs.
  2. Has your brand recognition greatly improved among audiences?
  3. Can you easily tend to issues that relate to your brand?
  4. Have your digital assets improved along with your brand?

Defining Objectives Business objectives are not the same for every business, which is why it's important for B2B leaders to define their objectives prior to social media implementation. Consider the following:

  • Brand recognition
  • Engagement with your current customers
  • Sales (short-term basis)
  • Improving your company's "searchability"
  • The dispersal of company information and news

Measuring Social Media Marketing Activities The following percentage of CMOs use these metrics to measure social marketing merits:

  • Conversion (66%)
  • The number of page views (43%)
  • Revenue (50%)
  • The number of members (63%)
  • Site traffic (68%)

Social Media Recruitment Social media is necessary for companies to engage with customers, as well as enlist new talent. According to the infographic, 64% of businesses during 2011 successfully used social media to hire new employees; in comparison to the previous year, this was a major increase from 58%. More Trends And Facts To Note

  • Over a long-term basis, social media marketing significantly cuts marketing costs.
  • The infographic reports how 45% of social media marketers were able to build new partnerships via social media.
  • Social media has assisted 72% of marketers in "closing business."

Click on the image below to view the full infographic. How do you currently measure the ROI of your social media campaigns? I am looking forward to reading your comments.

Interesting Infographics: How To Measure Your ROI On Social Media image the roi of social media mdg advertising infographic

The post Interesting Infographics: How To Measure Your ROI On Social Media appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media!

Posted: 23 May 2014 02:35 PM PDT

Omkar Mishra

Social Media is a herculean task if not done correctly. With the dawn of the internet and the millions and billions of bits of information that comes along with it, people sometimes find it very difficult to keep up with the changing trends. Working smarter is the need of the hour to improve focus and efficiency. There is a lot an individual does when he is online which sometimes rather than being productive lands us wasting more of our time. With new social networks coming up day by day, an average user is finding it hard to define his time to a particular activity and get lost in his stream of friend updates and misses what he really wants to spend time on.

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image IFTTT Top 5 Recipes for Social Media

Automation Tools serve to be a boon in this scenario which helps us save that precious time which we can invest somewhere else. I constantly use social media tools like Buffer and Pocket to speed up and arrange my activities on social media. However, there is one more alternative which I am going to explore today called IFTTT (IF This Then That). IFTTT serves as the automation route for your web presence (as it rightly says 'Put the Internet Work for you') and boasts of more than 100 channels which you can use to automate and let them work in a periodic defined cycle.

How does IFTTT Work?

IFTTT consists of two main points 'Trigger' which serves as the cause for the 'Action' which is about to follow. Channels are defined as sections for which you can set a trigger and action to. They primarily support all the major Channels from social networks like Twitter & Facebook to your Email as well as your Mobile OS. You just need to create an account in to IFTTT and view all their supported channels here . Recipes are what groups the Channels with the specific trigger and action. The platform makes it easy for you to let you create your own recipes or build on the existing ones under the 'Browse' section. The existing recipes also show the number of times it has been uses along with the number of favourites it has garnered. The more popular the recipe, the more helpful for the general public. To start with, you might have to activate the channels which you are interested in automating. So If I am looking at setting up one of the recipes for Twitter, I will have to first authenticate my Twitter credentials along with the other channels I want it to be linked with to make it work. You can view your activated channels list under the 'Activated' tab under 'Channels'

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image IFTTT Activated Channels e1400875344515

1. Favourite Tweet -> Save to Pocket

This was one of my first recipes which I setup in IFTTT and remains one of my go to recipes till date. Many people use 'Favorite' icon on Twitter as a reciprocal of a Facebook 'Like'. However, there is also an alternate universe where people like me, use it as a read it later service. When going through my Twitter stream, I used to favourite tweets which contained interesting links which I could then come back through my Favorites tab to check on and read during travelling. With the help of IFTTT, I just made this process 2 steps shorter. Below is the process illustrated to showcase the time and efforts saved per Tweet

Pre IFTTT Process:

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image Pre IFTTT Process e1400875394680

Post IFTTT Process:

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image Post IFTTT Process e1400875423187

Now I can just favourite my tweets/links which I find interesting and read it lated comfortably at my convenience in the pocket App and share it to my own social networks if it adds value. To create something similar for yourself you can follow the below steps after going to the 'Create Recipe' option in IFTTT:

How to activate this Recipe?

Choose the Trigger Channel: Twitter

Choose a Trigger: New Favorite Twitter by You

Choose Action Channel: Pocket

Choose an Action: Save for Later

You can then select the tags you would want to define in pocket for these Tweets. I like to keep it as 'IFTTT' which reminds me that these Tweets I have favorited from Twitter and can be read by categorizing tags easily.

2. New Blog Post -> Post it on Twitter

There are many a times, where you love some blogs within your niche and would want to post every content they publish. This recipe lets you publish any new content in their feed as soon as it is published on the blog. This can be setup as your own blog feed or some feed you think is valuable enough to be shared on your Twitter timeline without you reading it. In the below example I have set it up for KissMetrics blog, which is one of my favourite blogs about marketing. I have created a recipe which lets me share any new post they make to be added to my Buffer.

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image Add Feed to Buffer IFTTT Recipe e1400875646307

You can choose to receive notifications whenever the recipe begins to run, so that you can edit/delete the task at your own will.You can create similar versions of this recipe to post on other social channels if Twitter is not the only channel you are active on.

How to activate this Recipe?

Choose the Trigger Channel: Feed

Choose a Trigger: New Feed Item (If you want to publish every content they post) or New Feed Item Matches if you want to publish only a subset of the blog (eg: I may only want to publish 'Social Media' related content from Digital Insights blog and can put the category level url to match the keyword. Whenever the new post is published in that specific category/keyword match, the post would be added to my Buffer)

Choose Action Channel: Buffer (Or can be Twitter directly)

Choose an Action: Add to Buffer

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image

3. Post your Facebook Page Update to Google+

This recipe was cleverly created by johnnybizzle which uses Buffer to post your Facebook Page update directly to Google+. This certainly saves time when you have to post the same post on multiple social channels and avoids redundancy. Whenever you post an update to your Facebook page, the post gets added to your Buffer and is posted at your selected time on Google+ Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image

Similar to the above, you can also post your Company's Facebook status update to your LinkedIn page in this recipe:

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image

4. Post your Instagram Photos on Twitter:

Unless you were under a rock for the past year, you might know that Twitter & Instagram are not on pretty good terms. The microblogging site turned off Instagram photo sync and any new photo you might share on your Twitter timeline gets pasted as a redirect to your Instagram app (or browser). With this recipe you can directly sync your Instagram profile to post an inline image attached to Twitter whenever you share anything new on Instagram. Quite a cool way to make it work

How to activate this Recipe?

