samedi 3 mai 2014



Seth Green Eats His Booger In Conan Interview (Video)

Posted: 02 May 2014 03:22 PM PDT

Amanda Peterlin

Hunger is a terrible feeling. What do you do when you're busy, no refrigerator in sight, or being interviewed on television? Get creative.

Seth Green was a little too comfortable last Wednesday night on Conan, probably forgot thousands of people were watching, and tried to stealthily eat his own booger. I ain't saying he a gold digger. Unfortunately for Seth, bored people with access to the internet is a thing. A Reddit user brought these 8 seconds to world again for a closer look.

The video evidence goes quick so pay attention closely.

  • :05 seconds – target acquired from nose
  • :07 – :08 seconds – small treat caressed between fingers of right hand
  • :11 seconds – green machine passed to left hand for consumption
  • :13 seconds – Nom nom nom

Internet: 1 Seth Green: 0

The interview wasn't that memorable when it first aired, but how the tables have turned. Green ran through some embarrassing #ThrowbackThursday photos, bad outfits, bad hair styles, etc. Who knew the embarrassment would change from old pictures to nose-based snack choices.

Currently trending on Facebook, Seth Green has yet to respond to this hilariously embarrassing discovery. But let us come together and laugh at the irony from his tweet Wednesday night.

Nuts is a weird word for nasally.

The post Seth Green Eats His Booger In Conan Interview (Video) appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

5 LinkedIn Spring Cleaning Tips

Posted: 02 May 2014 02:30 PM PDT

Mark Lerner

5 LinkedIn Spring Cleaning Tips image 6775312856 1f38ed139e z e1398518222600

Flickr @wikidave

Spring is here, pollen is in the air, and it's time to roll up our sleeves and do that big cleaning we've been pushing off all year. This year, along with cleaning out that year's worth of clothing you have never touched, it's time to clean up your LinkedIn profile as well.

LinkedIn, more than any other social network, requires users to have a robust and updated profile at all times. It's incredibly important to go through each section of your profile and make sure that they reflect your current professional description.

Prior to writing this post I was glancing at my own profile, which unfortunately I don't do often enough, and realized how out of date it was. This prompted me to get to work cleaning it up.

Here are a few tips to follow when cleaning up your LinkedIn profile this spring:

Keep it up-to-date

This goes for each section of your LinkedIn profile, this includes your profile picture. Go through each section of your profile and make sure to include any new professional experience, projects or publications that you've contributed to.

Clean it up

There is nothing more embarrassing than a typo, incorrect date or grammatical error on your resume – why should your LinkedIn profile be any different? Take this time to go through every word in your profile to make sure it sounds as professional as possible. Remember, nowadays every potential employer will check your LinkedIn profile before even considering to hire you.

Leverage every section

I'll admit it – there are several sections of my LinkedIn profile that I wasn't utilizing for quite a while.

These include Publications and Projects.

Why wouldn't you want to highlight specific successful initiatives that you have carried out? LinkedIn allows you to include "Projects" for each of the positions you have listed in your profile. Whether it be a campaign you managed, or an infographic you were instrumental in creating, this section is the perfect place to show case your skills.

If you are a content marketer, chances are that you have content published outside your own blog. Make sure to indicate all the publications you have had you content posted in. Whether you are a regular contributor or just a one-time guest poster, or maybe you authored an e-book, this section is the place to highlight your "digital footprint."

Other sections that LinkedIn users often overlook are Patents, Certifications, and Volunteering and Causes.

Add skills

The skills section of your LinkedIn profile serves several purposes. Firstly, it allows you to showcase the variety of skills and talents you have. Secondly, it provides an opportunity for your network to endorse your listed skills. Make sure to be thorough when listing your skills, but don't over sell yourself.

Include links

Your LinkedIn profile is not only a reflection of you; it is a reflection of your company. Since you have put effort into making an attractive profile, it's important to give the reader the chance to click through to your company. Whether it be linking to your blog, company homepage or social channels, make sure to leverage your LinkedIn profile as a marketing tool for your company.

