jeudi 20 mars 2014



Get Better Twitter Results

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 02:35 AM PDT


When social media websites first came onto the scene, it seemed like they would be more of a fad than anything else.

However, unlike the Yo-Yo or Beanie Baby, social media sites have lasted—and not only that, they have become a very important part of daily life for many.

Twitter is one of the most frequently visited websites worldwide, and is increasingly used by savvy businesses as an important marketing tool.

If you're looking for better social media results I strongly urge you to consider the following easy steps to get better Twitter results.

1. Share Breaking News

One of the reasons that Twitter has held up so well is the fact that breaking news seems to spread faster here on the site than anywhere else.

If you follow some of the largest news organizations, you are certain to be among the first to hear about breaking developments on the world's largest news stories of the day.

Tweeting breaking news is a great way to get plenty of retweets, which lead to more followers and a more influential audience.


2. Get Better Twitter Results by Creating Lists

The vast majority of businesses are on Twitter and you can follow the organizations that interest you most and create Twitter lists of the organizations that interest you most.

Although it is quite common for someone to be followed on Twitter, being listed is more rare, and sends a signal to the person that you are listing that you are not a robot and that you have found them interesting enough to list.

Listing other people and organizations can have many positive reciprocal effects, such as being followed, mentioned, and listed by others.

Check out the Twitter tool PeerReach to discover many powerful Twitter lists and how you can create similar lists of your own with just one click.

3. Stay Trendy

Trending and the use of #hashtags are extremely popular on Twitter.

Participating in these types of trends can get you noticed if your participating Tweet is strong enough.

By tapping into trending topics you can siphon off traffic from popular streams that get plenty of exposure.

The Twitter tool trendsmap shows local trends over-layed on a map.


4. Expand Your Web of Friends

If you only have a handful of friends that are also on Twitter, don't fret!

Following those that follow your friends is a great way to expand your network.

There are many powerful ways to get more Twitter followers, one of the most effective of which is to initiate connections and conversation.

Twitter is an open network by default where new connections are encouraged so if you reach out to someone relevant and new there is a good chance that they will respond in a positive way.


5. Be Funny and Witty

Many people have found internet fame through comedy on Twitter.

The usernames @sween, @shitmydadsays, and @slasheen come to mind, and there are countless others that could be added to that list as well.

A great place to find some of the many witticisms of Twitter is on the site  Favstar tracks the favorites of people on Twitter and creates a list of the most favorited tweets of the day and of all time.

A topical joke or satire on a situation that is trending worldwide is a great way to get the attention of new followers.

People love to laugh, especially when traveling through social media sites. If you are able to use your wit, your followers will grow.

6. Reply, reply, reply

If someone spends time to send you a Tweet or a direct message, don't ignore it!

Responding to people will help you build a good reputation and will lead to more followers.@mention

As your network grows it will become increasingly hard to answer everyone, but the more people you can respond to the more opportunities you can potentially create for yourself.

7. Network With New People

There are thousands of other professionals on Twitter looking to expand their network as well.

Although it may seem counter-intuitive, seek out others in your same field (even competitors) and reach out.

Using twitter tools like TweetAdder and SocialBro you can create lists of targeted people to follow, based on keywords tweeted, location, keywords in a users bio, or several other criteria.

The more targeted connections you can initiate the more potential partnerships you can create.


8. Find Great Deals

Companies are eager to capture Twitter followers and advertise their product.

Thanks to that, many companies offer great deals exclusively through Twitter.

Keeping up with some of the places you shop the most can be very beneficial for saving money.

On the flip side if you run a Twitter promotion for your business then Twitter can be a great way to create profit as well.

9. Communicate With Celebrities

Thanks to Twitter, public figures are much more accessible.

Through their Twitter accounts, they can see responses to their Tweets and messages they have received.


Because of this, celebs often are communicating with fans, and you can easily receive a response from your favorite star!

10. Check Your Stats

You can use tools like TweetStats to find out how often you and other people around the Twitter universe are updating their Tweets.

This is a fun tool that shows who is on top at Tweeting among your friends!

Check out this article for 10 more Twitter analytic and visualization tools.

Those are just some of the ways to use Twitter. Give some of these a shot, and you're sure to increase your results.

 About the Author

John Gower (@johnagower) is a writer for NerdWallet, a personal finance website dedicated to helping you save money with financial tips on everything from social media marketing to a high interest savings account.

The post Get Better Twitter Results appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

5 Facebook Marketing Hacks for Your Website

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 01:22 AM PDT

Michael Stelzner

Is your website using Facebook to the fullest?

Are you wondering how you can get the most out of Facebook for your business?

To learn how to use Facebook to your advantage, this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast goes deep into the subject.

More About This Show

Social Media Marketing Podcast w/ Michael Stelzner

The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.

It's designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting).

In this episode, you'll discover 5 Facebook hacks you can employ on your website to help drive more traffic and exposure.

Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below!

Listen Now

You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS, Stitcher or Blackberry.

Here are some of the things you'll discover in this show:

Facebook Marketing Hacks

#1: Use the Correct-Size Images on Your Website

You have probably noticed on Facebook that some posts have large images at the top, and underneath there is a URL, the website name and a small description.

If you have content on your website that you want seen in the news feed, then you can alter the size of the image, which will lead to more exposure and click-throughs to your website.

Facebook update

Here's an example of a shared link with a small image in the Facebook news feed.

Facebook update

Here's an example of how a large image appears in the Facebook news feed.

Facebook queries all of the actual images that are on your website and will choose to display the image with the largest dimensions. Facebook only allows users to select three images.

To see how this works, check out my friend Jon Loomer's guide on Facebook Link Thumbnail Image Dimensions.

The aspect ratio of your image is the critical factor. The aspect ratio is 1.91:1. This calculates out to about 1200 pixels wide by 627 pixels deep. The ideal size is 400 pixels wide by 209 pixels deep.

You need to make sure that at least one of your images inside the article is larger than all of the others. It should be in the 1.91:1 aspect ratio.

Listen to the show to find out what happens when an image is deeper than it is wide and how it can appear in the Facebook news feed.

#2: Implement Facebook Open Graph Tags

Facebook has its own language called Open Graph. This allows you to tell Facebook certain kinds of attributes, which include the image it should use as a default on a page, where it should pull text from and what the description should be. This kind of information helps your content appear more appropriately in the news feed.

You can discover all of the data behind Open Graph and find everything you need to know about how it works. It's a great guide even for the non-techie.

open graph get started

To learn more about Open Graph, check out the Get Started tutorial.

If you are on WordPress, Open Graph is easy to implement with a plugin called WP Open Graph. It allows you to set data on a macro-level and on a post-by-post basis. It's a great way to control what shows up when people share your articles on Facebook.

The best way to keep your shared content up to date on Facebook is to use Facebook's Debugger. It's a great tool to stop Facebook from pulling in information that's no longer relevant.

Listen to the show to find out how the Debugger tool works, and how it will help you with your Open Graph.

#3: Add a Facebook Share Button to Your Website

When you add a Facebook Share button to your website, you need to make sure that you use the code from Facebook or the WordPress plugin, which was developed by Facebook.

It doesn't matter if your website is WordPress or not, you can visit here and paste in the URL you want to share and choose the different layouts for your button.

facebook share button info

There are many different Share buttons to choose from.

You'll discover the best Share button to use for social proof on your website.

If you use WordPress, it's easy to use their default plugin. This plugin allows you to do the same as the Facebook one, but it does everything automatically for you.

When it comes to the placement of the Share button on your website, many people like to put it at the top of a blog post. This way, users can see how many people have shared the article, which incites them to read it too. Others like to put the button at the bottom of the post.

placement of facebook share button

You can also use a plugin like Digg Digg, which allows the Share buttons to float down the side of the article as people scroll through.

Listen to the show to learn why I'm a big fan of having a Share button at the top and the bottom of an article.

#4: Leverage Google Analytics

Although a lot of you may already have Google Analytics installed on your website, you may not know that you can use Google Analytics to analyze your traffic that comes from Facebook.

When you log into Google Analytics, you need to click on Acquisition. Underneath Acquisition is a category called Social. When you click on Social, it will show you all traffic that comes from all of the different social channels.

social network google analytics

You can view your social traffic sources with Google Analytics.

You can click on a social network—Facebook, for example—and it will show you which URLs Facebook drives the most traffic to. You can narrow it down to a specific day or over a certain time period.

You'll discover how to see the traffic source for your sales pages and why this is great for comparative analysis.

Listen to the show to hear how you can use Google Analytics to see if there are any increases or decreases in traffic trends from Facebook.

#5: Use the Facebook Like Box for Pages to Grow Your Facebook Fan Base

If you have a website that has a lot of traffic, then it's important to put up a Facebook Like box for pages.

When someone visits your site and they are already logged into Facebook, they will see their friends who are already fans of your page. They can become a fan with the click of a button without leaving your website.

facebook like box for pages

The Facebook Like box on Social Media Examiner.

It's a great way to grow a healthy following for your Facebook page, just with the traffic that comes to your website.

Listen to the show to find out why this type of button works better than a Like Us on Facebook one.