Choose the Trigger Channel: Instagram

Choose a Trigger: Any New Photo by You

Choose Action Channel: Twitter (Or can be via Buffer)

Choose an Action: Post a Tweet with an image

5. Save for Later in Feedly = Saved for Later in Pocket

I am a heavy user of the Read it later services. I generally browse through my Twitter feed and other interesting content during my travelling time and the generally long blog posts which would take time to be read are sent to pocket via this option. The 'Save for later' option in Feedly acts the same way. However, I would want my 'To be read' blog posts in one place and hence love this recipe when it comes to organizing & curating my feed. I save it for later if it can act as a reference for me in later blog posts or archive it if I found it shareable with my audience.

How to activate this Recipe?

Choose the Trigger Channel: Feedly

Choose a Trigger: New Article Saved for Later

Choose Action Channel: Pocket

Choose an Action: Save for later

IFTTT has unlimited permutations & combinations which you can try out to meet your other needs (apart from social media) and can be a great time saver for repetitive tasks which human Minds more often than not tend to forget. Here are some more recommendations (apart from Social media) created by other users which can help you get started with this brilliant automation service:

  • Backup your contacts with Google Drive (For iOS Only)

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image

  • Mute your Phone when in your Office Area & unmute it when you get Home:

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image

  • Keep your Husband/Wife updated about your whereabouts (Very important!):

Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! image

Which IFTTT recipe of the above is your favorite & helps you save time in your daily schedule?

You can share your Top 2 recipes in the comments section below. We would love to know what our readers are thinking!

The post Top 5 IFTTT Recipes for Social Media! appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Facebook Wants To Eavesdrop On You Using Your Phone’s Microphone

Posted: 23 May 2014 01:40 PM PDT

Ian DeMartino

Facebook Wants To Eavesdrop On You Using Your Phone's Microphone image Facebook Crossword

Facebook has made some major strides in protecting its users from an overreaching government, but that doesn't mean all is well between privacy advocates and the social media giant.

Some are expressing concern over Facebook's planned feature for its mobile app on iOS and Android. The plan is to use the microphone on phones of users who opt-in to the feature eavesdrop on users while they fill out status updates. The program will listen to songs and TV shows, try to identify them in a "Shazam-like" fashion, and include it in the user's update.

The announcement of the new feature also comes as Facebook decided to use a dinosaur, i.e. the classification of animal that has been extinct for roughly 65 million years, to help privacy minded users find the right settings for them. Facebook insists that isn't a harbinger of things to come.

Facebook is stressing that the feature is completely optional and needs to be opted in to be activated. They also claim that no audio is sent to Facebook servers. Instead, they say that the audio is turned into code on the user's device and that is sent to Facebook. They also assure the public that the code cannot be turned back into audio. That may very well be, but the continual advancement of Facebook and other social media sites prodding into our lives under the guise of streamlined social sharing is a troubling one. We will have to wait and see how many people trust Facebook enough to give them access to their microphones, simply so they don't have to type "I'm watching Game of Thrones."

[Photo Credit: Raymond Bryson]

The post Facebook Wants To Eavesdrop On You Using Your Phone's Microphone appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

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How To Identify And Mobilize Your Company’s Biggest Advocates On Social Media

Posted: 23 May 2014 12:36 PM PDT

Chris Newton

Among your social media followers and fans, there is always one group that stands out: they are the most active and engaged members of your social media community, retweeting, liking, sharing and commenting more than anyone else.

Look a bit deeper, however, and you'll notice that these people don't just stop at basic engagement. They might also be helping others in your community by answering their questions or recommending your company to potential customers.

You can call them happy customers, promoters, referrers, or advocates—like we do. Either way, these people are the key ingredient in many companies' recipes for success.According to Bain & Company, "… only 1 in 10 companies achieve sustainable, profitable growth. These successful companies have twice the level of customer advocacy as their competitors."

Advocates are big business

It's no wonder the terms "customer advocacy" and "advocate marketing" are finding their way into lots of content and conversations about digital marketing these days. Advocates help businesses achieve numerous objectives, including lead generation, brand awareness, sales enablement, customer engagement and retention, to name a few.

Perhaps Hank Barnes, Research Director at Gartner says it best: "If buyers trust and rely upon peers, and you have a base of fans that love to talk about you, what would be a better source of value that advocacy marketing?"

Social media can be one of the best places to identify, empower, and mobilize your most passionate advocates. Here's how to get started:

Discover new advocates in your social communities

Social listening is one of the best ways to find advocates. Using your HootSuite dashboard, it's easy to keep a running search stream for your company name, for example. You can also keep tabs on key customers, prospects and high-profile influencers in your industry using Twitter lists. You may be surprised to see how many of your customers, partners and other fans are speaking positively about you and on your behalf in the social sphere. Once you see someone touting your company or solution, send a message thanking them and invite them into your advocate marketing program to get more involved.

Identify opportunities for advocates to help

What questions are people asking about your company, your competitors, or the keywords that are relevant to your business on social media? You should always stay engaged in these conversations, but sometimes you're not the best person to answer. When it makes sense, ask your most engaged advocates to respond.

Recently, for example, we noticed that someone was asking about a competitor on Twitter. Rather than have a member of the sales or marketing team respond, we asked a few of our customers to reach out through our advocate marketing program. Five of them jumped into the conversation right away and prompted the inquiring person to get excited about our offering. Prospective buyers trust their peers more than vendors, so it's much more powerful to tap into advocates in those situations.

Mobilize identified advocates to do more

Advocates can do more than just respond to tweets. For starters, look across your organization, identifying what advocates can do every day, for every program, campaign, event, and initiative your company is running. With a little brainstorming, you will probably come up with a healthy list of options.