How do you go about cleaning up your LinkedIn profile? Leave your comments below!

The post 5 LinkedIn Spring Cleaning Tips appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have?

Posted: 02 May 2014 02:25 PM PDT

Sourav Saha

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image how many social sharing buttons you should have

When it comes to generate free advertising, social sharing buttons are no doubt one of the best ways to spread the words out via different social media channels. Many internet marketers will suggest you to add social sharing buttons to increase traffic. They might also agree that it will work as an element of social proof but not everyone agrees on how many social sharing buttons you should have.

Though social sharing buttons helps you to generate tons of traffic but it's not always good for user experience.

Each social sharing button uses a piece of JavaScript code to make calls back and forth between the social network's servers and your site. And if you are in WordPress using social sharing plugins then it also needs to load additional JavaScript files from an external source which is from the plugin supplier. So, the more buttons on your page, the more script the page needs to load. Ultimately which leads to longer page load time.

Page load speed should be a major concern for your website or blog because it has a direct effect on user experience and your website's search engine rankings. According to a study by Akamai and Forrester Research, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn't loaded within 3 seconds. Site speed is so important that even Google has included it as a ranking signal back in 2010.

Too Many Options Can Lead To Decision Paralysis

Those who are interested in the psychology of choice tend to reference Sheena Iyengar's 1995 "jam study". The Columbia University professor, Sheena Iyengar set up a free jam tasting booth in California Draeger's supermarket—an upscale grocery store called Wilkin & Sons Jams, known for an extensive product selection — on two consecutive Saturdays.

On one Saturday, she offered 24 flavors of jam, and on the other, 6 were available.

Now can you guess which display jams sold more?

When 24 jams were available, 60% of the customers stopped by, took the taste test and 3% of those bought some. And when 6 jams were available, 40% of the customers stopped by, took the taste test, but surprisingly 30% bought some.

Huge results. While the larger display attracted more people, the smaller display sold more jam. About 6 times more.

So what this test mean to you?

This boils down to one simple thing that "more isn't always better" i.e. more social sharing button doesn't always guarantee you more social shares.

Neil Patel also did a study on social sharing buttons. On his blog Quicksprout he generally has 3 social sharing buttons: Facebook, Twitter & Google+. Now to increase his total number of shares per post he added LinkedIn and Pinterest. But ultimately the additional social sharing buttons decreased overall shares by 29%.

This above case study also shows that your social sharing buttons are like mini calls-to-action; too many choices may confuse your readers into not sharing anything at all.

Content with Zero Social Shares Looks Unpopular

Neil's study mainly focuses on blogs. But what about other websites? Such as landing pages or product pages and so on. So should you put social sharing buttons everywhere?

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image comparison image

A/B Testing with Social Sharing Buttons, a Finland-based hardware eCommerce store also managed to lift up their conversion rate by 11.9% just by removing the social sharing buttons from their product page. Read the full case study by Visual Website Optimizer here.

The above case study focuses on to two main factors:

  • Lack of Social Proof: According to Taloon the total number of shares on most of their product pages were zero. Here the zero or low social shares conveyed distrust about the company and the quality of it's product. It takes two clicks to share a content through sharing buttons and if the page has zero shares then, it's telling visitors the page isn't worth two clicks. That doesn't mean it's no good, but sometimes perception is everything. As Neil Patel says "Social proof isn't always the best proof – you would think that social proof helps boost conversion rates, but it doesn't always work that way,"
  • Distraction from the main goal: Though Taloon was using prominent Call-To-Actions, but it was clear that the social buttons acted as a distraction from the main goal of the page. As Angie Schottmuller says "One Page. One Purpose. Period."

How Pro's Are Using It?

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image no of social shares

Social Sharing Buttons on News Sites and Blogs

We've gone through top 50 news & internet marketing blogs and Facebook, Twitter, Google+ came out to be the most used social sharing buttons followed by LinkedIn. But on the other hand news sites tend to give more genuine options to it's visitors with "Email This" and "Print This" facility. Pinterest, Buffer are most used by blogs.