This Week's Social Media Questions

Question #1: John, whose wife is interested in starting a new lifestyle-type business online, asks, "In regards to a strategy for launching this new idea, my thoughts would be that she would start with Facebook and then Twitter, based on the fact that there is already foot traffic. Once she achieves a certain level on these two channels, then she would have an official announcement or launch of her new website. Is this a good strategy? If not, does it make more sense to launch all three simultaneously? In regards to Twitter and Facebook, what specific strategy could you give us for how to get valuable content for Twitter?"

I think it's more important for you to launch something that you own first and then launch a community. You should start with a website, then a social channel. The reason is because you rent open ground with a social channel and there are no assurances that your content will be seen. To acquire fans, you need to have a hub or destination for them to go to.

You'll hear how the team at Social Media Examiner uses Twitter and Facebook to find interesting articles to share with our audience.

Check out our Getting Started With Social Media: Resource Guide, which contains a number of resources to help bring you up to speed.

Question #2: Adam, the owner of Fresh Idea Websites that helps a lot of small businesses build WordPress websites and also provides social media community management, asks, "What tools do you find are the most helpful for managing multiple business pages for different brands, and why do you like those tools?"

fresh idea websites

Fresh Idea Websites.

At Social Media Examiner, we have two primary pages. One for Social Media Examiner and one for My Kids' Adventures. To manage Facebook, we use the built-in tools.

We like to use Facebook's tools to schedule posts because in the past, Facebook has penalized people who use third-party tools. For the most part, Facebook is a very manual process. I'm not in a position like you are with many different clients to manage, so there isn't really a tool I can recommend.

If you want to check out some of the tools that are out there, you can visit our Tools category.

You'll discover why we use SocialOomph and HootSuite to schedule tweets ahead of time.

Question #3: Amanda Skidmore is marketing director for a startup company called CEU Central, an online education website where health professionals can take the continuing education courses they need to renew their professional license.

Amanda is currently trying to develop a marketing plan and asks, "Do we need a separate Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc., for each of our divisions, since the professionals we serve have such vastly different interests?"

ceu central

CEU Central.

Unfortunately there is no simple answer to this.

It really comes down to resources. In an ideal world, you should have separate social channels for each of the primary audiences that you are trying to reach. If you have different products with different audiences, then it does make sense to begin to develop different communities. Having said that, it can become a management nightmare.

I would encourage anyone who has gone through this to let Amanda know what your thoughts are in the comment section below.

Question #4: Greg Elwell, host of the Expert Interviews podcast, asks, "How can you have two instances of a blog on a single WordPress site? For example, on Social Media Examiner you've got your home page, which is where all of your blog articles are and then you have a Podcast menu item, which contains all of your podcasts. Is there a simple way to do this in WordPress, where you can have separate instances or pages and RSS feeds configured on a single WordPress website?"

expert interviews podcast

Expert Interviews podcast.

All you have to do is create a separate category inside of WordPress. We have a category called Podcasts, where every podcast is tagged with that particular category. So when you go to it will only show you the blog posts that are tagged "podcast." All we did was create a forwarding URL that takes users to

You can create any category you want. These categories can have their own RSS feed. In the end, it's how you can create what appears to be a customized subsection of your website.

You'll hear why we hired a developer to create a special code for the podcast category.

Question #5: Lucy from Lucy's Web Designs creates websites for clients and teaches them how to keep them up to date.

Lucy asks, "On one of your podcasts, you said to put content where the client is. I'm just wondering how that affects SEO, as I have heard you are not supposed to duplicate content on websites. For instance, if I were to put a blog post onto Google+ and then onto Tumblr and Facebook, how would that work given the fact that it's already residing on my blog or my client's blog?"

lucys web designs

Lucy's Web Designs.

I know that some people copy and paste their entire article onto social platforms, and I'm not necessarily an advocate of that. When I talk about sharing content across social networks, I'm not talking about republishing or redistributing your content, I'm actually talking about linking back to your content.

The idea is to drive as much traffic back to your website as possible. You can take a portion of your content, such as the first couple of paragraphs, and put it on the different social networks and have a Click Here to Read More option.

You'll hear the disadvantages of when you publish your content elsewhere and why Google will penalize you.

Question #6: Mike Haldas, co-founder of AppBurst, develops content-driven applications for businesses and events. Mike shares his concern for competitors' ability to use tools to research and find social media connections on every major platform.

app burst


Mike asks, "Let's say that I'm a company that's really good at connecting with my customer base through social media platforms and I build up a large following. Isn't that kind of risky, because in a way, I just exposed part of my customer base or leads to any competitor that knows how to watch and track this? Does this concern ever come up in your circles, and what do you think about it?"

I don't think this is a huge concern. For example, we have 230,000 email subscribers and 210,000 Facebook fans. There isn't necessarily a correlation between the Facebook fans and the email subscribers. I've learned over the years that different people want to consume content in different ways.

For example, a lot of our email newsletter subscribers are now probably following us on Facebook instead, because they don't want to get our emails anymore. In addition, there are people who discover us on Facebook who have no idea that we have an email newsletter list.

More importantly, there's no way for me to know who all of our fans are on Facebook very easily, let alone our competitors.

Facebook likes to keep this information private. I believe only LinkedIn groups allow the administrator to download this type of information.

You'll find out why it's more important to grow a following on these social networks and how you can use this to move people into your lead funnel.

Call in and leave your social media–related questions for us and we may include them in a future show.

Listen to the show to learn more and let us know how this works for you.

Other Show Mentions

My Kids' Adventures

I want to bring you up to speed on My Kids' Adventures. This is a project I have been working on for the last 5½ months.

Watch this video to get a feel for the vision for My Kids' Adventures.

The reason why I started this website was because as a busy parent, I felt like I wasn't spending enough time with my kids. At the end of the workday, I didn't have enough creative juices to think of something fun and exciting to do with them.

So I brought together a lot of creative minds, and at present we publish fun and adventure-themed activities three times a week.

Some of the articles include:

Since our launch in mid-July last year, we have had more than 142,000 unique visitors to the site and the video above has been viewed 9,300 times. These figures are awesome.

I'm trying to make a huge impact in the world and I could use your help. The first thing that you can do is to head over to My Kids' Adventures and take advantage of all of the great free resources.

There is also a Resource Guide where you will find activities in every category you can imagine.

The other way you can help with My Kids' Adventures is to apply to become a writer. If you are really creative and do fun stuff with your kids, we would love to hear from you.

If you can help us get the word out, visit here.

Social Media Marketing World 2014

SMMW logoSocial Media Marketing World 2014 is our physical mega-conference, which is set to return to San Diego, California on March 26, 27 and 28.

The conference features more than 60 sessions in four major tracks: social tactics, social strategy, community management and content marketing.

The excitement for this conference is building like nothing we've experienced before.

The average temperature in San Diego is 72°, so why not bring your family and make a vacation out of your business trip? There are some awesome attractions in San Diego, including the world-famous San Diego Zoo, the Safari Park, SeaWorld and LegoLand.

Check it out and make sure you click on the Travel section to see all that San Diego has to offer.

Key takeaways mentioned in this episode:

Ways to subscribe to the Social Media Marketing podcast:

What do you think? What are your thoughts on these 5 Facebook marketing hacks for your website? Please leave your comments below.

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The post 5 Facebook Marketing Hacks for Your Website appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

#Howto Use #ManageFlitter to #Increase Your Influence on #Twitter

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 12:12 AM PDT

Quinny Robbins

My favorite Twitter tool, hands down, is ManageFlitter. It is the best way to effectively manage following and unfollowing large numbers of people on Twitter. Not only can you follow and unfollow en masse, but you can also focus your search criteria to get the most out of those you choose follow.


How I use ManageFlitter

I use ManageFlitter every day to first follow 100 accounts and then unfollow 100 accounts that aren't following me back. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to maximize your presence and influence on Twitter by following accounts that matter and unfollowing those that don't follow you back.

First, I go to the Follow section and select either the Following or Follower tab. Today I decided to follow 99 people that Jim Dougherty from @leaderswest is following.


I choose the Fast Select option and select up to 99 people to follow. ManageFlitter sends out a warning that you might get banned from Twitter if you try to follow more than 100 people per day.

per day

Next, I go to the Unfollow section. The Not Following back tab should automatically be selected. Now, I need to sort the list so that the people I followed awhile back, and not those I followed today, are listed on the top. Unfollowing recently followed accounts can also get you in trouble with the Twitter police. I select Order and then Follow Order to sort. I then select from 100 to 1,000 people to Unfollow with a single click.

single click

Under default Display settings, I have chosen to exclude people that I have followed in the past 5 days. I also keep a list of whitelisted accounts, which consist of people that I would never want to unfollow – people like my husband and close friends – people that I know if I accidentally unfollowed would certainly end in an awkward conversation.

awkward convo

You might want to go Pro

I have a pro account on ManageFlitter, which I use to manage four to five accounts for consulting work that I do. Each one of my accounts receives special attention, as I grow the community according to its focus. For example, I use the search term soccer to search for accounts of interest to follow for the @GoalShouter Twitter account that I manage. The various filters, such as Relevence, Influence, Listed, permit me to refine these results even further. With the various settings on ManageFlitter, I can focus my efforts where they count.


Through growing my presence and influence on Twitter, I have been able to amplify and cultivate communities, which ultimately leads to a greater ROI for the time and money spent on my social media work. I manage all my accounts in about 30 minutes a day, which means I am saving my time and my clients' money. I hope these tips help you to do the same.