The next step is to motivate them to advocate on your behalf. Consider using game dynamics – such as points, leaderboards and badges – as a catalyst. The idea is to engage your advocates in something fun that also gives them a forum for advocacy.

Brainshark's award-winningadvocate marketing program, for example, increased customer and employee activity on Twitter by 106%. But with 450 active advocates who provide referrals, opt in to be references, write reviews, share testimonials and case studies, sign up to be beta testers and participate in customer research, it also has a significant impact on many other areas of the business.

Tap into the synergies of advocacy marketing and social media

Considering the impact advocates can have on your business, it makes good sense to get strategic about identifying and mobilizing them. Fortunately, you can use tools like HootSuite for the social side of things and advocate marketing software to manage your advocate marketing program. Better yet, combine the power of both to take your advocate marketing to new heights.

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Twitter Fails To Stand Up For Free Speech Again, Blocks Content In Pakistan

Posted: 23 May 2014 12:11 PM PDT

Ian DeMartino

Twitter Fails To Stand Up For Free Speech Again, Blocks Content In Pakistan image Twitter Censorship

One of the things that makes Twitter so successful is its near constant involvement in political movements around the world. From the Arab spring to Occupy Wall Street to outrage over the latest celebrity drivel, Twitter has been invaluable in giving people a voice and helping them organize rapidly.

So, it has been disappointing for political activists, free speech advocates and people just generally hoping for a better future, to watch Twitter consistently lay down when foreign governments ask them to.

So far, it has blocked Neo-Nazi content in Germany, Ukrainian content in Russia, Government exposés in Turkey, and now what the government calls "Blasphemous" content in Pakistan.

Twitter argues that it is better for the company to block individual pieces of content, rather than be blocked entirely, as happened to the social media site in Turkey temporarily.

Better for their bottom line perhaps, but not for the social movements Twitter was once famous for helping ignite. Selective censorship, as opposed to complete censorship, gives the impression that everything is fine. Pakistani users can still login to Twitter, and if they aren't plugged into foreign news outlets, may not even be aware that anything is being censored. If the entire site was taken down, at least users would be aware of what is happening and if they found it egregious enough, would be able to demand that their government stop.

As it stands, they are simply helping the Pakistani government pull wool over their citizen's eyes, all for an order that many are arguing may not be legal under Pakistani law.

And that, is worthy of a #TwitterLaysDown hashtag.

[Photo Credit: mkhmarketing]

The post Twitter Fails To Stand Up For Free Speech Again, Blocks Content In Pakistan appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

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Who Is The Best Cornerback In The NFL? Richard Sherman And Patrick Peterson Talk Trash On Twitter

Posted: 23 May 2014 12:05 PM PDT

Dan Evon

Who Is The Best Cornerback In The NFL? Richard Sherman And Patrick Peterson Talk Trash On Twitter image richard sherman

Who is the best cornerback in the NFL? Well, it depends on who you ask. Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks and Patrick Peterson of the Arizona Cardinals got into another heated debate last night on Twitter.

The Twitter fight started during a radio interview on KMVP-FM. Peterson said that you couldn't call Sherman a "shutdown corner" because of the type of defense the Seahawks play.

Peterson said: "Obviously his job is definitely much easier than mine. But if you look at their scheme and at our scheme, he's a Cover 3 corner. Period. A lot of guys say he's a shutdown corner. But if you look at film and guys who understand the game, go back and look at film and see how his defense is. I believe that if you put him in our system, I don't believe he'll be able to last, honestly. Because I actually do much more … Fans see he's got tons and tons of interceptions. And that's all fine and dandy, but he's only covering space … So at the end of the day, he has great stats … But as far as being a shutdown corner, man-to-man guy, in my eyes, I don't believe he's that."

And just to make sure that everyone heard his opinion, Peterson continued trash talking on Twitter.

Of course, Richard Sherman wasn't just going to let that stand.

Richard Sherman loves to trash talk on Twitter. This message wasn't a direct response to Peterson's rant but it's still pretty relevant.

So who's the best cornerback in the NFL? Well, the Cardinals and the Seahawks will play twice during the 2014 season. So maybe we'll find out in a few months.

This isn't the first time that Richard Sherman has been in a Twitter fight. You can his last feud hereor hereor hereor here.

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Nick Young And Iggy Azalea Nude Photo Goes Viral Again, But It’s Still Fake

Posted: 23 May 2014 12:01 PM PDT

Dan Evon

A nude photo of Nick Young and Iggy Azalea is going viral today. The photo is fake, old, and has already been debunked by the NBA star.

The photo shows a man, who kind of resembles Nick Young, and the backside of a woman. You can't really see either of their faces and many people have assumed that it is Nick Young and Iggy Azalea.

But it's not.

The photo first went viral back in April. At the time, Young posted a message saying that it wasn't him in the photo.

If you don't believe Nick Young, maybe you'll believe Kitten Chloe.

When the photo first went viral Chloe said that she was the woman in the pic. She also said that the man in the photo was someone by the name of Shawn.

Nick Young And Iggy Azalea Nude Photo Goes Viral Again, But It's Still Fake image nick young and iggy azalea

Oh, right, you want to see the photo. Here's a blurred out version of the fake nude Nick Young and Iggy Azalea photo. You can see the real version by searching for "Nick Young and Iggy Azalea" on Twitter.

Nick Young And Iggy Azalea Nude Photo Goes Viral Again, But It's Still Fake image iggy azalea

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Kim Kardashian Enjoys ‘Last Supper’ During Bachelorette Party In Paris (Photos)

Posted: 23 May 2014 11:57 AM PDT

Dan Evon

Kim Kardashian and her BFFs hit Paris this week for a Bachelorette party. The reality star and her friends hit the Eiffel Tower and a few other French landmarks before settling down for a "last supper" dinner party.

Kim writes on Instagram: "I'm so lucky! I have the best friends in the whole wide world! #ParisNights #LastSupper."

Kim was joined by her sisters Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, her mother Kris Jenner, as well as her half-sisters Kendal and Kylie Jenner. Hollywood Life reports that friends Rachel Roy, Brittany Gastineau, LaLa Anthony, Joyce Bonelli (her makeup artist), and Larsa Pippen (Scottie Pippen's wife) were also in attendance for the Paris trip.

