mardi 25 mars 2014



9 Small Business Twitter Marketing Examples to Study

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:00 AM PDT

Eric Sornoso

social media how to Are you debating whether your small business should invest time on Twitter?

Do you wonder how Twitter can help your business?

By being an active part of the Twitter community and sharing the right mix of content, you can reach a larger audience, generate more leads and become the go-to source when customers are ready to buy.

In this article I'll show you how nine small businesses use Twitter to cater to their audiences, find prospects and expand brand recognition.

Why Twitter for Small Businesses?

Twitter has evolved a lot since 2007. It used to be about conversations, but these days some would say it's just another way to push out marketing messages and links without true engagement with customers.

istock twitter image

Twitter is perfect for small businesses. Image source:

I don't agree. I see a lot of businesses using Twitter to its full potential and cultivating relationships with loyal followers, and those relationships can turn into sales.

Twitter offers businesses of all sizes multiple opportunities to find and convert prospects, but it takes more effort than pushing out scheduled tweets about your products.

It's worth it to invest the time and resources to develop your presence on Twitter. When you do, you'll see more growth and loyalty from customers, as well as more sharing, engagement and leads. Consistent conversations go a long way!

The nine small businesses I showcase below show how attention to community and a little creativity make all the difference in reach and company growth.

#1: Use Twitter to Stand Out

It can be tough to be up against big brands. The hospitality business in New York City is a good example—it's one of the most competitive markets in the industry.

Management at the Roger Smith Hotel, a small boutique hotel in Manhattan, knew they had to find a way to stand out, so they turned to social media marketing.

roger smith discount tweet

Reward Twitter followers with special perks.

To get started, hotel management did what a lot of businesses do: They invited key journalists and social media influencers to try out their services. As those influencers took to Twitter to share their experiences, the Roger Smith Hotel got its brand in front of a much larger audience.

The hotel didn't stop there. The team took that boost and ran with it. Now their Twitter feed is lively with trivia, coupons, pictures of New York City and more. They even give discounts to customers who reserve a room via Twitter and the hotel has a Twitter kiosk in the lobby!

#2: Keep Your Followers Interested

How can a domain registrar and brokerage service like Namecheap attract more than 100,000 Twitter followers? They provide the right mix of business and fun. Trivia and giveaways have always been staples of Namecheap's Twitter feed.

namecheap tweet

Updates don't have to be all business or all fun; bring the two together in your updates.

During Super Bowl XLVIII, Namecheap posted 48 interesting questions related to both the big game and information technology. This kept their fans interested and related to the company's niche.

#3: Stick With It

If you're not seeing immediate growth on Twitter, don't give up. As they say, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Houston-based coffee shop Coffee Groundz is a great example of this.

Coffee Groundz has the distinction of being one of the first small businesses to set up shop on Twitter. Instead of being discouraged and writing off Twitter as a waste of time with no ROI, Coffee Groundz kept at it. It took a while, but they managed to get thousands of followers thanks to a steady stream of tweets.

coffee groundz tweet

Offer your followers perks.

Coffee Groundz tweets special recipes, promotions, pictures of fancy coffee beverages and interesting tidbits of online conversations. Taking the time to show the company's personality and build trust has grown Coffee Groundz' followers to almost 15,000.

#4: Provide a Balance of Work and Fun

Bradbury & Partners is an Atlanta-based executive recruiting firm that focuses solely on the mortgage origination industry. Having such a narrow niche can make it hard to grow a Twitter following, but Bradbury & Partners has found a way.

bradbury and partners tweet

Liven up the conversation, especially if your niche can be a little dry.

The firm uses hashtags, sharp commentary and links to questions they tackle on the Q&A social network Quora. To provide a balance of work and fun, they also post niche-related jokes, photos and cartoons.

#5: Keep Your Mobile Users in Mind

Are you ever without your smartphone? Probably not—and neither is your audience. Mobile is the way we both market and consume information. Twitter says it was "born mobile."

In the past few years, food trucks have become big business. These moving eateries frequently change location (obviously), so it makes sense to tell people where they'll be and when they'll be there. Enter Twitter.

Kogi Korean BBQ, a popular L.A. food truck, owes as much to Twitter as it does to its delicious and ingenious fusion of Mexican and Korean cuisine.

kogi bbq tweet

Use Twitter updates to give followers real-time information they can use.

In 2009, Kogi Korean BBQ saw that taco truck fans in Southern California were tweeting menus and locations of their favorite food trucks. They quickly set up a Twitter profile and started updating their customers with schedules, locations and pictures of menu items.

This is still relevant today. Remember to keep your mobile users in mind when using Twitter.

#6: Listen to Your Customers

You may not think of JetBlue as a small business, but within its industry it's a modest carrier compared to Delta or United. Even so, JetBlue was the first airline in the United States to earn accolades for its use of Twitter, a corporate effort that continues to this day.

JetBlue uses Twitter as a customer service platform and has a team in place to monitor and respond to customer questions, compliments, and yes, complaints.

jetblue customer service tweet

Monitor Twitter and respond to your customers.

To engage its 1.7 million followers, the company also shares discounts and deals, travel tips and pictures from passengers.

jetblue tweet

Share user generated content to help other customers.

#7: Promote Hard to Find Products

Many small businesses struggle with whether they should be on Twitter. They wonder if it's really the way to reach their customers.