The post #Howto Use #ManageFlitter to #Increase Your Influence on #Twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

5 ways to use traditional marketing to promote your social media

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 11:10 PM PDT

Elizabeth Harmon

5 Ways to Use Traditional Marketing to Promote Your Social Media

Your company is likely to run a number of traditional marketing activities, as well as social media marketing.

Do both work seamlessly together or in silos?

Social media is increasingly important to businesses. By making it work with all of your other marketing elements, forming an integrated marketing strategy, you can achieve much better results!

This post takes a look at 5 key ways that traditional marketing can help to promote your social media channels:

1: Website

Icons – Raise awareness by adding an icon for each of your key social media accounts. Make sure they are clearly visible on each page and they click through to the correct site. For an example, take a look at the 'Follow Me' section here.

Widgets – A widget is a small application which can be added to a web page and carries out limited functionality. Twitter provides a popular widget, where users can display their latest tweets, providing website visitors with more information. For an example, take a look at the 'Latest Tweets' section here.

Pages – To promote your social media channels further, why not set up a dedicated page. You could provide a full list of your accounts and provide information on why customers should follow them. Dell provides an excellent example of this here.

Panels/Banners – If your website offers the functionality, why not add panels or banners to add greater visibility of your social media channels. These are larger than icons and can include text as well as images, so they are more eye-catching. Take a look at the right-hand side of the page in this example.

2: Emails

Does your business have a customer database? Do you use this to send out emails? These customers have already shown an interest in your company, so why not promote your social channels to them:

Icons – Similar to your website, add social media icons to your email to drive traffic to your accounts.

Panel – Have different sections within your email? Dedicate one to social media to provide more information on why customers should follow you.

Dedicated email – Feeling more adventurous? Create a dedicated social media email. Provide information on why customers should follow you, rather than just telling them to 'Like' you though. This type of email would work especially well if you had an offer which was only available to fans, or if you are running a competition solely via social media. Here is an example email.

3: Online Articles

Do you write press releases which are then distributed across the Internet? Make sure each press release lists your social media channels. This is the perfect way to create even more awareness of your accounts and grow your audience.

4. Printed Collaterals

Don't forget offline! Make sure your social media channels are visible on each of your collaterals.

For pre-sale, having your accounts visible on brochures and leaflets can lead readers to more information and positive reviews from customers. After a sale, having your social channels on receipts and business cards may prompt customers to follow you, so you've captured them within your audience for the future. It may also encourage them to leave their own feedback.

5. Internally

It's important not to forget internal promotion of your accounts as well. Although your staff work for you, when they follow, their friends see and may follow you too, helping to drive brand awareness and generate a larger audience.

Add social media buttons to your Intranet site and make them clear on any other internal documents such as newsletters. Also make sure staff add them to their email signature. Emails go to clients and customers, so it's a perfect, non-intrusive way of reminding people of your social accounts.

Do you have any more tips to add? Share your thoughts in the comments box below!

The post 5 ways to use traditional marketing to promote your social media appeared first on Muddywall.

The post 5 ways to use traditional marketing to promote your social media appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

15 #Awesome Small #Business #Twitter Tips

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 10:01 PM PDT


If you use Twitter the wrong way or ignore Twitter it can harm your brand and cost your small business customers and sales.

However, if you apply the Twitter tips and tools in this post I am certain you can significantly accelerate the success of your business on Twitter!

The key to successful Twitter marketing is to focus on building strong relationships with your customers and prospects.

Rather than just trying to sell and promote seek to help and engage and you will build a network of people who want to learn more about you and will choose to do business with you above the competition.


The best way to get new followers for your Business and get your business started on Twitter is to follow the people and businesses you already know. If these accounts are active on Twitter there is a great chance that they will follow you back.

Once you follow people you already know the next step is to follow highly relevant people to your business.

These people that are most relevant to you are the most likely to follow you back and to re-tweet you. Don't be afraid to search Twitter and engage with people who are already talking about your business and topics that matter to you.

From my experience managing Twitter accounts for several different businesses I can say without a doubt that there is a correlation between the amount of personality a Twitter brand has and the success it achieves.

People simply connect better with other people than they do with brands, so make sure it is apparent who the people are who are tweeting on behalf of your brand.

Twitter Tips to Help Small Business Owners

1. Use Twitter Directories to Promote Your Business & Network

Add your business to categories related to your niche and find other people to network with in your niche.

2. Optimize Your Avatar

Many business owners want to use the business logo as their Twitter avatar, and this is understandable, but you should consider using a picture of your team or of the person managing the account and including the logo in the corner of the image.

3. Customize your Twitter Background

Include pictures of the person or people who manage the account on your background. The more personal you can make your Twitter brand, the better.

A cool free tool for creating custom Twitter backgrounds is Themelon by Colour Lovers.

4. Use Twitter Marketing Software

Rapidly build a targeted network of followers by using the tool TweetAdder.  With TweetAdder you can build connections with people based on specific keywords in their bios, keywords they have tweeted, location, and several other .

Although following people is a great strategy for creating new connections you don't want to follow more people than follow you.  One way you can avoid this is by using the tool Manage Flitter to remove inactive accounts (users who have not tweeted in 30 days) by up to 100 people at a time.  See the image below for a better idea of how this app works.


5. Integrate Twitter with Linkedin

Twitter and Linkedin recently reached a deal so that Twitter tweets could be imported as a Linkedin status and tweets can be exported to Twitter from Linkedin.

Updating Twitter from Linkedin is simple.twitter-and-linkedin

Once you click the Twitter link from your profile you can setup a Twitter account in a few steps. After this you will be able to click the more tab, then Tweets and that will take you to a page that displays your twitter feed and has the status box (pictured above) which you can use to send a tweet. By checking the box above the "Update Twitter" button you can also assign a tweet as your linkedin status.

Updating Linkedin from Twitter

Making this connection is simple. All you need to do is specify on the Twitter settings page of Linkedin if you want to either import all tweets, or only the tweets that contain the hashtag #in.

6. Check out the Twitter Business Portal is a newly developed resource guide for businesses getting started on twitter.

This resource is essentially a 101 guide that seeks to answer many of the common questions business owners may have about Twitter.


Topics discussed include:

  • So how does it work?
  • So how do businesses use Twitter?
  • So what does Twitter do for businesses?
  • Getting Started
  • Increasing Sales
  • Connecting with customers

7. Build Rapport with Retweets

Especially when trying to network with influencers you will have a greater chance of getting a response if you first retweet some of their content first.


Use classic style retweets (ie: RT @username) rather than the new style because this will get you into the mention stream of the person you are retweeting which means they have a better chance of noticing you.

If you have retweeted someone a few times before you try to engage them in a conversation there is a better chance that they will respond since they don't want to risk alienating you and not getting any more retweets in the future.

If you want to learn how to get more retweets check out this article I wrote with 35 tips about how to get more retweets.

8. Time Your Tweets for Maximum Effect

Focusing the timing of your tweets on Twitter is a great way to increase your reach, and get more traffic to the links you share.

Check out this post to learn the stats about peak twitter times and my best strategies about timing your tweets for maximum reach.

9. Get More Twitter Followers

The more followers you have the easier it will be to spread the word about your business far and wide.

If you want more followers there are plenty of options, check out this post I wrote with 50 tips about how to get more followers if you want to discover my best follower getting secrets.

For those interested in investing in more Twitter followers I recommend the service Grow My Twitter Network.

10. Search for Terms Related to Your Biz

I recommend using a Twitter management application such as TweetDeck or Hootsuite so that in addition to viewing your new mentons you can also scan live tweets about terms that matter to your business.

The name of your business is one search term to keep on your radar, and monitoring keywords that are related to your niche is important as well.

There are free Twitter tools such as tweetbeep and nutshell mail that can send you daily updates so that you are always in the loop about tweets that matter to your biz.

11. Tweet Photos

Pictures get great engagement and retweets on Twitter and they humanize you brand.

Some cool tools to consider using are listed below. My favorite tools are emboldened:

  • TwitPic - TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter
  • FlickToTwitt - Post a photo to flickr and announce it right away on Twitter
  • Twitsig - Your tweets as images
  • Twiddeo - Twitter with video
  • Flittr - Picture your words
  • – Anything and everything
  • TwitnGo - Quick photo posts to Twitter
  • TwitImg - Keep everyone up to date by using your latest Twitter status, displayed in the form of an appealing image
  • Twitgoo - Share your pictures on Twitter
  • SnapTweet - Send your Flickr photos to Twitter
  • 2Tweet - Tweet multiple photos and videos
  • Zannel - Instantly share your pics, videos and text to Twitter
  • ScreenTweet - ScreenTweet shares videos, pictures, screen shots, and images on Twitter
  • Greetter - Share photos and videos on Twitter
  • – Photo sharing service for Twitter
  • Instagram – iPhone photo sharing service. Won app of the year from Apple.
  • Tweetphoto - Photo sharing made simple
  • TweetMojo - Share your videos, webcam, photos, docs and more on Twitter
  • Twittergram - Send your Flickr pix to Twitter and show people what you're up to
  • Twitpickr - an easy way to upload your TwitPic images to Flickr
  • Yfrog - Share your images and videos on Twitter

12. Don't Bother With DM's

Personally my DM inbox is 90% spam so I don't bother checking it for days at a time. Many people don't check their DM inbox at all so if you send someone a direct message there is a terrible way to connect.