Kim writes: #BestFriends #ParisNights

Here are some more photos from Kim Kardashian's bachelorette party in Paris.

Kim captioned the last photo: "No matter what these girls are always there! #BFFS #OGCrew #ParisNights"

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are reportedly set to get married this weekend in Paris. Metro reports that all of the wedding guests will be getting a private tour of the Palace Of Versailles tonight. The wedding is reportedly scheduled for Saturday.

Are you happy for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West? Do you think we'll see an E! special of the wedding in the near future?

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Nude Crossfit Is A Hoax? NSFW Workout Photos Go Viral

Posted: 23 May 2014 11:56 AM PDT

Dan Evon

Are you tired of wearing restricting clothing during your workouts? Well, if you happen to be in Denmark you can go to Spartan Mentality to do some nude Crossfit.

The Denmark gym is reportedly offering nude Crossfit classes on Sunday nights.

Steffen Andersen Haldrup said: "People are already so scantily clad at CrossFit that we thought we might as well throw the rest away."

Haldrup said that he didn't expect anyone to show up on the first Sunday and that he was surprised when about a dozen people walked through the door. It was such a big hit that he decided to hold a nude Crossfit session every Sunday.

Nude Crossfit Is A Hoax? NSFW Workout Photos Go Viral image nude crossfit

Well, that's the story at least. But according to the Copenhagen Post it's is a little bit of an exaggeration.

Apparently Haldrup made the offer on April Fool's Day. When people actually showed interest in the idea he decided to hold one nude session. After that, however, Haldrup decided that it was a little too much and cancelled nude crossfit.

Haldrup said: "It started out as an April Fool's joke that got too much attention … We then actually decided to start up the nude sessions, but in the end there was too much media focus on us. It all got a little too comical and we changed our minds. I have no idea how the story went viral."

I think I may no why the story went viral… pictures.

Nude Crossfit Is A Hoax? NSFW Workout Photos Go Viral image nude crossfit 2

The nude Crossfit sessions may have been a joke but this Denmark gym apparently found a few willing participants. Which begs the question: Would you want to go to a nude gym?

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vendredi 23 mai 2014



Teaching Sells: How to Gain Trust and the Sale by Teaching

Posted: 23 May 2014 03:00 AM PDT

Michael Stelzner

Are you looking for a way to grow your influence while making more sales?

Do you ever wonder if teaching is right for your business?

To learn how you can sell with teaching, I interview John Jantsch for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast.

More About This Show

Social Media Marketing Podcast w/ Michael Stelzner

The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.

It's designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting).

In this episode, I interview John Jantsch, who's written four books, including Duct Tape Marketing. His newest book is Duct Tape Selling. John helps small- and mid-sized businesses enhance their sales and marketing efforts.

John shares how teaching and sales connect.

You'll discover different ways to teach, businesses that do it well and the value of newsletter content.

Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below!

Listen Now

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Here are some of the things you'll discover in this show:

Teaching Sells

How John got into sales

John explains that he was exposed to sales at a very young age, when his dad was a representative for a traditional manufacturer. Not only was he exposed to it as a profession, but John's dad was also a great mentor to him.

His dad always obsessed about trying to deliver value to his customers and to make sure he kept his word.

meeting the big boss

Deliver the most value. Image source: iStockphoto

The way people sell today has changed because of all of the different tools that are available. Back then, people knew what they wanted to buy, but now it's something different.

Listen to the show to find out what John's first job was when he left college.

How teaching and selling connect

First of all, you don't want to be pushy with your product. Most people are turned off by this and build a wall straight away, even if they're interested.

Instead, you need to tell stories, share examples of other people's success and start to paint a picture of how you can solve the customer's problem. John feels that with this approach, the trust barrier is removed. It's a great way for other people to relate to you as someone who delivers value, without the exchange of money.

Some of the best ways to attract people to you is to teach through workshops, seminars or articles. A lot of people want to be taught and led by someone else. When you develop a reputation for being someone who can teach people, then you get invited to places where you have the opportunity to sell.

john jantsch youtube video

One of the ways that John teaches is through video.

A lot of people still believe that if you give too much away, you won't be hired. However, from John's experience (and mine), it's the total opposite. The more you give and demonstrate your expertise for free, the more likely you are to attract that ideal customer. People see you as someone who is willing to give before they ask.

Listen to the show to discover the percentage of business that John receives from people who are not customers or he doesn't have direct interaction with.

An example of a business that is winning by teaching

One of the first companies that comes to mind is HubSpot, which makes a profit from teaching. They produce great ebooks and run live webinars with different experts.

hubspot library

HubSpot boasts a huge library of educational content.

Another company that John personally uses is REI, which sells quality outdoor gear. They do a tremendous amount of teaching on their website. The information they provide supports the products they sell. It's great for the outdoor enthusiast who wants to be part of that community, as well as buy a product from them.

rei expert advice

REI has amazing advice from experts on their website.

You'll hear a great example of how a small software company stood out from their competitors in the way they market their product and why John believes it's the key to success.

Listen to the show to hear other examples of companies and individuals who sell through teaching.

What is the "Total Content System"?

John explains that the Total Content System concept is built around the fact that you can't just decide to write a blog post about something. It doesn't scale if you want to take the idea of content as a strategic part of your business or marketing.

duct tape selling covers

John describes in detail the Total Content System concept in his new book, Duct Tape Selling.

The idea is that there are probably about 8 or 10 themes that make up the bulk of what your business should write about. These include keywords and phrases that potential clients look for, which are key industry terms.


Think of keywords and phrases that potential clients would search for within your industry.

Once you sit down and figure out what your themes are, you can incorporate them into your editorial calendar well in advance. This allows you to focus on the important things that you should write about.

This framework allows you to recruit people for guest posts, think about a group of posts that you could turn into an ebook or even guests you might want to schedule for a future podcast episode.

If you want to build an asset with content and teaching in terms of consistency and longevity, you can keep coming back to the same themes to use in different ways. These themes marry the editorial calendar with search engine optimization.

You'll discover how John tests the water with new ideas he has for content, and what he does with the feedback he receives.

Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger, is a great example of someone who does an amazing job at teaching and selling. One of the first courses of his I completed was Teaching Sells.

teaching sells copyblogger

Brian did a great job with his course, Teaching Sells.