MendezFuel was in the same boat. The owner of the company has four gas stations and needed to set them apart from the bigger chains. How do you make a business like a gas station in South Florida interesting enough for customers to follow on Twitter?

mendez fuel tweet

Put a twist on regularly stocked products to entice customers to come to your store.

Gas station convenience stores typically carry the same products and those products are generally the same brand. That goes for beer too. As a fan of microbreweries and craft beers, the owner of Mendez Fuel recognized his opportunity.

The microbrewery scene in South Florida isn't as vibrant as in other regions, so it's harder to come by those beers in a convenience store. By offering them in his stores, he knew his followers were likely to come to his gas stations to get their hands on a frosty and unusual craft beer.

Promote your hard to find but popular products to grow a niche following.

#8: Connect With People Who Need What You Have to Offer

Twitter is filled with medical professionals who keep busy with shameless self-promotion. New York City's Dr. Sinkin belongs in a different category. He's a dentist who actually engages his followers.

Dr. Sinkin uses Twitter's search function and third-party services to find conversations related to the dental field. When he runs across a tweet related to dentistry, he engages. For example, if he sees a tweet that indicates someone has a toothache, he introduces himself as a dentist and includes a list of remedies to try.

michael sinkin dds tweet

Offering his followers useful information helps him establish authority that may help him gain new clients.

Twitter is the perfect place to search for people who need what you offer and to surprise them with helpful advice.

#9: Use Twitter for Lead Generation

IdeaPaint sells an amazing paint product that turns walls into dry-erase boards. It's a product that appeals to a range of audiences—businesses, parents, artists, etc.

iedapaint tweet

Celebrate the creativity of your followers.

IdeaPaint uses Twitter for lead generation by reinforcing its commitment to generating ideas and supporting creativity. Their stream focuses on the collaborative and imaginative spirit a blank whiteboard presents. Anything is possible: business plans, reminders and all kinds of art. The company's tweets often make mention of the creative process.

Some Final Thoughts…

Twitter isn't just for big companies or spray-and-pray marketing. Any business can find a place on the platform—the key is conversation. Pay attention to your customers and respond to their questions, compliments and concerns. Keep their attention with fun facts, real-time information and local flavor.

What do you think? How are you growing your Twitter follower count? Do you have other examples to share of how small businesses use Twitter? Leave your advice and comments below.

Images from iStockPhoto.

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The post 9 Small Business Twitter Marketing Examples to Study appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

SocialOomph – and Alternative Social Media Tools

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 07:27 PM PDT

SocialOomph is a very useful free professional tool to automatically manage your Twitter Account. With Twitter advancing into every section of society, it sure seems to the perfect marketing tool which if used perfectly can prove fruitful. Keeping in mind the ethical aspect of internet marketing and not crossing the boundaries of spamming the pool, SocialOomph is the best app/tool to complete such tasks.

Socialoomph Image

How to Configure SocialOomph?

Follow these simple steps to configure this program:

  1. Visit Official Website –
  2. Create a new free Account (Compulsory)
  3. Now select the Account option
  4. Press Add Twitter Account
  5. Now enter your Twitter Details
  6. On successful addition Enable "Auto Follow Option"
  7. Select Save and Exit

SocialOomph Review

This social media tool can be used as an auto responder for automatically send in a message to your followers and simultaneously add them to your following list as well. Some of the noteworthy features of this program are discussed below.


  • Auto-Follow feature will help you save time by automatically following back people who follow you.
  • Efficiently minify "Lost Follower" on your account list
  • Manual Auto Unfollow option available to manage individual followers


  • Since the follow back option is completely automated you may fall victim to spammers
  • Sometimes your account may be also blocked due to excess followers and following pool

SocialOomph Alternative

If you are not satisfied with this application or wish to try out other alternative programs, you can try the following similar programs –

  1. TweetAdder
  2. SocialBro

We would suggest you to use this application with care. If at any point of time you feel any problem, you can try the alternatives available at the end of the article. Do share your review and experience with our readers using the comment section.

The post SocialOomph – and Alternative Social Media Tools appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

Twitter Has the Best Converting Web Traffic

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 06:48 PM PDT


Recently I came across a study which confirmed something I’ve been preaching about in these blog posts for a few years: that Twitter can be an awesome source of quality traffic.

The study that I found is from a recent post on a traffic blog that examined 12 different strategies to drive traffic to find the one that converts the best.

The experiment involved spending 3 hours on 12 different traffic strategies. The volume of traffic that resulted, and the conversions (signups to my free business reporting app) were recorded.

The #1 traffic source was the Twitter marketing software auto follower strategy which referred 104 visits and 6 conversions (at 5.77%).

The traffic strategy that was used involved using the Twitter Marketing software that I have reviewed and recommend called TweetAdder.

How this strategy works is simply by initiating hundreds of targeted new connections with targeted people based on keywords in their bio, location, keywords tweeted, or several other criteria.

Here are the numbers from the study:


The coolest part about the Twitter auto follow traffic from this study is how it is the source of traffic that involved the least amount of time since the majority of the process is automated.tweetadder-twitter-marketing-software

Twitter traffic from new connections is so effective because it is personal.  You have taken the initiative to connect with someone and this created a connected interest that many other sources of traffic lacks.