Use @ mentions to spark conversation, or send a message to the person on Facebook. These ways your chance of getting a response is significantly better.

13. Analyze Your Progress

There are several powerful free Twitter Analytics tools that can help you measure the progress you are making on Twitter.

When you analyse and visualize your activity on Twitter you can get a better idea of what is working and what is not so that you can optimize your actions to create a bigger network and a more engaged following.

14. Engage the Influencers in Your Niche

The largest twitter directory wefollow organizes people from most to least followed. You can use this organization to identify the people in your niche with the largest followings.

By focusing your networking activities on engaging with people who have large networks you stand to benefit from their reach as they engage with you as well.

Wefollow allows you to add yourself to up to five interest categories in their directory. By strategically choosing and adding yourself to long tail terms that have members with fewer followers than you, you will be seen as an influencer in that niche by everyone else who checks out that directory category.

15. Leverage Twitter Lists

If you include someone on a Twitter list this is far more effective for getting their attention than simply following them.

Even if you create a simple list called "cool people" or something like that, which is not subject specific, the fact that you took a few extra moments to include someone in that list shows them that you have them on your radar.

Listing people is also a great way to get listed since some people feel inclined to return the favour.

Bonus Tip

If tweeting in a team use cotags to identify who it is that is doing the tweeting.  Cotags are initials that identify who is tweeting when multiple people manage one account.  For example, if I was tweeting as part of a tweet I would end every tweet with my initials like so: ^GK.

For best results include pictures with names and cotags of the different people who tweet for the account on the Twitter page background for that account.

Next Level Twitter Tips

Sign up for my free Twitter eCourse for some of my most powerful Twitter tips, free updates, and a free .pdf!

How do you use Twitter in Your Small Business?

Let us know how you use Twitter in your business in the comments below!

The post 15 #Awesome Small #Business #Twitter Tips appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

4 Ways to Grow a Twitter Following That Matters

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 08:51 PM PDT

Is Twitter working for your business?

Are you looking to grow a larger and more relevant Twitter following?

This article will show you four actionable steps you can take to improve your Twitter experience.

Why Twitter Is Not Just a Numbers Game

Many brands, businesses and marketers have already discovered how powerful Twitter is for finding and engaging their audience.

Its low cost, immediacy and viral nature make it a favorite tool for everyone from news organizations to celebrities to small businesses.

Yet when marketers jump on Twitter for the first time, they wonder why they don't get an overwhelming response to their initial tweet. Soon they learn that they must develop a following.

They see others with followings of 500, 5,000 or 50,000 and they want some of that. So they start to Google "how to get more followers on Twitter" or falling for tweets like this one:

twitter team follow back

If it sounds too good to be true…

Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not too difficult to build a following on Twitter if you're willing to partake in some shady, bad-karma tactics—from following and unfollowing people to creating hundreds of bogus accounts that follow you and retweet everything you say to buying followers on the black market.

But few if any of those followers will provide you any value for the time you put into Twitter.

So I'm also here to tell you that it's not how many followers you have, but how many relevant followers you have. Having 20,000 followers who don't respond to anything you share is equivalent to shouting from the top of the Empire State Building and claiming all of New York City as your audience.

Yes: more engaged followers are better than fewer engaged followers. So, let's focus on getting more engaged followers.

Building a relevant Twitter following comes down to four core concepts:

  • Find and follow relevant people.
  • Tweet content that will be interesting to your target audience.
  • Engage with your audience.
  • Promote your Twitter account through other channels.

With that framework in place, here are some tips, tools and tactics to attract relevant followers on Twitter.

#1: Find and Follow Relevant People

Your audience is out there… Now, how to find them?

Start with a strong profile.

Because most people will check out your profile before following you, it's important to put your house in order and present yourself in the most engaging way possible.

This includes:

  • Profile photo: Make sure you're using a photo of your face for your personal account or a logo for your business account. Research has shown that people trust faces more that they've seen multiple times, which is why a photo of your smiling face works best.
  • Detailed bio: You've got 160 characters, so get creative! Let people know why they should be following you.
  • Location: Because so much of business is local these days, make sure you include your location as appropriate. It can be the make or break for follows. 
    twitter bios

    Strong profiles increase your followers. Blue hair doesn’t hurt.

Discover new people with third-party tools.

One of the first places to start your search for relevant people is at one of the many Twitter directories out there.

In a discussion around Twitter tools in Social Media Examiner's Small Business Networking Club, everyone seemed to have a favorite tool or tip.

Social media marketer Paul Wylie recommends Twellow (for the clean interface) and WeFollow (for finding influencers). You can search by industry, location or keyword for starters.


WeFollow has many categories. Thus, whether you’re targeting personal trainers or WordPress trainers, you’ll find them here.

Karen James, a social media coach from the UK, likes Tweepi to check out people before she follows them. Karen Black, a digital marketer also from the UK, uses ManageFlitter to do bio searches, as well as keep an eye on her followers.

Use these tools to search for your own industry and the industries of your ideal customers.

Leverage other people's Twitter lists.

A great source for new people to connect with is other people's curated Twitter lists.

mashable pr

Whatever your interests are, you can find well-curated lists and subscribe to them.

Twitter users often create lists or subscribe to other people's lists to improve their
signal-to-noise ratio. As long as people make their lists public, you are free to subscribe to them, quickly getting access to dozens or hundreds of vetted Twitter users.

bald guys rock

Some lists are more serious than others.

Use Twitter's search functionality.

You can use Twitter's search functionality to find relevant people and engage with them.

For example, let's say you had a product or service for NASCAR fans. Start by doing a search on #nascar within Twitter.

twitter nascar

Searching on #nascar will help you find passionate NASCAR fans whom you can then follow.

You could then join the conversation by @ (mentioning) them, answering their questions and otherwise engaging them.

If your business is more local, like a restaurant, you can find out who's hungry and in driving distance.

twitter hungry

Filter your search by geography to find local people on Twitter to follow.

You could then reach out to those starving denizens on Twitter and offer them a discount or free drink if they come in now and mention "Twitter" as they place their order.

For more ideas on finding and following the right people, be sure to check out 7 Twitter Strategies for Growing a Great Following.

#2: Tweet Interesting Stuff

Easier said than done, right?

How do you find interesting content? Here are some ideas.

Use Google Alerts.

Set up Google Alerts (or a similar service) to get daily email updates about all of the things that are of interest to your audience—from "vegan recipes" to "grilling product reviews"—and share them through Twitter.

Share media.

Photos and videos are a proven way to engage your audience. Use photos to share your activity or events so your business will get click-throughs and comments.

A real estate agent might share a video walkthrough of a new house and ask "what do you think?" A retail shop may share photos of some new additions to their display window. A travel agent might share pictures from a beach vacation and ask, "Are you ready for your getaway?"

beadin path

Photos engage, especially if you tie them into a giveaway.

Talk to people, not at them.

Chances are, what is of interest to your audience is what they're already talking about! Rather than trying to get the ball rolling, why not keep it rolling? See what your audience is talking about and engage them in that conversation. Ask questions, answer them, retweet and respond.

For more ideas on how to create more interesting tweets, check out 26 Twitter Tips for Enhancing Your Tweets.

#3: Engage

People on Twitter who don't talk to other people are significantly less engaging and less likely to get followers.

Just because someone didn't immediately follow you back doesn't mean that you can't engage them. Check out their conversations and see if you can jump in with relevant comments, or retweet some of their links.

Also, being part of conversations will get you in front of more people, increasing your chances of being followed.

Get involved with #chats.

Anyone can start a chat on Twitter by using a hashtag. You can find a long list of chats in this Google doc, along with days and times.

By joining the conversation at appropriate chats, you can quickly build your relevant followers… Assuming you have something valuable to add!

twitter chat

If you’re looking to engage bloggers, you could chime in at the #BWEChat.

Schedule chats to reach a wider audience.

While there are many marketers who hate scheduled tweets—I'm looking at you, Unmarketer—many others embrace the tactic.

Using a tool like HootSuite or Buffer, you can schedule out a day's, week's or month's worth of tweets. I would recommend you use a scheduling tool to supplement your regular tweets rather than replacing them.

If you're going to schedule your tweets, try to be aware of when people respond to anything you share. When people respond to your tweets and you're not there to respond to them, they're less likely to engage you in the future.

#4: Promote Your Twitter Account Through Other Channels

Leverage the following you've built elsewhere by promoting your Twitter account.

Talk up Twitter at your website, blog and through email.

At flyte, we include our Twitter handles—with clickable links—next to all of our bios. We also include links to our Twitter handles from all appropriate blog posts.

crew page

People can follow you without having to leave the page they’re on.

You can also include a "follow me on Twitter" call to action in your email signature file, email newsletter and all other correspondence.

Leverage your social media outposts.

Likewise, include links (and calls to action) on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube.

You may be tempted to sync all of your updates and tweets together using a tool like, HootSuite or TweetDeck. While there's nothing wrong with this, use this technique judiciously.

Certain platforms may not be as "chatty" as Twitter, and if we're already connected on LinkedIn and you're syncing all of your tweets and LinkedIn updates, what's the value of getting the same content on Twitter?