More recently he has used the New Rainmaker podcast to teach people how to market, and how the world of marketing is changing. You'll hear how Brian understands the idea of integration as well as anyone.

Listen to the show to find out what other platforms Brian uses to make sure all of his content works together.

How to decide what to teach

One of the mistakes that John sees is people who just write any kind of blog content. No matter where you write, you need to understand that the purpose of the content is to teach. It's to guide people down a logical path. Some of the content you'll write will be just to create awareness.

Next you have to intentionally create content that builds trust. This can be with case studies, examples of success or fan reviews.

duct tape marketing review

Include fan reviews within the content you create.

Once you have moved people down this path, you then must have content that lets them know how it will work for them. They are now at a place where they might consider you. So you have to figure out what this will look like.

You really need to make sure that you have content that really engages with your community and customers, which also allows them to create and participate.

Last but not least, you must have content specifically designed to 1) convert and 2) create referrals.

Listen to the show to hear how we use content at Social Media Examiner to get people onto our email newsletter list.

The value of newsletters and content

One of the ways that you can easily lose subscribers from your email newsletter is if your first message to them is a sales pitch. However, once you deliver a lot of value and have provided different kinds of content, you get to a point where you have earned the right to mention your product within the newsletter.

When people find your content through search, you need to make sure that you include an opportunity for them to never miss another article. This is when they decide to give you their email address, and will end up on your newsletter list. They can then start to hear from you on a daily or weekly basis.

subscribe duct tape marketing

Make sure you include an option for someone to receive all of your future articles.

You'll hear how you can use the newsletter to continually educate and give value. John explains the kinds of things he includes in his newsletter and how it builds loyalty.

Your email newsletter list is the most valuable asset you own. Once you have it, you need to continue to experiment with the formats to keep people engaged.

There is no single way to do this. You'll find out what approach Michael Port—who is an author, speaker and small business marketing consultant—uses in his email newsletter.

Remember that the people who sign up to your newsletter are your most loyal fans. They give you permission to communicate with them on a regular basis. The amount of investment in your newsletter should be greater than in your original content.

Listen to the show to find out how Chris Brogan has taken a different approach with his newsletter, which helps him stand out in the inbox.

How to know if your content is contributing to the sale

John says that you need to be very good at measurement and have clear objectives. One of his favorite metrics is the percentage of leads converted. This is a metric that very few people actually measure.

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To know if the content you create is contributing to your sales, you need to be very good at measurement. Image source: iStockphoto

Everybody gets really excited about generating traffic. The metric that actually makes the most money is conversions. If you can establish a baseline of 1, 2 or 3% at conversion, then you can go to work on tweaking all of the things that lead to that. These include the content, process and touch points.

If you want to make the most profit possible, then you need to be scientific about it. Both HubSpot and Marketo allow you to track everything.

At the end of the day, it's not just about the sale. You need to get the right sale. The great thing about teaching to sell is that when people come, they are ready to buy.

buy now

Teaching to sell gets people ready to buy. Image source: iStockphoto

You'll hear how we use ad track URLs with 1ShoppingCart at Social Media Examiner, and how our Social Media Marketing Industry Report helps us with deep analysis.

john jantsch podcast

Check out the full podcast episode with John Jantsch.

Listen to the show to discover what Marcus Sheridan of The Sales Lion expects a potential client to do before he takes them on.

Other Show Mentions

In May I will be starting a brand-new podcast called Parenting Adventures. It's part of our My Kids' Adventures property. Although it's not all ready yet, I know it's going to be awesome.

The kinds of topics that we'll cover include how to do great outdoor adventures with your kids and how to get your kids weaned off of their digital addictions. I'm really excited about this initiative, and look forward to sharing it with you.

You'll learn more about it in future episodes.

Call in and leave your social media–related questions for us and we may include them in a future show.

Key takeaways mentioned in this episode:

Ways to subscribe to the Social Media Marketing podcast:

What do you think? What are your thoughts on selling with teaching? Please leave your comments below.

Images from iStockPhoto.

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#DrumOff: Will Ferrell vs Chad Smith On “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” (Video)

Posted: 22 May 2014 10:56 PM PDT

Erica Abbott

#DrumOff: Will Ferrell vs Chad Smith On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (Video) image drumoff 300x168

But why do they look so similar?! Will Farrell and Chad Smith engaged in a drum-off on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” Thursday night. Not only was the battle pretty great but it also had some people doing a double take.

Both Ferrell and Smith were wearing the exact same outfits so who can blame people for getting confused? The battle between comedian and Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer ensued. Ferrell dished out a fair share of “trash talk” as well.

They were each battling it out for charity–Ferrell for Cancer for College and Smith for Little Kids Rock. At the end of the performance, Red Hot Chili Peppers came out for a surprise performance of “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” Fallon then awarded the 2014 drum-off trophy and title of “greatest drummer” to Ferrell. Smith tweeted later, “I think it’s clear who won.”

All in all, it was a pretty hilarious battle.

Yeah, I’d say the evening was successful.

Did you enjoy the drum-off battle?

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How to Build your Social Media Following

Posted: 22 May 2014 07:16 PM PDT

Sheridan Gaenger

"If people like you, they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you." Zig Ziglar

Social Business, Social Networking and Social Selling means we have all become our own brand.  Ultimately a Brand is defined by interactions and we need to manage and nurture ours by delivering value through these interactions. Commenting on a Post, re-Tweeting, or sharing content will define your relationship with your networks and grow your social media following.

When you share interesting content, you are establishing yourself as a thought leader. Staying in touch with your networks will drive them to engage with you directly when the time is right.  You don't need to be constantly "selling" – just stay active and engaged.


Facebook is a hub for businesses and people to interact in new ways.  Post content that invites discussion and keep the tone conversational. Sharing a piece that is educational or challenging is a great start.  As you grow in confidence, mix up the content to drive a variety of conversations. This will keep a more diverse group actively engaged with you.


Twitter is great for personal brand-building. Adding to the stream of thoughts, statements, pictures and suggestions rapidly increases the diversity of your followers. Follow thought leaders who are consistently sharing quality content and have large followings.  Mimicking their behavior will help you develop your online presence. The more active you are on Twitter, the quicker you will establish credibility and a large following.