The only potential drawback to this traffic method is that when you first start out on Twitter you can only follow a max of 2,000 people until you have 2,000 followers.  If you want to accelerate your results and easily boost your network past this milestone I recommend checking out the service Grow my Twitter Network.

Building a strong Twitter network helps with traffic not only when someone first connects with you, but also as they click on links to your sites from your tweets over time.  If you want some powerful ideas for getting more Twitter followers check out this article and discover 50 innovative tips.

Want to discover how TweetAdder helps automate the process of targeted connection building on Twitter that can lead to this kind of traffic? Check out my TweetAdder video review.


What do you think of this Twitter marketing strategy? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Twitter Has the Best Converting Web Traffic appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post Twitter Has the Best Converting Web Traffic appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

find a job with twitter

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 06:03 PM PDT


Opportunities to find a job are everywhere on Twitter.  Getting these jobs takes some different tactics than traditionally.  Resume’s are becoming less important as the importance of a solid social media community continues to increase.

In this article I cover 10 tips that will help you find a job with Twitter by identifying more job opportunities and positioning yourself as the best person for the job.

1. Start a #HireMe Campaign

Let your followers know you are on the hunt for a new job.

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and send a tweet sharing your profile link.

Tweet valuable resources and do your best to help your audience out.  You can help people in your Twitter network by sharing their content, recommending them, and helping them build buzz about content they are sharing.

If you have helped others they will feel inclined to reciprocate the helpfulness, so when they see that you are on a #jobhunt they will be more likely to help you out if they can.

2. Use Job Hunting #Hashtagsjob-hunting

Send a tweet asking if anyone knows about new opportunities in your niche.

You can use #hashtags to let people know you are doing a #jobsearch.

Job Listings:

You can find general job advice and lots of listings through hashtags like #jobs, #recruiting, #jobadvice, #jobposting, #jobhunt and #jobsearch.

To narrow it down seek out more specific hashtags, such as or #prjobs or #salesjobs.

Job-Related and Industry Chats:

Getting involved with industry chats is a way to show your industry in a particular field and represent yourself as a knowledgeable person.

Also, if your search isn’t going so well, get involved in job-related chats, such as #jobhuntchat, #careerchat, and #hirefriday for friendly advice.

3. Build a Strong Network

A lot of successful Twitter job stories actually end with the punchline, “I wasn’t even looking for a job.”

The stronger your network is the more of a reason there is for employers to hire you, if you are willing to tweet on behalf of your employer.

4. Connect with Recruiters

Using the Twitter Marketing software TweetAdder I did a search for any Twitter accounts with the keyword “recruiter” in their bio.

The search returned: 5425 people with the word “recruiter” in their bio.


A bio search is not the only way to use TweetAdder to build connections, you can also follow all people on Twitter list, or people who have recently tweeted a keyword or phrase you want to target.

To discover how to use TweetAdder for maximum effect check out this TweetAdder networking success guide.

5. Optimize Your Bio

Include a link to an online CV or resume in your bio.

Make it clear that you are seeking employment and taking action to find a job.  Let people know about the kind of position you are looking for.

Ask your audience to share your profile with potential employers and make it easy for people to contact you for more information.

Get your followers to connect with you on LinkedIn and take the time to create a complete LinkedIn profile.

6. Position Yourself as an Expert

Be a thought leader.

Speak your mind and back up your thoughts with facts.

Spark discussion with people who have large followings.

Insightful quotes and quality content are two tried and tested content marketing strategies that work very well for gaining recognition as an expert in your niche.

Having more followers also creates the perception of expertise.  If you want more Twitter followers I recommend you check out these 50 innovative tips and the service Grow My Twitter Network.




7. Use a Twitter Job Search Engine

TwitJobSearch is one search engine for finding jobs on Twitter.  Below you can see what it looks like.


Tweetmyjobs is another Twitter job search engine.  This jobs search engine seems more enhanced than TwitJobSearch but requires that you sign up for a free account before they deliver any search results.


If these two tools do not give you what you are looking for a great place to look is Twitter’s advanced search engine.  The nice thing about Twitter’s search engine is it makes it easy to search all tweets and focus in on the tweets that matter the most to you.


8. Start a Blog

If you own a successful blog this will be a clear indicator to any employer that you are a capable content marketer who could help create similar success for a prospective employer.

Having a blog also places you in the position of the expert and enables you to develop your voice while building trust with your audience as you deliver value.


9. Follow Job Search Lists & Accounts

The Twitter account @JobHuntOrg created a Twitter list with 180 members that all tweet about new job opportunities!  Here is the link:

Another interesting list comes from @betterjobsearch and he describes the list as “Specialists in reporting, consulting and for job seekers, listings, job fairs.”  This Twitter list has 476 members.  Here’s the link:


Twitter Accounts That Post Job Openings

job-openingsBelow you will find some Twitter accounts and lists related to different people on Twitter who are involved in the #JobSearch niche.

#JobOpening is another hashtag worth researching.