Get more visibility with a newspaper. is a free service that allows you to create "newspapers" out of your Twitter feed (as well as some integration of Facebook and Google+).

Your daily can pull from the people you follow, your lists, or specific keywords or hashtags you include. can also tweet out your daily paper, including which people contributed your "top stories."

I've found that these tweets often get retweets from the people mentioned, and suddenly they're sharing your content with their network, elevating your brand.

aoc daily

Promoting the people you’re following encourages more follow-backs and engagement.

In this video you can see how to create your own daily:

One caveat: I no longer recommend including hashtags to pull in new people to your Turns out some disreputable people might be using the same hashtags, populating your with spam.

So how do you bring in fresh content from new people to your daily? Here's what I did: find people you respect and look at the targeted lists they've created. Then you caninclude their curated lists to help round out your paper.

twitter list on paperliUsing others’ lists can greatly improve your own paper!

Now It's Your Turn!

What do you think? What tips, tools or tactics have you been using to build your own relevant Twitter following? Share something in the comments box below and include your Twitter handle and you'll be sure to pick up a few new followers!

The post 4 Ways to Grow a Twitter Following That Matters appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post 4 Ways to Grow a Twitter Following That Matters appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

75 way to get more Twitter Followers

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 07:42 PM PDT



This mission of this article is to provide you with the best tips on the Internet to help you get more Twitter followers.

The tips in this article can help you turbo boost your Twitter following and take your Twitter brand to the next level.

This article covers strategies you can apply to grow your Twitter network both online and off.

These powerful tips for building a strong Twitter brand can attract literally tens of thousands of followers!

If you want more followers for your Twitter account leave a comment with your Twitter username and let us know your favorite tip for getting more Twitter followers.

1. Upload a Real Photo of Yourself

Use your actual face shot to show your identity.Be-Real

Even though digital communication is increasingly becoming the order of the day, people are social creatures who prefer connecting to people they can easily identify.

People are more likely to respond emotionally to the real human face.

2. Create an Interesting Biography

Your biography should be thought provoking and most importantly factual rather than a work of fiction.

Your bio box should include a description of who you are and what you do.

This helps you create a professional look even before anyone relates with you.

3. Reply to Tweets Publicly

Although replying with a private (direct) message is quite easy, when you do this other people will be unable to see your response.

If you rarely reply publicly on your twitter profile, people may think that you are unsociable.

Keep your Twitter conversions public and this will help you build a reputation as a savvy Twitter user and attract new followers to your profile.


4. Follow Experts in Your Niche

Make sure you follow people and companies that have a solid position in your niche.

Following the right people is a sure way of getting noticed especially when you start a dialogue or reply to them.

In addition, following experts in your niche is a sure way for you to learn important tactics from them.

On the other hand, most network marketers look into the followers list of experts when they want to follow people with similar interests.

5. Focus on Helping Others

People join twitter in order to share ideas, interact with people who have the same interests and engage in interesting conversations.

Anyone who is on board only to make money from their followers will be doomed and failure and ridicule.

Twitter users are smart and they can easily tell if you are there to have a conversation or if you have been blown there by the winds of business.


However, you can still promote your business on Twitter.

For instance, for every 20 non-promotional, informational and useful tweets you can have room for one that promotes or sells your business.

A smart way to promote your business is by creating blog posts that help your audience and introduce people to your business in a non-pushy way.

Since the main purpose of twitter is to communicate and socialize, it is vital to do less selling and more branding.  This will create more trust and respect from the people in your network.

For more promotion tips check out these 15 Twitter promotion ideas.

6. Don’t Post Cryptic Tweets

It is very important to ensure that everyone can understand all the tweets you post.

This is a sure way of ensuring that all your followers feel like they are part of your tweets and conversations.

Take advice from Nietzsche:

Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound strive for obscurity.

7. Create a Compelling First Impression


This is vital especially for people who first discover you and are deciding whether to follow you or not.

Since they want to know more about you make sure they get a great first impression.

If you are managing a business page, there is a good chance you or your employer will want to use the company name for the name field of the Twitter profile.

But just because you use the business name for your Twitter account does not mean that you should not give the profile personality.

Use the bio field and / or background to identify the actual human(s) responsible for tweeting.  If multiple  people manage one account use cotags with initials and a high hat to identify who is tweeting what. Since my name is Garin Kilpatrick if I was tweeting on an account managed by several people I would add the cotag ^GK to the end of my tweets.

The more personal you can make your profile the more people will be to connect and communicate with you.

It’s important to note that twitter does not display search results for people who do not have a complete user bio, real name and username.

8. Include Your Location


Just like a bio or face, including a location makes you a real person.

Be general if you are uncomfortable giving the exact directions to your office or home.

For example saying that you live in northern London is good enough.

The more specific you are about your location the more it is that people from the area around you will find and follow you.

9. Use the Twitter Search Tool

You can easily use Twitter search to find other people who tweet about the specific terms that you are interested in.


For instance, if health is your area of interest, you can search fitness, exercise or diet.

You can say “Hi” and follow people who share the same interests as you hoping that they will follow you back.

10. Offer Great Resources to Your Followers

Be resourceful, helpful and supportive by helping your followers find appropriate answers to their questions.

You gain your followers trust by sharing helpful information.

Once twitter users learn that they can benefit from your tweets or in any other way, they are more likely to follow you and keep track of your activities on twitter.


11. Do Not Spam

Do not send irrelevant or pushy private messages to your followers.

The last thing you want to be considered is a spammer.

Frequency of posts is another thing associated with spammers.  Although frequent tweets will likely do you more good than harm, spacing those tweets out will help you avoid being labeled a spammer and get you better results by connecting with more people over time.

You will lose followers if you are spamming.

12. Create a Story

Everyone loves stories. Creating interesting and well structured stories is a sure way of earning more followers since people are bound to follow them.

You can create engaging stories about yourself of your business using tweets, photos, and videos.

Creating anticipation and excitement is the winning formula.

13. Participate in #FollowFriday

Throughout the week keep track of the people who retweet and make a positive impression on you and reward them with a #FollowFriday recommendation.

More often than not people you recommend for #FollowFriday will return the favor.

14. Write Killer Headlines

Killer headlines are a sure way of grabbing peoples’ attention.

This will help you increase your twitter following and the number of clicks on your tweets.

For some awesome headline tips check out this post about mind-blowing headlines.

15. Stay Positive and Avoid Negativity

Nowadays twitter is full of complains and negative tweets.

Posting negative tweets will put off some of your followers and cause people to unfollow you.

16. Adopt a Different View

Blog posts that take a different or unique angle to the normal provoke lots of comment which shows that they are doing well.

Although in most cases it is quite easy to go with the flow, it is vital to adopt a unique line of thought which will make you stand out from the rest.


17. Analyze and Optimize

Analyzing what your followers respond to will give you a clear path that you should follow in terms of what you should change and important aspects that you should focus in order to build a large and strong twitter following.

A twitter audit will help you balance your original tweets, replies, and retweets.

For more on this topic check out our post about 10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools.

18. Always Introduce Yourself Subtly

Once you follow someone new, be sure to brows their feed in order to find a tweet that you can respond to immediately.

This will make them see that you are active and paying attention and hence they are more likely to follow you back.

19. Build Trust and Familiarity With Your Followers

Post educative, interesting, and legit stories which can be in terms of lessons and tips.

Most people following you are more likely to retweet your content or even suggest you to other users.

Building trust and familiarity makes it easy for twitter users to reach out to you.

20. Buy Twitter Followers

The fastest way to get new followers is by buying them.

If you want to buy followers I recommend the service: Grow My Twitter Network.

21. Do Not Follow People Automatically

You should never follow people automatically without investigating who they are.

This increases the risk of following spammers who may hurt the credibility and authenticity of your entire twitter profile.

Brand yourself and your twitter channel.

Fill out your bio and add a professional head shot to your twitter account.

This will help you express who you are and how your business can help consumers (followers).

Conveying your personality accurately on twitter will help you appear authentic.

This will help you convey the same into your voice, tone and content shared.

This is an effective way of making you unforgettable in the eye of your followers.

22. Ask a Question

The beauty of twitter is true engagement which can be effectively stimulated by asking questions. This will create interaction as your followers try to respond to your questions. You should treat your twitter home feed like a chat room.

Drop in viable ideas

Everyone loves picking up new ideas and developing new solutions. Twitter is a great platform to connect with like-minded individuals and develop interesting ideas collectively.

Join twitter group chats

This is an excellent way of connecting with people and building more meaningful and deeper connections. On the other hand, such chats are very helpful to anyone blogging professionally or personally.

Such discussion are usually held once a month or once per week.

Ensure that you join appropriate chats where you will not feel out of place so as to participate by saying interesting and relevant things. As a result other twitter users will notice and follow you.

23. Follow Those Who Follow You

Though it is beneficial to have a large twitter following, it is also vital to follow those who follow you.

In addition, their followers will see that you are an active and fair twitter user and are probably going to follow you as well.

The give and take aspect of twitter is what makes it very unique, therefore, be sure to return favors.

24. Reply as Fast as Possible

Twitter is a real-time social network and the faster you can reply to people the realer you will be to them.

Money likes speed.  People like doing business with people they know they can quickly and easily contact if they ever need support.


25. Leverage Your Other Social Media Profiles

Link to your Twitter profile from your other profiles across the web. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.