LinkedIn is more than a jobs site. It's where people go for advice and to engage with their professional network. Interact with other professionals, catch up on trends, company culture and best practices. Share, participate in groups, and grow your connections.

If you're interested in building your personal brand, will help you use social media more effectively.

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Do You Think You Know How Social Media is Used?

Posted: 22 May 2014 04:58 PM PDT

Martina Mercer

Facebook now has over one billion registered users. That’s about 15% of the population of the planet. LinkedIn has over 200 million registered members. Twitter has 175 million accounts. Even taking into consideration that there is likely to be a significant difference between the number of people registered on these sites and the number of active users, the sheer scale of the potential audience which can be reached through social networks is enough to make them both coveted and feared by companies and their employees. The simple reality is that using social networks effectively is crucial to professional success in today’s online world and getting it wrong can be disastrous.

The Fundamental Rule Of Social Networking For Professionals

When using social networking for personal messages, work on the assumption that any and all content can and will be repeated. In other words, even if you have the highest possible privacy settings, refrain from making public any information which could possibly reflect badly on your employer or create a negative impression of yourself if viewed by someone who didn’t know you. This may seem like paranoia, particularly if you restrict your network to people you actually do know, in reality, it is a reasonable precaution. Everything on social media is already in electronic format, which makes it only too easy for someone to forward content by accident or in total innocence, which is the first step in information going viral.

Using Facebook Effectively

Facebook may have started out as a hangout for U.S. teenagers with time on their hands, but it’s now used by people of all ages, nationalities and languages. It’s also home to many company pages as businesses seek to connect with their customers, so understanding its dynamics is a very attractive employment skill. The truth is that managing effective Facebook pages is actually fairly straightforward for anyone who works in PR or any related area. The challenge is to get people to the page in the first place. Ironically, the best way to achieve this is through old-fashioned techniques. Get employees to like the pages and incentivize them to get their friends to like them. This can often be easily achieved by offering small prizes to the employees and running a competition on the site (so that employees can feel that there’s something valuable for their friends). Likewise, you might wish to think about running an offline publicity event, which could be anything from having people out in the street (in costume or otherwise) to hosting a charity dinner. Once people start visiting a page, appealing content will keep them there and encourage them to bring their friends.

Using Linkedin Effectively

Linkedin is a tool for professionals to connect with other professionals, which is why it has a much smaller user base than Facebook. It also requires a somewhat different approach. While Facebook is ultimately a place for fun, LinkedIn is a place for useful information. This information needs to be kept current to be useful, so, unlike Facebook, it matters if you let your profile go out of date. LinkedIn is a place where you need to keep active and give value to get value. Status updates are fine, but meatier content is better. Use LinkedIn to direct people to a blog and/or Slideshare. Join some groups and answer some questions. In short, make yourself useful. It’s fine to include discrete plugs in your content, just keep them discreet.

Using Twitter Effectively

Of all the social networks, Twitter is (or should be) the easiest to manage. Twitter is essentially the place for short and sweet updates, which need to be broadcast to a lot of people very quickly. Use it for service updates, urgent news, quick-fire competitions and to direct people to information on other sites (e.g. job pages on company websites). Using Twitter effectively means sending coherent messages in one Tweet. Anything which needs more than 140 characters needs to go elsewhere.

I developed this article after chatting with the MD of VisualSoft eCommerce about the changing roles of social media in branding and digital marketing.

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Dad And Daughter Duo Lip Sync Iggy Azalea’s “Fancy” (Video)

Posted: 22 May 2014 04:56 PM PDT

Amanda Peterlin

Parenting done right. You already know.

A YouTube video posted on April 22 of this year went viral recently and it's due to Iggy Azalea's smash single "Fancy" becoming the hit of the summer and because the anti-Disney's Frozen people are starting to voice their opinion. And probably because everyone loves a good viral-worthy father daughter bonding moment.

Grossing over 774,941 views, this video will continue to gain popularity just like "Fancy" has been taking over your radios and mp3 players in the past few weeks. The YouTube user boytoyjesse21 has a multitude of different videos on his channel. Real name, Jesse Lozano, a radio personality at KIIS FM in San Diego.

This video became so popular that Iggy Azalea even posted the link on her official Facebook page. The Australian rapper asked her followers to create their own lip dub with the hashtag #imsofancy so she can watch them all.

Personally, I'm just glad someone decided AGAINST Frozen. Seriously.

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8 Questions To Ask When Setting Up Your Brand’s Social Media Strategy

Posted: 22 May 2014 03:06 PM PDT

Rocket Post

So you run a brand and you've decided to dive into the world of social media. Before you hop in that rocket ship straight for Facebook and Twitterland, and start sharing things all willy nilly, consider the effects a calculated social media marketing strategy will have on your efforts. Like any business decision, it's important to have a clear flight path that outlines the who, what, where, when, why and hows. Social media is no different!

8 Questions To Ask When Setting Up Your Brands Social Media Strategy image 151333002 600x398

Ask yourself these questions before planning out your social media marketing strategy.