By company

@attjobs – Jobs at AT&T
@mtvnetworksjobs - Jobs at MTV
@TRCareers – Jobs from Thomson Reuters

By field

@alldevjobs - Developer jobs
@ArtDirectorJobs – Art director jobs
@cwjobs - Copywriter jobs
@jobsinhiphop – Jobs in Hip-Hop
@journalism_jobs - Jobs in journalism
@juicyjobs – Green jobs
@libgig_jobs - Library Jobs
@mediabistrojobs - Media job listings from
@medical_jobs - Medical jobs
@media_pros – Jobs for media professionals
@narmsjobs – Retail marketing jobs
@PRSAjobcenter – Jobs in public relations, communications and marketing
@reflectx - Physical Therapy jobs
@seojobs - SEO job listings
@socialmediajob - Jobs in social media
@travelmaxallied - Healthcare jobs
@travelnursejob - Jobs for traveling nurses
@usmusicjobs - US Music Jobs
@web_design_jobs - Web design and other graphics jobs

By job type

@findinternships – Internships and entry level jobs for college students
@freelance_jobs – Freelance jobs
@heatherhuhman – Entry level jobs and internships

By region

@MyBristolJobs – Job listings from
@chicagowebjobs – Web-related jobs in Chicago
@ChicagoTechJobs – Technology jobs in the greater Chicago area
@ITJobsLondon – IT jobs in London
@ITJobsSydney – IT jobs in Sydney, Australia
@JobsBoston - Jobs in the greater Boston area
@jobshawaii – Jobs in Hawaii
@NewYorkTechJobs – Technology jobs in the greater New York area
@PDXJobs – Jobs in Portland, Oregon
@sdjobs - San Diego technology jobs
@sfmobilejobs – Mobile Web and Digital Media jobs in Silicon Valley
@mtltweetjobs - PR/marketing/social media/tech jobs in Montreal
@TopJobsInLondon - Top jobs in London, UK
@web20jobs - UK-based web 2.0 jobs


@JobAngels – Helping the unemployed find jobs
@indeed - One search. All jobs.
@jobshouts – General job postings
@simplyhired - Job search site
@StartUpHire – Jobs at VC backed companies
@twithire - Job board service

10. Take the Conversation Offline

Once you have established a connection with a recruiter or employer who has a job offer you are interested in the next step is to take your conversation to the next level with a call.

Connect on Skype or get a phone number and set up a phone interview.  Often there are multiple interviews but sometimes if the interview goes well enough that might be all you need to get the job!

Keep calm when your interview is on

According to Scott Rosenfield of Men’s Health “when it comes down to two equal candidates, employers hire the guy they'd be more likely to hang out with.”

So don’t take yourself too seriously.

Keep a calm and friendly attitude in your interview and it will pay off if you are up against uptight competition.


Have you ever gotten a job opportunity because of Twitter?

Leave a comment and let us know how Twitter has helped you with your #JobSearch.

The post find a job with twitter appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post find a job with twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

LinkedIn Opens Blogging Platform to All: This Week in Social Media

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 05:24 PM PDT

Cindy King

social media researchWelcome to our weekly edition of what's hot in social media news. To help you stay up to date with social media, here are some of the news items that caught our attention.

What's New This Week?

LinkedIn Influencers Publishing Platform Opens to All LinkedIn Members: LinkedIn is slowly opening up its publishing feature to all members. "Now members have the ability to follow other members who are not in their network and build their own group of followers."

unlocking the experts linkedin

LinkedIn is also "adding new influencers who are excited to share their insights and experiences directly with LinkedIn members."

Facebook Adds "See Who's Posting" Feature for Page Managers: "On a page post, the name of the person who posted will be listed below the name of your page next to Posted by. On a page comment, the name of the person who commented will be listed below the comment next to Commented on by."

Facebook see who's posting

"Keep in mind that only people who help manage your page can see this information."

Facebook Streamlines Billing Schedule for Advertisers: "Advertisers will now be billed when they reach certain billing thresholds and/or at the end of the month."

facebook billing summary update

"As you spend more, your billing threshold will continue to increase up to $2,500 as you make successful payments."

Pinterest Upgrades Pin It Button for Chrome: "When you're cruising through your favorite websites, you'll automatically see a Pin It button when you mouse over an image."

pin it button upgrade

"This makes it easier and faster than ever to save articles, blog posts, recipes, products and more, and then get back to browsing."

Klout Adds Personalized Scheduling: "It recommends times based on when your audience is most active. By publishing at these times, you're more likely to share the right message at the right time with the right people."

new klout scheduling

Personalized scheduling makes it easier "to create and share great content that will strike a chord with your audience."

Pinterest Announces GIFs on Mobile: "With the latest mobile releases, GIFs are now available for your enjoyment across all platforms."

pinterest gifs for mobile

"GIFs are available to everyone on Android and iOS."

Klout Introduces Topic Filtering: "You can filter your stream by individual topics, making it even easier to find exactly what your audience is looking for."

Here are a few cool social media tools worth checking out:

Zipline for Instagram: This tool "breaks down tagging trends on Instagram, allowing brands to understand how consumers discover and relate to their product category."

"Zipline helps brands better align themselves with consumers by tagging their content in a more authentic way, giving brands a customer-centric approach to identifying how consumers categorize and discover their products."

PasswordBox: The new Android app feature "gives you the ability to instantly log into popular native apps and into websites with just one tap."

password box instant login

"One tap makes it simpler and easier to access the accounts you want quickly and without any added steps or frustration."

Samba: An app that allows you to record a video, send it to a friend and then you automatically receive a video back with their reaction.


A unique reactive video messaging app.

Postcard: This app allows you to "write your message once and share it everywhere in seconds."


"Postcard is a mobile app integrated with all major social networks."

Tidy: An app that "helps you clean up thousands of photos in minutes."