On your Facebook page include a link to your Twitter profile in the Websites section.

On YouTube you can link to your Twitter profile in your bio, and in the description section for videos.  You can also mention your Twitter username in your videos, or watermark it as text on top of the video.

26. Link to Your Twitter Name in Your Email Signature

With every email you send you have an opportunity to link the recipient(s) of your Twitter profile.wisestamp-logo

I use a cool email signature service called WiseStamp that includes a twitter icon in my email signature.

If you don’t want to use wisestamp to include an image link you can simply use a text link that says you should follow me on Twitter here.

27. Tell People They Should Follow You On Twitter

Dustin Curtis did a twitter experiment on his blog and found that when he said:

“you should follow me on twitter here

his click through rate improved significantly.


28. Tweet Awesome Content

If you can get more retweets you can get more followers.  Every retweet you get should

help you net a few new followers.  How many new followers a retweet gets you depends on who retweets you.

Share awesome content you will get more retweets, and more followers. When people visit your Twitter page and see that you are tweeting awesome content they will see the value in following your stream, and will be more likely to follow you.

Not sure where to start for awesome content? Check out my awesome content Twitter list. :)

29. Ask Your Followers to Retweet You

Ask your followers to "Please RT" your best content.

Saying please has been proven to get better results.  I have tested this out and it really does work.

Every retweet usually leads to a few new followers, depending on how many followers the person who retweets you has.

Check out my article about how to get more retweets for more tips that will help your tweets go viral.

30. Create Targeted Connections

TweetAdder is a ridiculously powerful Twitter marketing and connection building program.

I have used TweetAdder to build tens of thousands of relevant connections and I highly recommend it.

I created a comprehensive TweetAdder guide explaining in detail which features of the program are useful, and how to use them for maximum effect.

31. Reach Out to Your New Followers

This can be something as simple as an automatic bubble tweet saying hello.

Even just using TweetAdder to send a message saying “Hi, thanks for following” to introduce yourself to new followers will help you keep more of them.bubbletweet

Use auto-dm’s with caution; don’t use them to send a spammy link, instead try to spark a real conversation and connection with a friendly hello.

I recommend against using TrueTwit Validation because many people would sooner unfollow you than going through the cumbersome process of validating you as a “True twit.”

32. Carefully Include Keywords in Your Bio

The more details you can include in your bio, the better.  Tools like TweetAdder allow people to search and find people to follow based on the keywords in your bio.

Try to include keywords that both describe you and the content you tweet about.

33. Use #Hashtags in Some of Your Tweets

Hashtags can help people find your tweets through trending topics, and Twitter searTwitter-Hashtagch.

#Hashtags are not pretty to look atso use them sparingly.  Some people detest them and will unfollow you if you use them all the time.


#Hashtags do open your tweets to other tweet streams so using them when you are starting out can open your tweets up to a larger audience than just your followers.

The more people that find your tweets, the more people find (and follow) you.

34. Tweet Cool Pictures

People like to see and share cool pictures.

Pictures tend to retweet well, and the more retweets you get the more followers you can potentially net.

A few cool Twitter photo sharing tools include:

  • TwitPic - TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter
  • Instagram – iPhone photo sharing service. Won app of the year from Apple.
  • Tweetphoto - Photo sharing made simple
  • Yfrog - Share your images and videos on Twitter

35. Block and Report Spammers

In most cases, the spammers are first names with a long number.

Following such users can confuse the automated systems as they try to sort through new twitter users.

This will help your account remain credible and speed the process of sorting new followers.

Keep a clean list of followers who are useful personally and professionally.

36. Retweet Others the Classic Way

The best way to get on the radar of others is with a retweet in the classic style, rather than the new style.

A classic retweet is when you start the tweet with RT and their username, for example:

“RT @Garin: 50 Innovative Ways to Get More Twitter Followers –

Doing this causes your retweet to show up in their mention stream, which is more visible than retweeting in the new one-click style.

37. Unfollow People Who Don’t Follow You

For those who don’t own a Twitter marketing program like TweetAdder there is a free alternative called Manage Flitter that creates a list of all people who don’t follow you and makes it easy for you to unfollow them.


38. Email Your Contacts and Ask Them to Follow You

Send an email to your existing contact list letting them know that you are on twitter, and that they should be following you.

One way to do this is to use an emboldened post-script in any newsletters you might send.

For example: 

P.S. Follow me on Twitter @Garin. :)

39. Tweet During Peak Times

Tweet during peak twitter traffic times.

Check out this post I wrote about everything you need to know about timing your tweets so you can get your tweets more exposure.

The more exposure your tweets get the more followers you will pick up in the process.

40. Participate in Trending Topics

Trending topics are visible to thousands of people at once.

Participating in a trending topic can give your tweet more exposure than it normally would.

With more exposure your tweets have a better chance of spreading, and this can net you a bunch of new followers in the process.

41. Follow Highly Relevant People

The more relevant the people you follow are, the better the chance is that they will follow you back.twitter-bird-new

TweetAdder can help with this by allowing you to target people to follow based on the keywords they use in their bio, or in their tweets.

The best way to ensure you are building relevant connections is to check out people for yourself.

42. Engage with Twitter Giants

If you can engage Twitter Giants, you can potentially get a large amount of exposure if they respond to you.

Your chances of getting the attention of a Twitter Giant grows as your following grows.  Be persistent.  Get them on lists and tweet their original content.  Mention them for #FollowFriday.

I engage with Twitter Giants on a regular basis and I’m sure that if you keep trying you can do the same.

43. Use a Tweet Button in Your Blog Posts

Sites with twitter share buttons installed get seven times the twitter mentions as websites without them.twitter-button-sharing-statistic

Twitter recently launched the official tweet button, and I recommend you use it.

If you install this button into your pages or posts manually you can also choose to have the button recommend people to follow after a  tweet is sent.

If you are running a self-hosted WordPress blog the best plugin for integrating a tweet button and other social buttons is Digg Digg.

Digg Digg is the plugin that installed the social sharing buttons that follow you as you scroll down this page.

44. Do a Charity Promotion

Drew Carey (@Drewfromtv) is paying $1 for every follower he gets, up until 1,000,000 followers.

This strategy has netted him over 600,000 followers already, and plenty of publicity.

45. Create a Great Looking Twitter Background

Most people still use the web based version of Twitter, which means they will see your background when surfing to your profile.themelon

If you take the time to create a custom Twitter background people will notice and you will get more follows as a result.

Check out the tool Themelon for millions of color combinations.

46. Pick a Short and Memorable Twitter User Name

The shorter your username the better.

Many people still use the classic style retweets, so having a shorter username means that more people will be able to retweet your tweets.

47. Tweet Often

When I met @unmarketing he told me the month he became really big on Twitter he tweeted about 10,000 times.

By tweeting all the time you might piss a bunch of people off, but the ones who don’t unfollow you will be much more familiar with you, and will be more likely to retweet you.

How effective this strategy is depends entirely on what you tweet about, of course.

The more you tweet, the better chance you have of your tweets being seen by people who do not follow you yet.

The more recent your tweets are, the more relevant it will seem for someone to follow you.

48. Run a Contest

twitter-contestRunning a successful Twitter contest is a great way to attract new followers. Offer a good prize and make sure you clearly communicate the rules of entry. If your prize is related to your brand then it can also help find targeted followers who are interested in your area of expertise.

Be creative! Try giving away an experience, a vacation, a meeting with a celebrity. Contests draw attention! Offer multiple prizes, including a grand prize, 3-5 mid-level prizes, and as many small prizes as you feel like.

Set a hashtag for your contest like#mycontestisawesome or #winmystuff, and include it in every tweet about your contest.

Launch your contest through Twitter and any other mediums you are using. Blogs are great at driving contest traffic, because they can explain the prizes and rules in greater detail.

You can use the conest as an inbound marketing vehicle for your website and award prizes based on  who drives the most traffic back to the contest page, thus helping it spread virally!  Get contest entrants to use links which have built in analytics so that you can track who sends the most traffic.

49. Use Twitter in Your Blog Comments

When replying to posts on other people's blogs, leave your Twitter name in your reply.

If you are commenting on a disqus comment system (like the one in this post) you can click a twitter icon and share your comment on Twitter.

50. Interact

This is something many new users miss on Twitter. Twitter is not simply a medium to broadcast like television or radio, although some people do drop the ball and use it this way.  Twitter is meant for both broadcasting AND interaction.

Answer back to people who tweet you. People who talk to you will be much more likely to follow you.

Whenever someone tweets or retweets me I check to make sure I am following them, and I imagine that many other people check this out as well.

51. Install a Twitter Follow Button

The official Twitter follow button makes it easy for people to follow you directly from your site.

Installing a Twitter button is really easy, it just takes copying and pasting the code, and inserting your username.  I have two twitter follow buttons installed into the sidebar of this blog, feel free to use them if you want to see how they work. ;)

52. Add Yourself to Twitter Directories

There are directories like Twellow, wefollow, and several others where you can add your Twitter profile and get more followers.

Wefollow is an especially helpful Twitter directory because it is the largest directory on the web.

There are dozens of directories of Twitter users online, including Twiends, WeFollow, and Twellow, and more.

Add yourself to as many directories as you can find under the proper categories, and you will begin to see some users following you from these sites.