  1. Who is my audience?    In order to even begin to put a strategy together, it's essentially important to have a target audience in mind.  Males, schoolteachers, or children are not specific enough of a focus. Generally, there are 3 major things you should identify when defining an audience: demographics, interests and needs. If you can point out the exact demographics of your target audience, understand their interests, motivations, but especially their needs, you will be able to reach their beloved news feeds.
  2. Which platform is my target audience on?   Before you can share content with your newly found audience, you need to know where it is that they are sharing and receiving content. Platforms such as Instagram and Twitter are extremely common, and are considered a "must" for brands to participate on. Now, however, these social networks are becoming more defined and their user base is becoming more and more unique with different ways to engage with them. Not all brands belong on Facebook, and attempting to build an audience on there could be a waste of dollars. Instead of being on absolutely all the platforms, do the research on who is using which networks, and post accordingly.
  3. What are my short vs. long term goals?   Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your brand's social media presence. (Unless you commit a social sin and buy some fake followers!)  Clear short and long-term goals should be a foundational first step. Short-term goals should be measurable things such as "get 10 new followers each week for the month of May" or "increase Facebook engagement by 50% in a month." Whereas long-term goals are more about positioning: host a Twitter forum, or to secure 25% more new business deals via Twitter. You'll want to make sure that you are continually evaluating your short vs. long-term goals, and adjusting them as you go.
  4. What is my budget?   Sharing content on Pinterest and Facebook may be free, but extending the reach of your message through advertising will take a few dollars, research, and time. Identify a reasonable budget before you start planning a social media strategy to help better visualize where paid ads will be and exactly what they will look like.
  5. What are my competitors doing?   Peeping out what strategy your competition is utilizing is a must. A brand can learn a lot about the playing field simply by observing what the industry's top 3 competitors are doing. Take note of which networks they are on, what type of content they're sharing, and how their fans are interacting with them. Is there anything you can duplicate, or possibly do better? What isn't working for them? Take much needed time to scope out competitors' social media strategy, and then move in for the kill!
  6. What types of content do I need to create, according to the platforms?   The component of a brand's social media strategy that will set it apart from others is the original and creative content. This can be in the form of a blog, YouTube videos, photos for Facebook and Instagram or how-to's for Pinterest. While you're creating content and planning your social strategy, take into account that some content works better on certain networks than others. For example, the Facebook algorithm prefers images to links, so sharing high quality photography on Facebook makes sense. A network like LinkedIn however, is better suited for industry news, brand stories and thought pieces, as opposed to stunning visuals. Align your content with the proper networks to have the most effectiveness!
  7. What types of content should I be curating and sharing?   Another part of a social media strategy involves curating content from other sources to share with your network. This content should be highly informational and useful to your target audience. You should also always provide your own take on the piece in conjunction with sharing the link itself. Let your followers know what you think about the content and add to the conversation. You might be surprised at the engagement you receive!
  8. How will I engage with the target audience?   Social media is less about the followers and more about the engagements. That's why determining how you will actively engage with the followers you've amassed is extremely important. Instead of outright asking for likes or retweets, ask your followers to share their own stories with you or to submit photos to a hashtag. To get your followers to engage with you, you must present them with a good reason why they should. Provide an incentive like new information, exclusive content, or even a social media shout out. Think of social media as a two-way street between you and your followers, and your social media marketing strategy will grow and thrive!

Utilizing social media should be part of every business plan, but it should also be done right. Take the time to plan your social media marketing effort so that the time you spend in the future isn't wasted. Get to know your audience and predict what they will want to learn more about based on your interactions with them and what's currently happening in your industry. Just be sure to keep evolving your social media strategy as your influence and audience grows!

What one recommendation do you have for someone creating their first social media marketing strategy? Share your thoughts or Tweet us!

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Blog for Your Actual Readers, Not Your “Wish List” Readers

Posted: 22 May 2014 01:30 PM PDT

Sarah Love

Blog for Your Actual Readers, Not Your “Wish List” Readers image photo4Earlier this week, I attended a Pub Club panel event, The Evolving Relationship of Brands and Bloggers: What It Means for Your Content Strategy, which shed light on how blogging (and bloggers) can support a brand's goals or mission.

The panelists, which included a mommy blogger, agency employees and a corporate blogger, discussed a number of topics related to blogging, from creating relationships with influential voices online to writing meaningful content for your own corporate site.

Writing for Readers

Dave Charest, senior manager of content and social media marketing at Constant Contact, gave some particularly important advice for brands that want to gain readership on their own blog.

As the manager of Constant Contact's blog, his job is to increase readership and thereby tap into new markets, get potential customers to start a trial and build thought leadership and market recognition for Constant Contact.

To do that, he knew he had to offer content that addressed the questions that these kinds of people were already searching for answers to.

People who use Constant Contact are interested in doing more effective email marketing. To capitalize on this popular search and to address this market need, Dave created a lot of content about email marketing. Then, he looked at who was reading those posts – were they business owners? Entry level employees? Which business sectors or departments were they coming from?

Based on that information, Dave was able to tweak his content to even better match the curiosities and questions of the people who were coming to Constant Contact's blog.

This is an important point, and one that many brands don't necessarily think of or act on. You can write as many blog posts for your ideal customer segment as you want, but they aren't necessarily the majority of readers!

Think about what the people who are actually coming to your site care about – are they job seekers who want to learn about that industry, or are they working professionals who need tactical advice? Are they only based locally in your country, or do you have an international audience? Seeking the answers to these sorts of questions will help refine and adjust your blog content, and eventually grow your audience of new readers as well as frequent readers.

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Disney’s First Trailer For ‘Big Hero 6′ Introduces Its Plushy New Character

Posted: 22 May 2014 01:04 PM PDT

Rachel Consoli

When thinking of a robot movie one doesn't typically imagine this squishy creature who looks like a mix between the snowman monster from Ghostbusters and the adipose from Doctor Who. However Disney delights again with it's virtually silent, new official trailer release of their upcoming movie Big Hero 6. The idea is loosely based off of a virtually unknown comic book series of the same title, but it's really the stylistic ideas of manga gone Disney.

Disney has excelled in the past with turning seemingly boring and regular objects into unforgettable characters we fall in love with (i.e. Wall-E, Finding Nemo, Toy Story) and by the adorable squishy sounds and the cute, blank face of this plushy robot, it's clear this movie will be no exception. The movies centers around a robotics prodigy named Hiro Hamada living in the fictional, high-tech city of San Fransokyo, AKA San Francisco meets Tokyo. The adorable robot in this movie is named Baymax and it's assumed these characters are the two beginnings of an inevitable crime-fighting team of 6. With later trailers the other members of this team will most likely be revealed along the way.

Disneys First Trailer For Big Hero 6 Introduces Its Plushy New Character image dsymdd3fnx4v6cylwfnt8

Baymax, robot character in Disney’s Big Hero 6

With the voice talents of Josh Hutcherson, Samuel L Jackson, Freddie Highmore, and Maya Rudolph (just to name a few), this movie is bound to be extremely interesting to say the least. The movie will be released on November 7th, 2014. Disney never fails to impress with their creative takes on popular concepts and if this trailer is any indication this movie is going to be insanely adorable with a marshmallow-y robot that's already starting to work it's way into our hearts.

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Watch This Kid Destroy At His High School Talent Show By Dancing To Michael Jackson

Posted: 22 May 2014 12:56 PM PDT

Ian DeMartino

High school talent shows are generally insufferable. Even when I was in high school, I found myself ditching class so I could avoid the inevitable boredom. But, I might have stuck around if this kid went to my school.