How Visitors Interacts with The Share Buttons?

Have you ever thought how many people actually click the tweet button in your website/blog? Joshua Benton from the Nieman Journalism Lab ran some numbers to figure out if social sharing buttons do any good to the publishers.

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image tweets coming from tweet button news orgs

Study by Joshua Benton, via Nieman Journalism Lab

On an average, media sites receive over 15% of their tweet mentions from the tweet buttons embedded in their site, which drags a ton of traffic.

TrackMaven have also done some research and found that when it comes to sharing blog posts, the vast majority of social shares come from Facebook and Twitter.

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image social shares by channel

Social Shares by Channel

They have examined nearly 2 billion social shares out of which 38.6% of social shares were on Twitter, and Facebook "likes" was responsible for 33.8%. This data might not surprise you, considering that Facebook and Twitter holds the title of highest user counts – Facebook has 1 billion active users, and Twitter has 560 million.

TrackMaven also found out that readers were more likely to "like" a blog post on Facebook rather than sharing "share" it (It doesn't mean Facebook shares are dead…it is still accountable for a whopping 26.7% social shares).

But even though LinkedIn and Pinterest both are not doing that good in the social sharing game, TrackMaven noticed that these are still important social networks for marketers. With 240 million active users LinkedIn isn't that bad and holds a particular niche audience for the B2B marketers. Although Pinterest was found responsible for only 0.4% of total shares, it's is still a powerful network for consumer and B2B marketers alike – according to a recent report from BizRate, 69% of online consumers who are on Pinterest found an item they've purchased or wanted to purchase compared to only 40% of online consumers who visit Facebook.

So Which Social Share Buttons Should You Include?

If you're not too sure about how many social sharing buttons or which social sharing buttons you should have which will maximize your social sharing. Then first you need to start by diving into your Google Analytics referral traffic and audience demographics data.

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image google analytics referral traffic data

Google Analytics Referral Traffic Data

The Referral traffic data will show you from where are your visitors coming from on a consistent basis (exclude the one-hit wonder outliers). From the demographics data you will come to know which networks are your users playground or where they more likely to be on (more women are on Pinterest, B2B professionals are on LinkedIn, etc.).

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image google analytics audience demographic data

Google Analytics Audience Demographics Data

Now if you see your visitors are coming from a particular network where you're not present or less active then you should be more prominent and active on that network. And if you are already present and rolling in that particular network then you should probably start thinking of doubling your activity. Ultimately you have to be where your readers are and you have to provide them the social sharing buttons which is right for them, without confusing them with too many options which will lead to not sharing at all.

So don't just add whatever's offered to you in the plugin. Choose your buttons wisely. Test, optimize and make sure you make those buttons work for you.

Control How Your Content is Shared

Have you ever been on a site where you clicked the share button and you had to go through all the unrelated images until you find the perfect image associated with the article? Remember that irritating moment and don't let the same happen to your audience. Have complete control over how your content gets shared through Facebook's Open Graph Protocol, Twitter Cards and Pinterest Rich Pins. These Meta tag options let you to control and optimize how your content appears in a user's feed or timeline.

Focus on Button Customization

Another integral part of social media sharing button optimization is to make sure each plugin or button is customized to best fit your site.

Button variables to test might include:

  • Width and height (Default style or Mashable/Upworthy style)
  • Color (Your website theme color or not)
  • Text (Default or "Share of Facebook" etc.)
  • Format or shape (Square, circular, rectangular etc.)
  • Visible share counts / no share counts

Customizing these options can make the social sharing buttons more noticeable or accessible, leading to greater user interaction and more social shares. Here is a helpful guide from Social Media Examiner to customize social share buttons for increased web traffic.

There are plenty of factors that shows how many social interactions your website will get. So, before you make any huge changes to your website/blog, first establish a goal and then test your results.

So, what social media buttons do you use on your website? Which social networks did work well for you? Leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below – would love to hear from you.

The post How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have?