When someone follows you through one of these directories you will receive a notification email from Twitter – if you have these turned on. In these notifications you can see which directory they followed you through.

If you’re using Twitter Marketing software like TweetAdder you’ll want to turn these notifications off because it gets annoying with a few hundred daily emails from Twitter.

53. Write Articles and Place your Twitter Name in the Signature Box

Write articles on your topic of interest and place your Twitter name in the resource box. Submit these articles to places like and

54. Install a Twitter Widget into Your Website

Did you know that you can add a Twitter widget on LinkedIn that will display your recent tweets? There are many places online that will allow you to display a list of your latest tweets, and these widgets are a great source of new followers!

You can get an official custom Twitter widget that works on any site where you can add custom code!

I use publitweet widgets to embed my Twitter stream into my blogs, since these are more powerful than official Twitter widgets and import not only my tweets, but also a preview of the content that was shared if a link was tweeted.  See the image to the right for an idea of what these look like, although the design is custom.

55. Link it Up

The more links you have to your twitter profile the more ways there are for people to follow you!

This means online and offline, put a link to your Twitter profile everywhere you can.

Link to Twitter from Facebook, from your blog, from your guest posts, from your videos, in your email signature, and anywhere else you can think of.

Usually if you just put an "@" sign in front of your username people will understand that you are listing your Twitter name.

56. Write a Guest Post

Even if you don't have a blog of your own, you can easily gain notoriety and followers by writing posts for other blogs.

Running a blog is hard work, and most people and companies welcome well written posts to give them a break.

If you do score an opportunity to guest post, link to your blog if you like, but be sure to link to your Twitter account as well.

Want to learn more about guest posting? Check out these ten great guest posting tips.

If you are interested in writing a post for this blog contact us and let us know your idea for a post!

57. Be Funny

Laughter is the best medicine. Funny and witty tweets retweet very well.

Just check out favstar for some of the funniest tweets.

@Badbanana and @shitmydadsays are always good for a laugh.

58. Sign up for my free 7 day eCourse

Enroll in my free 7 day twitter eCourse and you will receive awesome twitter tips and tricks by email that will enable you build a powerful twitter presence that will help you get many more followers.

59. Advertise Vacancies

If your company of business is doing well, you can use your twitter account to advertise any vacancies that you may have.

If twitter users realize that they may benefit from such opportunities, it is more likely that they will follow you in order to look out for your feed.

Share opportunities with your followers and they will retweet and recommend you and this will lead to more followers.

60. Do Podcasts

Podcasting is a great way to get attention, it showcases your expertise, and helps build an audience.

Creating your own podcast is simple. All you have to do is download a program such as Audacity (or, if you're on a Mac, GarageBand works well.)

Record your audio, edit out long pauses or background noise, and make sure to mention that people should follow you on Twitter!

61. Host a Webinar

Webinars are online seminars, and can be a powerful way to build your brand and your Twitter following.webinar-graphic

A Webinar is a perfect medium to get more Twitter followers fast, since you can link directly to your Twitter account during and after the webinar for attendees.

You can begin by creating a template for your slideshow that includes your Twitter information in the bottom right hand corner. Many attendees will automatically look in that corner of the presentation last, while listening to your information.

Encourage Twitter users to follow you throughout the presentation, and talk about the benefits of the content you share on Twitter.

If you plan on hosting a Q&A session ask people to follow you on Twitter and tweet their questions. Not only will this get you immediate followers from the participants, but their followers will see the questions being posed to you as well, and this can lead to more followers.

The software I use to host my webinars is called anymeeting and it is free to use for up to 200 attendees.

62. Do customer support through Twitter

Now, we're not suggesting you throw away your helpdesk, but add Twitter as a support channel. You may find that users are already tweeting questions at you. Most good helpdesk software already offers Twitter integration.

Some people like posting support questions via Twitter, as they feel the public nature of it will lead to a faster response. Some prefer using private channels and may not use Twitter, but adding it will win you some new followers providing you offer good timely support through it.

63. Integrate Twitter with Your Videos

People love to watch videos. Creating video tutorials for your area of expertise is a great way to get exposure for yourself, and your Twitter presence.

Place your Twitter username in various places in the video, and you can even use a watermark or video annotation so that your twitter username is constantly visible.

If you have a YouTube channel make sure to include a link to your twitter profile on your channel page.

Offline Strategies for Getting More Twitter Followers

64. Rent a Billboard

If you are really ambitious, rent a billboard and put your Twitter name on it.  This is what Ashton Kutcher did when he was racing against CNN to be the first to 1,000,000 followers.

This strategy worked for Ashton and I’m sure it could work for you too if you have a few thousand dollars to cover the cost.

65. Word of Mouth

Tell your friends and relatives to follow you on Twitter.

Bring Twitter up in person when you are chatting with people.  If the people you are talking to active on Twitter convince them to follow you, or if they are not on Twitter convince them to join.

66. Speak at Conferences

While most people already know that speaking at conferences is great for business, many people forget to promote their social media accounts through this platform.

The next time you're giving a presentation at a seminar or conference remember to mention your Twitter account!

Create a presentation #Hashtag and encourage attendees to tweet about your talk for best results.

If you are using presentation software or an on-screen image during your speech, display your username on screen.

If your audience likes what you have to say, they may just follow you later! You can even host the conference yourself, including your Twitter information on conference tickets and tweet the events as they happen. When it comes to live events, the sky is the limit!

67. Put Your Twitter Name on Your Business Card vistaprint-free-business-cards

Twitter promotion does not have to be limited to the online world.  Include your Twitter name right on your business card you will be able to get several new followers.

Don’t have your Twitter username on your business cards yet?  You’re in luck Vista Print is currently giving away 250 business cards for free.

68. Host a Tweetup

Most of the time, offline strategies involve people finding you offline and connecting with you online afterwards.

Tweetups allow you the opportunity to connect with Twitter users in person, even if you have never met before.

Because the group of Twitter users that meet is often diverse you will likely gain at least a few new followers from a tweetup.

You can start a tweetup simply by asking around your circle of twitter followers. Offer to host the event at a coffee shop, restaurant, or even your office.

Create a dedicated web page or blog post for the event, a hashtag (for example, #mytweetup) so that users can follow the event, and encourage tweeters to share with their friends and followers as well.

You can gain large amounts of exposure from something this simple!

69. Do a Radio Interview

Much like speaking at conferences, radio interviews are a great way to get attention.

Whether through AM/FM, satellite, or Blog Talk Radio, the interviews can be used to gain some positive and wildly popular PR.

To be interviewed on the radio you need to position yourself as an expert. Watch your local stations for requests (they often publish them via social media,) list yourself in expert directories, and even contact the station directly and ask if they have any upcoming opportunities for experts.

While you won't have a visual medium to display your Twitter account, repeating your Twitter username a few times during your interview can help you gain new followers. You can also use your interview time to promote contests and upcoming events through your Twitter feed, which is sure to get you some new followers in no time at all!

70. Newspaper Interviews and Articles

If you can somehow tie your business or industry to a current event, it can be easy to get an article in the traditional press that includes your information. You can distribute your own article via press release, or make yourself available for expert interviews through directories and by approaching the media directly.

If you have the resources, hiring a public relations firm can be a great help with this. They can get you expert interviews in many newspapers and national publications, and because of their existing relationship with the editor, you will often be allowed to include a bit more company information than the average submission.

If you don't have the resources (or just prefer DIY methods), write a compelling press release that ties your business to a current event. Distribute it to the local media, and call to follow up. Create a media kit or press kit for distribution when someone asks for information about you and your business. Getting interviews in traditional press isn't difficult for a small business owner, but it does take an investment of time and some persistence.

When you do gain some media exposure, while most companies are just now beginning to include links to their website in the article, you can include links to social media accounts like Twitter to get new followers and exposure for your expertise.

71. Attend Networking Events

If you run a business, you likely have a local networking event that you do or can attend.

Publicizing your Twitter profile at events like these through your business cards, stickers, and stamps can gain you a large number of targeted Twitter followers very quickly!

Be sure to offer an incentive for following you, such as free reports, discounts, or updates.

72. Give Away a Free eBook

Few things say “I'm an expert” like being an author.

While print titles still have more clout with traditional audiences, eBooks like those for Kindle and other e-readers are gaining popularity.

If you're looking to establish yourself as an expert, traditional publishing houses may get you the most notoriety, but self-publishing with a good public relations agent can get you similar results today.

Being sure to include your social media links – including Twitter – is a great way to allow readers to connect with your expertise after reading your book. Start by offering your Twitter ID on the inside front cover, where many bookstore shoppers will look for your bio; then include your information on the back cover, in the introduction, and throughout the book.

If you are willing to think outside of the box, you can even include your Twitter ID in the footer of every page. Even if they don't follow you immediately after reading the book, they will subconsciously recognize your account in the future and be more willing to follow you if they come across your name again.

Several prominent social media celebrities even use Twitter to launch subsequent titles, so don't overlook the possibilities here. The opportunities are endless!

73. Research and Publish a Report

Reports and white papers are still an essential form of communication for industries and markets around the globe. If you have any data or research to share, or even just helpful ideas, publishing a report or whitepaper can successfully get you the attention of industry leaders, media, and yes – social media.