The video, which has gone viral and is trending on Facebook, starts out as a highlight reel of the talent show's performers. The first acts are shown only for a few seconds each and consist of the kind of things you would expect from a High School talent show: dudes doing bad rap performances, girls doing competent singing performances, a break dancing group and a few bands that hopefully only sound that bad because of the recording equipment.

Then, a scrawny, tall kid takes the stage wearing Michael Jackson's outfit from the Billy Jean video.

This kid KILLS it. His performance is a spot on imitation of Michael Jackson's pre-meltdown performance, moonwalk and all. Luckily, whoever edited the video for the school was smart enough to not simply show highlights of the performance like they did for the other kids, but the entire thing.

If that kid was having trouble with the ladies before, this undoubtedly helped, which is probably the first time anyone has said that about a Michael Jackson cover in over two decades.

Since it was posted yesterday, it has already been viewed more than three million times and has been liked over 13,000 times.

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Video Is the Future of Social

Posted: 22 May 2014 12:52 PM PDT

Richard Raddon

This past spring, at the 2013 YouTube Upfronts in New York City, Google vice president Robert Kyncl stood in front of a packed audience of brand marketers and made a seemingly simple, but revelatory, declaration: "TV is one-way. YouTube talks back."

What is happening on YouTube and on places like Vine (which is doubling monthly average users month over month) and Instagram, is something that many of us who study the social Web have known for some time: Video is the future of social.

Why video? Why not text or photos — permanent or ephemeral? Is it simply the combination of sight, sound and motion?

The clues to the answer are all around us. This past week, news of the tragic death of actor Paul Walker sparked tens of thousands of people to reach out on social media to express pain and sadness, and send prayers to his family and friends. For a 48-hour period, Twitter was trending with the news, and Facebook feeds were crowded with thoughts and condolences. As activity on Facebook and Twitter waned, the heartfelt vigils have continued to grow on YouTube, where more than 6,000 tribute videos had been uploaded within 100 hours of the tragedy. These beautiful videos, along with news videos of the tragedy found on YouTube, have touched more than 170 million people. Ultimately, the tribute videos will live forever, and will be added to the vast collection of images from the star's "Fast & Furious" movie franchise, which an audience of more than six million fans enjoy monthly on the platform.

This social media outpouring on YouTube highlights the fact that the shelf life of a Tweet or a Facebook post is now vanishingly small, evidenced by the fact that a Facebook post gets half its reach within 30 minutes of being published. By comparison, more than half of YouTube videos' lifetime views come after three weeks of uploading. Take a look at any popular video from any year, and you'll find recent comments that continue the conversation well into the future.

Yes, Facebook and Twitter are driving some of the extended activity on YouTube videos. As of last year, Facebook is driving more than 500 years of YouTube viewing every day, and on Twitter, more than 700 YouTube videos are shared every minute.

But the fact is that one minute of watching, creating, sharing or commenting on a video is one minute less to engage in other social mediums. Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz, of "Lean Analytics" fame, appropriately deem this concept of the digital world the "attention economy." The power of video lies in the fact that it captures more of our "attention" because of three inherent truths — video is more revealing, more engaging and ultimately more entertaining than any other medium.

More Revealing

Video can be both physically and emotionally revealing. On Nov. 16, this video was uploaded to YouTube to exhibit the power of transformation with Jim Wolf, a homeless veteran. The video showcases a very physical event, but without giving away too much, the payoff at the end of the video reveals a very emotional truth that is difficult to describe with words:

Also, consider the videos of Jason Carpenter, who documented his cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Not only were his doctors able to track his progress physically, but his family was able to stay in touch with Jason's emotional state via his video posts. Again, would any other form of social connectivity be able to reveal as much as this video?

More Engaging and Emotional

A recent Kissmetrics study found that, with an average time of four minutes and 49 seconds spent on YouTube, and 5.13 pages viewed per visit, YouTube outperforms Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for user attention and retention — all due to the power of video. Along those lines, Instagram videos are creating two times more engagement than Instagram photos. Perhaps a new saying should be coined: "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a moving picture is worth much, much more." For instance, what images and feelings come to mind with statements like the Apollo moon landing, Tiananmen Square or the Felix Baumgartner space jump? Video has the unique ability to depict emotion, elicit emotion and allow viewers to act — resulting in social stickiness.

The power of video engagement and sharing can be found in the genesis of the Khan Academy. Saul Khan began with a humble proposition to assist his cousin with her homework. Although his videos had a utilitarian use, they were highly engaging and shareable, which propelled his simple idea into a social and educational powerhouse.

On the other end of the spectrum, the emotional wallop of video is unparalleled, and crosses borders easily. Consider this Thai mobile company's advertisement as an example of such impact:

I defy anyone to watch this video and not feel some type of emotion that will end up lingering well after viewing.

More Entertaining

Much has been written and discussed about the entertainment value of videos on the Internet. It is clearly a subjective issue, but over the last few years, it can't be denied that video has birthed the largest viral entertainment events. Global pop culture moments like "Gangnam Style," "Harlem Shake," "Call Me Maybe," and "What Does the Fox Say?" have all spawned popular parodies, which have all but eclipsed other media and social experiences.

The rise in popularity of video stars and "vloggers" is further proof that a very large audience finds video truly entertaining. Many find this new generation of personalities — think PewDiePie, Jenna Marbles and Ray William Johnson — sophomoric or just plain moronic, but one must consider that the Top 10 YouTube personalities have a combined subscriber base of 103.9 million — more than Netflix and HBO combined. Now that's entertainment.

Ultimately, video is reshaping the social Web, where higher personal investment leads to greater longevity, where authentic content wins and where moving content builds thriving communities.

Now consider yourself, and if you had only one social outlet for your voice. Which would you choose to make your words and emotion count? Would you opt for 140 characters? Maybe a frozen image? Then ask yourself: Do I want to be revealing? Do I want to be engaging? Do I want to be entertaining? Do I want my words to last? If so, if you want to be true and meaningful, there's one option. Only video can lead us into a social Web that's truly social, more human and, yes, that will talk back.

If Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are a part of Social 2.0, then video networks like YouTube aptly will be coined Social 3.0 — in other words, the future.

This piece originally appeared on All Things D.

The post Video Is the Future of Social appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

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