"Once organized, you can enjoy your memories in beautifully designed albums."

Other Mentions

Introducing Social Media Marketing World: 60+ pros help you master social media marketing! Join Chris Brogan (co-author of The Impact Equation), Mari Smith (co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day), Michael Hyatt (author of Platform), Jay Baer (author of Youtility), John Jantsch (author of Duct Tape Marketing), Amy Porterfield (co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies), Mark Schaefer (author of Tao of Twitter), Michael Stelzner (author of Launch) and experts from more than a dozen brands as they reveal proven social media marketing tactics at Social Media Marketing World 2014—Social Media Examiner's mega-conference in beautiful San Diego, California.

Check out this overview of the conference or click here for more details.

What do you think? Please share your comments below.

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The post LinkedIn Opens Blogging Platform to All: This Week in Social Media appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

10 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 04:13 PM PDT

Quinny Robbins

The blogosphere is a big and busy world with over 100 million blogs and growing. How do you attract visitors to your blog? Follow these simple tips to drive traffic to your blog.

1. Write Well and Write Often

Frequently updating your blog with useful content is the first step to building your blog’s audience. The content you write is what will keep readers coming back for more. Make sure you have something meaningful to say to them and say it often to maintain their interest and keep them loyal.

Furthermore, post frequently to increase the number of chances you have for your blog’s content to be noticed by search engines such as Google or Technorati.


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2. Submit Your Blog to Search Engines

Get on the radar screen for the popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! bysubmitting your blog’s URL to them. Most search engines provide a ‘Submit’ link (or something similar) to notify the search engine of your new blog, so those search engines will crawl it and include your pages in their results.

It’s important to understand that simply submitting your blog to search engines doesn’t mean your pages will appear at the top of a Google search results screen, but at least your blog will be included and will have the chance of being picked up by a search engine.

3. Use and Update Your Blogroll

By adding links to sites you like in your blogroll, the owners of those blogs will find your blog and will be likely to add a reciprocal link in their blogrolls. It’s an easy way to get the link to your blog in front of many readers on other blogs. The hope is that some of those readers will click on the link to your blog on the other blogs’ blogrolls and find your content interesting and enjoyable turning them into loyal readers.

4. Harness the Power of Comments

Commenting is a simple and essential tool to increase your blog’s traffic. First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions and draw them into a two-way conversation. This will increase reader loyalty.

Second, leave comments on other blogs to drive new traffic. Make sure you leave your blog’sURL in your comment, so you create a link back to your own blog. Many people will read the comments left on a blog post. If they read a particularly interesting comment, they are highly likely to click on the link to visit the commentor’s website. It’s important to make sure you leave meaningful comments that are likely to invite people to click on your link to read more.

5. Syndicate Your Blog’s Content with an RSS Feed

Setting up an RSS feed button on your blog makes it easy for your loyal readers to not just read your blog but also know when you publish new content.

6. Use Links and Trackbacks

Links are one of the most powerful parts of your blog. Not only are links noticed by search engines, but they also act as a tap on the shoulder to other bloggers who can easily identify who is linking to their sites. Linking helps to get you noticed by other bloggers who are likely to investigate the sites that are linking to them. This may lead them to become new readers of your blog or to add links to your blog from theirs.

You can take links to other blogs a step further by leaving a trackback on the other blog to let them know you’ve linked to them. Blogs that allow trackbacks will include a link back to your blog in the comments section of the post that you originally linked to. People do click on trackback links!

7. Tag Your Posts

It takes a few extra seconds to add tags to each of your blog posts, but it’s worth the time in terms of the additional traffic tags can drive to your blog. Tags (like links) are easily noticed by search engines. They’re also key to helping readers find your blog when they perform searches on popular blog search engines such as Technorati.

8. Submit Your Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites

Taking the time to submit your best posts to social bookmarking sites such as Digg,StumbleUponReddit and more can be a simple way to quickly boost traffic to your blog.


9. Remember Search Engine Optimization

When you write your blog posts and pages, remember to optimize your pages for search engines to find them. Include relevant keywords and links but don’t overload your posts with too many relevant keywords or completely irrelevant keywords. Doing so can be considered spamming and could have negative results such as your blog being removed from Google’s search entirely.

10. Don’t Forget Images

Images don’t just make your blog look pretty, they also help people find you in search engine listings. People often use the image search options offered by Google, Yahoo! and other search engines, and naming your images with search engine optimization in mind can easily boost your traffic.

The post 10 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

The essential guide to building your business through Twitter search

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 04:03 PM PDT

Quinny Robbins


twitter search

Many business professionals believe the Twitter search function is the most powerful tool for marketing insight ever created.

If you search Google, Bing or Yahoo, your results will be articles, videos, and websites. But if you search Twitter, the results are real-time conversations. And you can learn a lot from tapping into conversations!

Used effectively, Twitter search can be an essential tool for discovery and marketing research. And people are catching on — there are nearly 3 billion search queries performed on Twitter every day!

The basics of search are extremely easy to master. You can insert any name, phrase or hashtag in the search box at the top of the profile page and find some useful results.

But to really unlock the power of content on Twitter, it's useful to know some advanced search operators. You can dramatically improve your search results by typing these directions directly into the search box.