Posted: 02 May 2014 02:25 PM PDT

Sourav Saha

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image how many social sharing buttons you should have

When it comes to generate free advertising, social sharing buttons are no doubt one of the best ways to spread the words out via different social media channels. Many internet marketers will suggest you to add social sharing buttons to increase traffic. They might also agree that it will work as an element of social proof but not everyone agrees on how many social sharing buttons you should have.

Though social sharing buttons helps you to generate tons of traffic but it's not always good for user experience.

Each social sharing button uses a piece of JavaScript code to make calls back and forth between the social network's servers and your site. And if you are in WordPress using social sharing plugins then it also needs to load additional JavaScript files from an external source which is from the plugin supplier. So, the more buttons on your page, the more script the page needs to load. Ultimately which leads to longer page load time.

Page load speed should be a major concern for your website or blog because it has a direct effect on user experience and your website's search engine rankings. According to a study by Akamai and Forrester Research, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn't loaded within 3 seconds. Site speed is so important that even Google has included it as a ranking signal back in 2010.

Too Many Options Can Lead To Decision Paralysis

Those who are interested in the psychology of choice tend to reference Sheena Iyengar's 1995 "jam study". The Columbia University professor, Sheena Iyengar set up a free jam tasting booth in California Draeger's supermarket—an upscale grocery store called Wilkin & Sons Jams, known for an extensive product selection — on two consecutive Saturdays.

On one Saturday, she offered 24 flavors of jam, and on the other, 6 were available.

Now can you guess which display jams sold more?

When 24 jams were available, 60% of the customers stopped by, took the taste test and 3% of those bought some. And when 6 jams were available, 40% of the customers stopped by, took the taste test, but surprisingly 30% bought some.

Huge results. While the larger display attracted more people, the smaller display sold more jam. About 6 times more.

So what this test mean to you?

This boils down to one simple thing that "more isn't always better" i.e. more social sharing button doesn't always guarantee you more social shares.

Neil Patel also did a study on social sharing buttons. On his blog Quicksprout he generally has 3 social sharing buttons: Facebook, Twitter & Google+. Now to increase his total number of shares per post he added LinkedIn and Pinterest. But ultimately the additional social sharing buttons decreased overall shares by 29%.

This above case study also shows that your social sharing buttons are like mini calls-to-action; too many choices may confuse your readers into not sharing anything at all.

Content with Zero Social Shares Looks Unpopular

Neil's study mainly focuses on blogs. But what about other websites? Such as landing pages or product pages and so on. So should you put social sharing buttons everywhere?

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image comparison image

A/B Testing with Social Sharing Buttons, a Finland-based hardware eCommerce store also managed to lift up their conversion rate by 11.9% just by removing the social sharing buttons from their product page. Read the full case study by Visual Website Optimizer here.

The above case study focuses on to two main factors:

  • Lack of Social Proof: According to Taloon the total number of shares on most of their product pages were zero. Here the zero or low social shares conveyed distrust about the company and the quality of it's product. It takes two clicks to share a content through sharing buttons and if the page has zero shares then, it's telling visitors the page isn't worth two clicks. That doesn't mean it's no good, but sometimes perception is everything. As Neil Patel says "Social proof isn't always the best proof – you would think that social proof helps boost conversion rates, but it doesn't always work that way,"
  • Distraction from the main goal: Though Taloon was using prominent Call-To-Actions, but it was clear that the social buttons acted as a distraction from the main goal of the page. As Angie Schottmuller says "One Page. One Purpose. Period."

How Pro's Are Using It?

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image no of social shares

Social Sharing Buttons on News Sites and Blogs

We've gone through top 50 news & internet marketing blogs and Facebook, Twitter, Google+ came out to be the most used social sharing buttons followed by LinkedIn. But on the other hand news sites tend to give more genuine options to it's visitors with "Email This" and "Print This" facility. Pinterest, Buffer are most used by blogs.

How Visitors Interacts with The Share Buttons?

Have you ever thought how many people actually click the tweet button in your website/blog? Joshua Benton from the Nieman Journalism Lab ran some numbers to figure out if social sharing buttons do any good to the publishers.