You can get your white papers and reports distributed by trade magazine distributors across North America, which will often give you the customers' information. Offer the report or whitepaper on your own website, as well as on Twitter itself. You may find that the link to your report gets retweeted, getting you valuable exposure!

As with other forms of offline publishing, be sure to utilize your author's bio and include links to Twitter and other profiles.

74. Magazine Articles

Like newspaper articles, magazine articles can get you great attention from readers and potential customers. Unlike newspapers, however, they can be much longer in length, explain things in much more depth, and offer more opportunities for promotion.

Go to the website for your favorite industry magazine and look for a link to their publishing schedule. There, magazines will list topics that they are going to be covering in the coming months. If you feel you can contribute to one of these topics, contact the editor with a proposal for your article. Do not send the whole article! Editors need a quick glance to determine if your content will be worthy, before approving you to begin work.

The great thing about working with magazines is that in certain circumstances, you can even get paid for your submission. How many opportunities do you have that allow your advertising to pay you? Magazine editors will typically allow for a longer author's bio, offer more opportunities for promotion, and may even extend offers for inexpensive advertising in exchange for your contribution.

75. Use a Quick Response (QR) Code

There are several services online that allow you to create quick response or QR codes. These codes are simple square barcodes that are gaining massive popularity with smartphone users, as they can be used to direct any phone to a specific web address just by taking a picture.

Create a QR code that links to your Twitter profile, and put it up everywhere – on your website, on your business cards, on any signage outside of your office or store, or anywhere else you can think of that might attract enough attention to be worth a snapshot.

Did you like this post? If so please retweet it on Twitter!

Enroll in my 7 day Twitter Tips eCourse for FREE.


Do you have any tips for getting more followers?  Share your tips and/or your username in the comments below!

The post 75 way to get more Twitter Followers appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

35 Ways to Get More Retweets

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 06:33 PM PDT


There are many great reasons for marketing your business on twitter. First of all, it's free.  Secondly, you are able to use twitter to connect with people who are directly relevant to you.

Connections on twitter can be made by searching for relevant conversations, by using twitter marketing software like TweetAdder to build relevant connections, and by building connections and relationships organically.

Below are fifteen of my favorite tips for marketing yourself and your business on twitter.  I also recorded a podcast of myself discussing these twitter marketing tactics.  Enjoy, and please retweet! :)


1. Schedule your Tweets

Scheduling your tweets helps your best content gain the maximum amount of traction of Twitter.

I use Hootsuite to schedule tweets ahead of time so I always have fresh content in my feed.

Seek to schedule your best stuff for Thursday and Friday between 3pm to 5pm.

Everyone has a different audience and it follows that everyone has different best times to tweet.

Check out this Twitter timing tips post to find out the best time for you to tweet.

2. Shorten your Links with Style

There are a few different link shorteners that I recommend using.  They are:,,, and has built in analytics, allowing you to see exactly how many people have clicked any link by adding a + to the end of the link.

3. Tweet Often

By tweeting daily you show the twitter world that you are serious about Twitter, and you will increase your chance of gaining new followers significantly.

Manage Twitter makes it easy to unfollow "Inactive" twitterers. If you remain active on Twitter then you will never run the risk of people unfollowing you on Manage Twitter for inactivity.

4. Facilitate Conversations

There are several ways that you can get conversations going.

Post content and create coversations about that.  Talk to people about content you have on your blog, and talk about any products or services you have to offer.

I always try to post cool and useful stuff to my community.  I post content that people actually want to retweet.

5. Be Creative

Engage the banter around trending topics through clever promotional copy.  Brevity is the art of wit.  Be brief, and brilliant.

6. Pace Yourself

Piggy-back on Twitter trends strategically. Don't abandon straight-forward promotional tweets as part of your marketing mix.

7. Don't spam

One or two tweets an hour is plenty. Conversational posts are an exception to this rule. The more conversation, the better, and all of your followers won't see these anyways, unless they are following both people who are talking.

8. Be a Master Asker

Don't be afraid to ask for a specific action on your Twitter feed, for example a retweet. Ask and you shall receive. If you don't ask for retweets, people may not give them to you.

9. Make sure to Tweet on Friday

Friday is the busiest day on twitter, especially in the afternoon, so make sure you are tweeting your best stuff out then, even if you have to schedule it.

10. Brand Your Tweets

Using a program like Market Me Suite you can brand your Tweets so that every tweet you send is sent with a link that has the custom anchor text you choose.

If you have a website that you are trying to optimize for specific keywords in Google you can boost your rankings by automatically building a backlink to your website with every tweet you send.

The tool that allows you to custom brand your tweets is called Market Me Suite and I currently have a video in production showing exactly how to set up branded tweets with Market Me Suite.

cutom-branded-tweets11. Install a twitter counter into your website or blog

Once you build your following with a tool like TweetAdder or by building connections manually, this is a great widget to install.  Showing how many twitter followers you have is a great way to establish social proof and expertise.

12. Choose a Memorable Username

Ashton Kutcher uses @aplusk.

My username @Garin is only 5 letters long so it gives me plenty of room to write long tweets and still be retweeted.

Shorter is better for twitter usernames.

13. Build a Powerful Following

TweetAdder has helped me build my twitter presence more than anything else.

Having a strong following is not all about just having followers.  You can have millions of followers but it means nothing if none of them click or retweet your links.  The more targeted your network is and the more value you share with your audience the greater your influence will be.

Check out my TweetAdder video review for learn why TweetAdder is powerful for creating a targeted and highly engaged Twitter following.

14. Don't Be All Business

Be social. If all you do is tweet links you could be a robot.

Engage.  Interact.  Get to know people.

Build lists of similar people.  The more you list others, the more you will be listed.

15. Participate in #FollowFriday

Follow Friday is a great way to promote people you connect with throughout the week.

Many people you suggest for follow Friday will return the favor, especially if they have engaged with you before.

Some people have built tens of thousands of followers simply by recommending many others on #FollowFriday, and then gaining new followers those people reciprocate the #Follow recommendation.

Aim to recommend people with sizeable followings for #FollowFriday so you can gain the most from a reciprocal recommendation.

#FollowFriday is also a cool way to say thanks to the people who RT you throughout the week.

How do you market on Twitter?  Do you currently have a Twitter campaign in progress?

Let us know in the comments below!

The post 35 Ways to Get More Retweets appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

How to get more followers on Twitter

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 05:26 PM PDT

Quinny Robbins
So my friend, since Tweetadder is no longer efficient, I use Manageflitter, how run online and provide FREE UNFOLLOWS

Why ManageFlitter?

ManageFlitter provides you with a set of easy to use tools to empower you to work smarter and faster with Twitter .

Sort your followers/following lists by a range of criteria
Find new people to follow with our comprehensive search facility
Find out when most of your followers are online and schedule tweets appropriately with our PowerPost feature
Answer “Who unfollowed me on Twitter”?
Track who unfollowed you
Easily manage multiple Twitter accounts
Track keyword mentions on Twitter with our Analytics feature (coming soon)
And much more!

To date they have assisted 2,160,417 users with their Twitter accounts… so they have been around for a while and plan on being around a whole lot more.

There system is super fast and built on rock solid reliable architecture. The team behind ManageFlitter have many years worth of experience developing robust online systems that help people lead more productive lives.

Youtube channel:

Please, share it ;)


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The post How to get more followers on Twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

3 essential Twitter marketing tips, plus a cheat sheet infographic

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 04:23 PM PDT

James Todman


Even the most savvy social media marketers out there could do with a little help sometimes, and this infographic by James T Noble with Twitter marketing tips is designed to do just that.

James’ infographic is a personal cheat sheet for improving Twitter communications. Some of the advice are generalisations, such as the best days to tweet are Saturday and Sunday. Thankfully for those who love their weekends, this is not true for every brand. The best days to tweet largely depends on when your target audience is online and using the social network.

But there are some Twitter marketing tips that every social marketer should heed if they want to achieve social media success. Three important tips are:

1: Develop recommendation marketing

As the infographic says, a recommendation from a friend is up to 50 times more likely to influence a purchase. As a marketer you need encourage this type of communication about your brand. Using Twitter to build an engaged community (also known as a tribe) around your products and services is one way to nurture positive ‘word of mouth’ recommendations.

2. Don’t risk looking desperate by asking for Retweets

Does depend on what you are asking a retweet for. If your tweet is about a good cause or charitable action then asking for a retweet is valid. But as the infographic says, continually asking for RT’s and retweets will make your brand look desperate. Focus on the content of the tweet as this is the main factor that encourages sharing of your communications.

3: Retweet more than self-promote

Over self-promotion is a huge turn-off on Twitter. As the infographic says, retweeting people rather than self promotion will get your more retweets in return. It’s the ‘do something for me, I’ll do something for you’ mentality that works so well with social media. However, don’t over do it! Work on creating your own tweets rather than retweeting everyone else’s.

You maybe thinking, “without self promotion, what’s the point of my brand being on Twitter”? Social media is all about conversations rather than the ‘hard sell’. By concentrating on engagement to develop these conversations and build a social community, you will be creating brand awareness and trust that will eventually lead to sales.

Check out James’ infographic and let me know what you think in the comments section below:

Twitter Marketing cheat sheet

The post 3 essential Twitter marketing tips, plus a cheat sheet infographic appeared first on Muddywall.

The post 3 essential Twitter marketing tips, plus a cheat sheet infographic appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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