Typing this: Show you tweets that:
lang:en Are only in the language "english"
funny movies Contains both "funny" and "movies." This is the default operator.
"Steelers win" Contains the exact phrase "Steelers win"
man OR woman Contains either "man" or "woman" (or both).
Steelers-football Contains "Steelers" but not "football"
#Steelers Contains the hashtag "#Steelers
from:markwschaefer Were sent from person "markwschaefer"
to:markwschaefer Were sent to person "markwschaefer"
@markwschaefer Referencing person "markwschaefer"
"Chinese restaurant" near:"chicago" Contains the exact phrase "Chinese restaurant" and sent near "chicago"
near:NYC within:15mi were sent within 15 miles of "NYC"
"Chinese restaurant" since:2013-07-30 Contains phrase "Chinese restaurant and sent since date "2013-07-30? (year-month-day)
"Steelers" -attend : ) Contains phrase "Steelers" but not "attend" with a positive sentiment
flight : ( Contains the word "flight" with a negative sentiment
Flight ? Contains the word "flight" and tweet is asking a question.
hilarious filter:links Contains the word "hilarious" and linking to a URL

More Search Tips

  1. Keep your search as simple as possible. More complex searches miss more tweets.
  2. There is often more than one variation of popular hashtags (for example, #FollowFriday and #ff mean the same thing).
  3. Sometimes a search won't show you older tweets, because there are too many results. Consider doing one or more searches using the before: and since: date operators.

It is also a good idea to save common searches to save time typing in this search every day. Twitter allows you to save searches, but I find it most helpful to turn to a third party platform because you can save a search and it shows up as a constantly-updating column of tweets in your stream. This can be a valuable source of leads, ideas, and insight as conversations unfold minute-by-minute.

There are limitless possibilities to the ways you can combine these advanced search operators to help your business. Think about using advanced search techniques to discover:

  • People in your town who need your product or service
  • Positive sentiment about restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues in a new city you are visiting.
  • Relevant new contacts who are already expressing interest in your product.
  • Conversations expressing a negative sentiment about your competition.
  • How people are using your product in new ways
  • People using phrases that might indicate political alignment, an interest in a cause, or expertise that can help you
  • Influential online personalities mentioning your product

A case study

Here is just a small illustration of the potential. I just did a simple search for people in my hometown (pop. 600,000) talking about pizza. There is at least one mention of pizza every 20 minutes, on average, and the rate is higher during lunch and dinner time. Remember, the beauty of Twitter is that tweets are public so the search results are not just for the people you are following. These are results from every single person meeting your search criteria.

Here is a sample of local, pizza-related tweets in my city over a four-hour period. If you owned a pizza place in this town, what business benefits could you derive by discovering people publishing the following tweets:

  • Craving pizza but I'm broke. Where can I get pizza for some change in my pocket??
  • I want a really unhealthy burger, but there's also Cici's macaroni pizza.
  • What Pizza Looks Like Around the World: Turkish pizza looks yummy! (included a link to a photo essay on pizza)
  • I just dropped the pizza face front on the floor. I REALLY suck.
  • Not a good night for cooking. Thinking pizza
  • My parents are coming for a visit. What's the best pizza parlor in town?
  • I just got so excited making a Lean Cuisine pizza. I really worked my butt off in the kitchen! LOL
  • Can you cook pizza in a toaster?
  • Dear delivery pizza people: You are all pansies for not delivering pizza today. The roads are not that bad!
  • The weather is bad but Papa John's is still delivering. Thank you Papa Johns!!

Together, we could probably brainstorm some interesting business tactics from following this stream of tweets on an hourly basis. Some of the business opportunities  might include:

  • Discovering the people in your delivery area who love pizza. This is your ideal Twitter community, right? Follow those people and put them on a List!
  • Tweeting back to create human, personal relationships with people in your city who talk about pizza
  • Providing helpful advice for people who have questions about buying pizza on a budget, cooking pizza in a toaster, or a recommendation for a family dinner ("Stop by and your beverages on are on us!")
  • Competitor research – who has delivery cars on the move? Who is failing?
  • New product development – Macaroni pizza? Turkish pizza? What makes Lean Cuisine so good? Should we offer a diet or healthy version?
  • Create buzz – One person in your town ruined her pizza by dropping it on the floor. What do you think would happen if you tweeted her back publically to tell her you wanted to deliver a whole new pizza to her free of charge so she's not hungry?
  • Content source – The link to pizza from around the world sounds interesting. If you have surrounded yourself with a local group of pizza fanatics, they might love to see a RT from you on this!

So you see even a small, family-owned pizza parlor could create transformational business benefits simply by paying attention to what people are saying on the  Twitter stream. I hope you'll experiment with these advanced search options and find ways to grow your business!

The post The essential guide to building your business through Twitter search appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

Growing Your Business Presence on Twitter

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 04:02 PM PDT

Quinny Robbins

I've been working with a client of to build their presence of twitter. They had a brand new twitter account set up and had a few strategies that really worked out well for them. In two weeks time we've build up a small interest of people who are currently following them and their blog. So I want to share with you the strategies that worked.

There a lot of people sharing how to build a presence on twitter and I disagree with a lot of people that building a presence is about your twitter background, your username etc.  Imagine you own an offline company. What is important is getting out there. You can get the best company name or the best company design or business card, but if you're not getting out there, then you're not getting any customers. Don't spend so much time on how you look like.

So what are the strategies like i mentioned earlier? Its really simple I call it


What is CBS? No its not the TV network.