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image tweets coming from tweet button news orgs

Study by Joshua Benton, via Nieman Journalism Lab

On an average, media sites receive over 15% of their tweet mentions from the tweet buttons embedded in their site, which drags a ton of traffic.

TrackMaven have also done some research and found that when it comes to sharing blog posts, the vast majority of social shares come from Facebook and Twitter.

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image social shares by channel

Social Shares by Channel

They have examined nearly 2 billion social shares out of which 38.6% of social shares were on Twitter, and Facebook "likes" was responsible for 33.8%. This data might not surprise you, considering that Facebook and Twitter holds the title of highest user counts – Facebook has 1 billion active users, and Twitter has 560 million.

TrackMaven also found out that readers were more likely to "like" a blog post on Facebook rather than sharing "share" it (It doesn't mean Facebook shares are dead…it is still accountable for a whopping 26.7% social shares).

But even though LinkedIn and Pinterest both are not doing that good in the social sharing game, TrackMaven noticed that these are still important social networks for marketers. With 240 million active users LinkedIn isn't that bad and holds a particular niche audience for the B2B marketers. Although Pinterest was found responsible for only 0.4% of total shares, it's is still a powerful network for consumer and B2B marketers alike – according to a recent report from BizRate, 69% of online consumers who are on Pinterest found an item they've purchased or wanted to purchase compared to only 40% of online consumers who visit Facebook.

So Which Social Share Buttons Should You Include?

If you're not too sure about how many social sharing buttons or which social sharing buttons you should have which will maximize your social sharing. Then first you need to start by diving into your Google Analytics referral traffic and audience demographics data.

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image google analytics referral traffic data

Google Analytics Referral Traffic Data

The Referral traffic data will show you from where are your visitors coming from on a consistent basis (exclude the one-hit wonder outliers). From the demographics data you will come to know which networks are your users playground or where they more likely to be on (more women are on Pinterest, B2B professionals are on LinkedIn, etc.).

How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? image google analytics audience demographic data

Google Analytics Audience Demographics Data

Now if you see your visitors are coming from a particular network where you're not present or less active then you should be more prominent and active on that network. And if you are already present and rolling in that particular network then you should probably start thinking of doubling your activity. Ultimately you have to be where your readers are and you have to provide them the social sharing buttons which is right for them, without confusing them with too many options which will lead to not sharing at all.

So don't just add whatever's offered to you in the plugin. Choose your buttons wisely. Test, optimize and make sure you make those buttons work for you.

Control How Your Content is Shared

Have you ever been on a site where you clicked the share button and you had to go through all the unrelated images until you find the perfect image associated with the article? Remember that irritating moment and don't let the same happen to your audience. Have complete control over how your content gets shared through Facebook's Open Graph Protocol, Twitter Cards and Pinterest Rich Pins. These Meta tag options let you to control and optimize how your content appears in a user's feed or timeline.

Focus on Button Customization

Another integral part of social media sharing button optimization is to make sure each plugin or button is customized to best fit your site.

Button variables to test might include:

  • Width and height (Default style or Mashable/Upworthy style)
  • Color (Your website theme color or not)
  • Text (Default or "Share of Facebook" etc.)
  • Format or shape (Square, circular, rectangular etc.)
  • Visible share counts / no share counts

Customizing these options can make the social sharing buttons more noticeable or accessible, leading to greater user interaction and more social shares. Here is a helpful guide from Social Media Examiner to customize social share buttons for increased web traffic.

There are plenty of factors that shows how many social interactions your website will get. So, before you make any huge changes to your website/blog, first establish a goal and then test your results.

So, what social media buttons do you use on your website? Which social networks did work well for you? Leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below – would love to hear from you.

The post How Many Social Sharing Buttons You Should Have? appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

New Michael Jackson Song “Love Never Felt So Good” Hits The Internet (Video)

Posted: 02 May 2014 12:02 PM PDT

Amanda Peterlin

The first single from Michael Jackson's album Xscape has been released called "Love Never Felt So Good." The song premiered last night on the iHeartRadio Awards on NBC to a killer choreographed routine performed by Usher.

Xscape's label, Epic Records, said the song has "a magic combination of the new and the original production that retains the track's analog, early 80s feel, while also sounding right at home with the disco-soul inflected music of today."

"Love Never Felt So Good" was originally recorded 31 years ago. Paul Anka helped produce and record the song back in 1983. The entire album has been curated and produced by Epic Records Chairman and CEO L.A. Reid. He, with the help of others, is responsible for its sound while retaining Jackson's essence and sincerity.

"It's a process Reid calls "contemporizing." The list of producers include global hitmakers Timbaland, Rodney Jerkins, Stargate, and John McClain." [YouTube description]

The King of Pop's single was uploaded to YouTube yesterday already getting 300,000+ views, with 14,000+ thumbs up and just over 100 thumbs down. Michael Jackson is currently trending on Facebook and Twitter receiving a lot of traffic about the premiere and his album release on May 13.

The post New Michael Jackson Song "Love Never Felt So Good" Hits The Internet (Video) appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

New Settings for the Endorsement Section on LinkedIn

Posted: 02 May 2014 12:00 PM PDT

Colleen McKenna


There is no single section that stirs up more conversation on LinkedIn than the Endorsement Section.

So, imagine how excited I was to see you can now manage your Endorsements. Let's take a look.

Log-in to LinkedIn > Profile > Edit Profile and scroll down to the Endorsement Section. Here's what you will see:

New Settings for the Endorsement Section on LinkedIn image Screen Shot 2014 05 02 at 10.04.28 AM1

Click on Edit (top right corner) and you will now see the NEW Skills and Endorsements Settings. You can decide whether you want to be endorsed, receive emails etc. Take a minute and decide what works best for you. Remember you can come in at any time and adjust if you need to or your strategy changes. Keep reading, there's more good news.

Notice to the right Notify your network. You can choose Yes or No. The green checkmark means yes and if you click the down arrow next to the green checkmark, it will change it to no. Test this. This is another finally. I've been waiting for LinkedIn to give this control to each of us. It's important. By the way, I am not guaranteeing it's a 100% full proof, note, that's why I said test it.

New Settings for the Endorsement Section on LinkedIn image Screen Shot 2014 05 02 at 10.05.50 AM1

I'm also glad to see we can reorder our Skills based on how we want them ordered. LinkedIn was ordering them based on the number of Endorsements you had for a particular skill. Now, we can reorder them so they make sense to us. For the longest time Social Media Marketing was my top skill. I do not consider that my top skill and now I can change it up. I want that control on my own Profile, don't you?

New Settings for the Endorsement Section on LinkedIn image Screen Shot 2014 05 02 at 10.25.01 AM

And, finally, need even more control? Do you have someone who has endorsed you but you're not comfortable with them endorsing you or having their photo displaying on your profile? No worries, click Manage Endorsements and uncheck them.

New Settings for the Endorsement Section on LinkedIn image Screen Shot 2014 05 02 at 10.26.05 AM

How's that for a tip? Pretty good stuff, eh? Check back, there are more to follow. Don't forget to check out our other posts, we're always talking about LinkedIn.

The post New Settings for the Endorsement Section on LinkedIn appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Why You Should Have A Business Blog

Posted: 02 May 2014 11:41 AM PDT

Laura Hogan

Why You Should Have A Business Blog image blogging for business lightBlogging for business is such a jargon phrase, but honestly blogging is the most important inbound marketing tool to be utilizing for your business. Let's dig in and find out why!

Why You Should Have A Business Blog image first blogging for business

First, business blogging helps you in respect to search engine optimization (SEO). The more blog posts you publish, the more indexed pages you create for search engines to display in their results.

In other words, business blogging helps you rank in search engines and get found when people search for industry-specific products or services. Thus, the blog enables you to attract organic traffic and familiarize people with your business.

Frequency Matters

In this framework, frequency of publishing blog posts matters a lot. Research has shown that businesses that blog 16 to 20 times per month get over two times more traffic than those that blog fewer than four times per month.