Since nobody know that you are on twitter, first thing you need to make sure is that you're following the right people on twitter. I don't really recommend auto following tools for this because they usually follow a lot of spammers. So if you're planning to use auto follow based on keywords, don't. The reason why I say that is because a lot of spammers will be using the same keywords as you. Lets say you're following the key-term "money" you'll be following many people who are sending out tweets like "learn to make easy money and make $200 in one day"

Take your time to build your followers if your account is new, you want a good foundation of targeted followers. You can start by listening on twitter what people are talking about you and your brand. If your company is NEW then you can listen to keywords that people might be talking.

I use hootsuite for that. One thing I like about hootsuite is that I can have a lot of tabs opened so that I can monitor a lot of keywords. You can use keyterms like "money -http" what this does is they search key words with money without the http links. These are all conversations of people on twitter. However listening is only a small part.


Building a community is important. Don't spam your followers with links to your blog. It doesn't work. We talked about connecting where you listen what people are talking about your brand or in your niche. The next part is about building a community. One method you can do this is HELPING people. Help them out for free if you can.

I am going to use my COFFEE example again. I really like coffee and I enjoy a cup of coffee everyday. Anyway let's say you own a coffee business. Sure you can listen and ask people to drop by your place to have a cup of coffee but there are people like me who enjoy a cup of coffee at home.

So I'll show you two examplesFor this example, you can actually help by teaching how to make a good cup of coffee. You can respond by asking them how they are currently doing it and teach them the proper methods of making a good cup of coffee. I'm sure they'll be glad that you help out and later on you can even invite them to your place.

If you own your own coffee place and you do sell coffee accessories, you can ask them to stop by your place for a cup of coffee and look at your coffee pots if you want. These are all things in my head currently. Do brain storm if you have ideas now, you can comment below.


If you own a blog share them, but don't spam people. There are lots of things that you can share, for example

  • share articles on coffee eg: drinking coffee is good for health
  • share what people are saying about your coffee
  • share daily specials
  • tutorials on making a great cup of coffee
  • simple at home coffee recipes
  • anything beneficial to your readers.

The more you give, the more you get. Try to help out as many people possible.

This is for the coffee niche, if you have other businesses then the examples might be different but don't sell yourself too much because people might find it irritating to them. The thing is, people won't buy from you IF they don't know you. If you own a physical offline business then it might be different because they can "see" you first.  If you own an online business, selling services or product online then they won't trust you and might be annoyed if you "sell" to them before knowing them. If you own an online business then the best way is helping them. Don't just say "hey I saw you talking about this problem, i can help you "link" and tell everyone the same thing. Instead help them.

This are just a small part of it. Of course they are more to this but this will get your ball rolling for you.

What tips would you add how to grow your business Presence on twitter?

The post Growing Your Business Presence on Twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

31 Twitter Tips: How To Use Twitter Tools And Twitter Best Practices For Business

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 04:01 PM PDT

Quinny Robbins

For years I have wondered what the value of Twitter is for sales and business. Everyone knows the indisputable value of LinkedIn for B2B sales, marketing, B2B prospecting, and entrepreneurs in general. But Twitter is finally gaining traction in B2B.

This article shares some of the latest Twitter strategies, tactics, tools, and best practices.

Darren Rowse of ProBlogger has a really cool ebook called 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. It it gives you 1 thing to do per day on your blog for an entire month. It is for those who never quite get around to it because they are so busy.

Think of this article as "31 Days to Using Twitter to Build Your Business."


1.  Decide your purpose. Why are you using Twitter?

Some Twitter users utilize the social media site to build their company brand or generate leads. There are bloggers who use the platform to share ideas and articles and to see what others are writing about. Some people check Twitter for news, while others want to see what celebrities or friends are up to.

Defining your purpose will help you decide who to follow and what kind of information to share.

2.  Focus on your passion. There are millions of Twitter users tweeting thousands of pieces of information every second. It is easy to get overwhelmed by and lost in the noise. Rather than trying to soak it all in and repurpose everything, focus on your passion.

Don't be a jack of all Twitter subjects and a master of none. Tweets surrounding your passion are going to be stronger. Plus, you will attract users who have similar interests. If you don't focus, you will attract meaningless followers, if any at all.

3.  Define your brand. Once you have zeroed in on your purpose and passion, decide how you want the Twitter world to view you.

Do you want to specialize in one subject to attract a targeted audience? Or do you want to be more general, tweeting about numerous topics? Do you want your tweets to be funny and casual or very professional? Is your goal to be a thought leader or celebrity? This will give you direction on who to follow and what to tweet.

4.  Determine your strategy. Is your strategy tocommunicate?

If your goal is to influence, promote or sell, your strategy should be communication based. You are going to want to attract attention. To attract attention, you are going to need to tweet, direct message, engage with other users and focus on getting information out in the Twitter world.

Is it to listen?

If you are using Twitter to keep up on news, learn, provide customer service or perform market analysis, your strategy should be to listen. You are going to want to decide who will provide the content you're interested in and follow them. You will also want to learn how to utilize filtering tools, including hashtags and Twitter lists. 

5.  Learn how to use Twitter. Reading this article and articles like it is a good first step. However, to really learn how to utilize Twitter, you're going to need to get your hands a little dirty and roll up your sleeves.