Optimize Your Posts

The other essential element of attracting more traffic through organic search is optimizing your blog posts. Make sure your blog titles incorporate industry keywords that people enter in search engines as they conduct research.

The Keyword Post

What is the most important search engine keyword that you have not yet blogged about? Take that keyword, and write a blog post about it. Blogging is a great tool for driving search engine traffic. Take advantage of it!

Why You Should Have A Business Blog image second business for blogging

Second, your blog is an asset that positions you as a thought leader. So if you have some industry-specific information to share, a blog will help you earn people's trust and stay top-of-mind for many in your community.

Be A Problem Solver

Name the biggest problem your customers have. With that problem in mind, write a detailed blog post that provides practical and non-product focused solutions. Solve your customers' problems with content.

Build Thought Leadership

Use your blog as a platform to showcase your expertise on a given subject. Inject your knowledge of the industry into your blog posts, and make a clear distinction between your brand and your competition.

Why You Should Have A Business Blog image blogging for business statThe Keyword Post

What is the most important search engine keyword that you have not yet blogged about? Take that keyword, and write a blog post about it. Blogging is a great tool for driving search engine traffic. Take advantage of it!

Earn People's Trust

HubSpot asked respondents how much blogs affected their purchasing decisions. How often does one proceed to a purchase decision with blogging research? 71% of respondents said that blogs affect their purchasing decisions either somewhat or very much.

Why You Should Have A Business Blog image third blogging for business

Third, a blog gives you valuable real estate to place calls-to-action in order to generate leads. At this stage of the game, you are trying to retain your blog readers and engage them further with your website and your content. So you might ask them to attend your webinar or download a free guide that you have. Calls-to-action introduce your prospects into the buying process and start qualifying them.

CTA's In Sidebar

Third, a blog gives you valuable real estate to place calls-to-action in order to generate leads. At this stage of the game, you are trying to retain your blog readers and engage them further with your website and your content. So you might ask them to attend your webinar or download a free guide that you have. Calls-to-action introduce your prospects into the buying process and start qualifying them.

CTA's In Blog Posts

You can place calls-to-action within the blog post itself, at the beginning, middle or end of the article. Also, don't forget to create contextual calls-to-action, by hyperlinking keywords to appropriate offers that you have.

Make Blog CTAs Contextual

Make sure you are matching the content you have written to the offer you want to highlight. In that way, you create a seamless connection between the two and cater to the reader who is ready to learn more about the topic. This is a very natural way of gauging interest and capturing leads. The contextual call-to-action is going to be much more appealing and have a much higher click-through rate to the subsequent landing page.

Why You Should Have A Business Blog image c07153cc 93d6 4834 aee5 e4c5f6a14d4a

The post Why You Should Have A Business Blog appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

What the Strange Popularity of Cats on the Web Can Tell You About Social Media

Posted: 02 May 2014 10:56 AM PDT

Mickie E Kennedy

Cats. The Internet collectively adores them. From LOLcats to Grumpy Cat to videos of cats falling over, getting dressed up, or sitting funny, it's hard to go anywhere without running into a handful of them. At first the cat phenomenon was a bit of a joke, but now it seems that cats are here to stay in the web's collective heart.

What the Strange Popularity of Cats on the Web Can Tell You About Social Media image cat tongueSo how did this get started? Who knows. Whether it was the popularity of LOLcats so many years ago or some other random thing has likely been lost to time. What's interesting to me more than history is what you can learn from this strange universal acceptance of felines.

Yes, it sounds strange, but there are some things you can take away from a group of people who think adorable kittens are the bee's knees. Here are a few examples.

People are Random and Cannot Be Predicted

This has to be the #1 thing to learn from this ongoing love affair of cats the Internet has. Just when you think you can predict how people will act and what they like, they switch it up on you. Suddenly you're left with a bunch of product you just KNEW were going to sell but for whatever reason were a total dud.

Once in a while you see a meme like LOLcats or whatever pop up and take the web by storm. Sometimes it's even a different animal like the Dramatic Gopher. Was there a huge rash of gopher copycats after that video? No. Everyone went back to cats after getting tired of the gopher.

But Sometimes You Can Predict Them

There is something to be said about customer loyalty – those same millions upon millions of people on the web go back to their funny cats time and time again. There are funny diversions like the Gopher, but once they're done, they search on YouTube for silly cat videos just like before.

Once people latch onto something with both hands, try to do everything in your power to keep them there. If the kitty popularity on the web proves anything, it's that sometimes people really will hold onto something no matter what. If they love it, it's in their heart for good.

People Like Silly Things

One reason the cat videos, pictures, and other media are so popular is because they're silly, light-hearted, and often adorable. When you're watching a cat video, you don't feel the weight of the world or think about all the bills you have due or the work assignments that just came across your desk. You're thinking how great life is because this kitten meowed funny.

Want to bring customers into your inner circle? Then make them feel this way. Try to think of a campaign that centers around making people feel good – to help them forget their problems for a little while. If you can do that, and make them feel happy like the meowing kitten, then they will be back for more, guaranteed.

What is your favorite cat meme?

The post What the Strange Popularity of Cats on the Web Can Tell You About Social Media appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

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Sad Kanye Photo Involves Zip Lining, Kim Kardashian

Posted: 02 May 2014 10:53 AM PDT

Dan Evon

What is Kanye West so sad about? Does he hate zip lining? Is he wondering if his girlfriend Kim Kardashian is really a hobbit? We don't know what's going on inside of Yeezus' head but we do know that the Sad Kanye West photo is absolutely awesome.

The photo was posted to Reddit this morning. According to the caption on Imgur, the image was hanging up at a zip-line office in the middle of Mexico just waiting to be discovered and shared with the internet.

Alex Yenni writes: "Found it in a random zip-lining office in the middle of Mexico. They took it, and I don't think it's ever been online…"

Well, thank you Mr. Alex Yenni. This photo deserves the internet's attention.

Sad Kanye Photo Involves Zip Lining, Kim Kardashian image lCAW0cL

What's wrong Kanye? You're on vacation. You're with the love of your life. And you're about to go soaring through the jungle on a zip line.

We don't know why Sad Kanye is so sad but the internet has a few ideas. Here are few things that might be going on in Kanye West's head.

  • Why did that guy want a picture with Kim and not me?
  • Is Kim Kardashian really a hobbit?
  • I'm NOT the greatest zip-liner of All Time?
  • This is not my zone.

Of course, Kanye could just be tired. Maybe he's having the time of his life and he's just exhausted from having so much fun. But that's not funny. What do you think is making Sad Kanye West so sad?

The post Sad Kanye Photo Involves Zip Lining, Kim Kardashian appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

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Kevin Spacey Shares ‘Call Of Duty’ Photo After Trailer Leaks

Posted: 02 May 2014 10:50 AM PDT

Dan Evon

Kevin Spacey Shares 'Call Of Duty' Photo After Trailer Leaks image Twitter KevinSpacey I had a blast working on ...

The new trailer for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare wasn't supposed to be released until Sunday but, well, then the internet happened. The trailer leaked last night and now Kevin Spacey and Activision have decided to go with the flow.

Activision released the official trailer for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Kevin Spacey shared a photo on Twitter. Yes, we're talking about THAT Kevin Spacey.

The actor reportedly plays a high-powered politician (he does that part pretty well) in the new game. Details about his role in the game aren't known at this time but you can watch the House Of Cards actor in the trailer below.

Call Of Duty games are always pretty popular and the hype surrounding Advanced Warfare points to another hit for Activision. CNET reports that his rendition of the game will be slightly different than it's predecessors because it will be set in the future.

Activision writes that the new Call of Duty was designed to focus on the "battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactic have evolved."

And if that doesn't get you excited… Kevin Spacey is involved in the new game! Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is scheduled to hit stores on November 4.

The post Kevin Spacey Shares 'Call Of Duty' Photo After Trailer Leaks appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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