  1. Go to, and create a free account.
  2. Learn Twitter terminology. When you post something, it's a tweet. When you repost something from another user, it's a retweet or RT.  Trending topics, or TT, are topics discussed by many users at a given time. You can Favorite a tweet by clicking on the star. That is a great way to recognize someone for sharing your content.
  3. Explore. See who is on Twitter and what people are tweeting.
  4. Engage. Follow the guidelines in this article and become an active user.

6.  Grab your name, brand or persona. (@KenKrogue)

When you are signing up, you will need to decide your Twitter name, which is how people will tag you in tweets and ultimately how you will be known on Twitter. Mine is my name, @KenKrogue. If you can't get your own name, add your passion or function like @KenKrogueSells or something. My company address is @InsideSales. Choose something that fits you or your business.

7.  Take a good picture. Use a close-up headshot of yourself or a logo of your business. This image will show up on your profile page and next to any comment you make on Twitter. You want people to recognize you. Make sure the image is clear and well-lit, with your face in the center. (Or you can be off-center, like me, if you are a little different.) You want to avoid having other objects beside you in the picture.

If you are using a logo, try not to make it too wordy, or it will not be readable at the small image size. Your image can be formatted as a jpg, gif or PNG.  The size limit for upload is 700KB. Twitter reformats the image for the profile picture and the smaller image that goes next to comments.

Changing Your Profile Image. To change your profile image, click on the gear icon located at the top of the page, and select "edit profile." Next to "Photo" select "Upload photo" from the drop down. Upload your photo from your computer.

8.  Find your keywords. Use the Google Keyword Tool (now Keyword Planner as of Aug 26) to find the keywords that make up your industry or market. Remember to divert a river, don't dig a well. In other words, tap into existing traffic rather than generating it from scratch. It is better to know about keywords than even about hashtags, because a hashtag is a keyword or a "theme" that can help amplify your exposure.

9.  Research and identify your #hashtags. Hashtags are a tool to make words more searchable. To create a hashtag, place # before a word. Hashtags allow Twitter users to tap into a Twitter-wide conversation. Discover the trending conversations, and decide which ones you want to be included in. This will also help you connect with users who have similar interests.

Use a maximum of two hashtags per tweet.  Hashtags are a useful way to get your tweet out to people who are actually interested in its main subject, but too many hashtags in a single post can be overwhelming.

#Hashtags can be a #useful #tool, but this is #toomany in a #single #tweet. #annoying #overwhelming

Five Tools to Help Research Hashtags:

  1. Twitter Toolbar: You can search terms, keywords and people by entering them into the toolbar at the top of the page on Twitter. For example, if you are in sales, try searching #sales and related keywords you have identified using the Google Keyword Tool. If you want to see tweets surrounding a certain topic enter that term into the search bar, and it will bring you to all related tweets. For example, if you wanted to see tweets related to the Inside Sales Virtual Summit, enter #SalesSummit into the search bar, and all tweets tagged #SalesSummit will show up.
  2. provides research to help businesses improve social networking strategies.
  3. Topsy
  4. Twitter Reach
  5. Social Mention

(3-5 are social analytics tools that can provide analysis of your tweets and hashtags.)

10.  Wordsmith your profile with keywords for search and fun facts for people. Once you have decided why you are using Twitter, what your target audience is and gone through the initial setup, now you want to show up in search. Include keywords in your Twitter profile.

11.  Publish your Twitter ID in your other media. I post my Twitter ID (@KenKrogue) in my email signature, at the bottom of articles I write and anywhere else I think applicable. This lets people know I'm on Twitter and helps them find me. A great way to grow your following is to start with people you know and connect with them in various ways.


12. Check out Twitter Tools like TweetAdder or Tweepi to target who to follow or who you want to follow you. The best way to build your network is to target your content specifically to those who would be interested in following you and make it really interesting and valuable. TweetAdder orTweetpi are perfect tools for this. Check out How to Build a Targeted Twitter Tribe of 100,000 on Jeff Bullas' blog. Two other useful tools are Twitonomy, which provides analytics, and Twtrland, which offers up social intelligence.

13. The follow-first rule: I follow you then (hopefully) you follow me. This is by far the most common way to get followers. Twitter puts limits on how many users you can follow. Here are the guidelines: "Every account can follow 2,000 users total. Once you've followed 2,000 users, there are limits to the number of additional users you can follow. This number is different for each account and is based on your ratio of followers to following; this ratio is not published."

14. The favorites-follower rule: I click 'favorite' on your Tweet, then you follow me. This method helps you gain targeting following by first finding Tweets that match your interests and targeted keywords. Then you click 'favorite' and often they reciprocate. This takes more time, but gives you a much higher quality and engaged following.

15. The offer-follower rule: You follow me, I give you something: information, ebook, etc. Make sure to give away something that your target audience will value. Make it easy for people to claim their reward. 

16. The fan-follower rule: You follow a celebrity, they tweet you about them. You follow a celebrity types to keep up on their tweets. Twitter helped this process a lot by featuring the Twitter address of famous people in the Twitter registration process.

17. Choose your lists: Twitter lists allow you to listen to relevant conversations, identify influencers and filter out the noise so you can focus on the people and topics you care about.

18. Two ears and one mouth rule: Listen (and research first) before you speak. It is much better to listen about twice as much as you tweet if you want a strong following that is engaged and targeted to your purpose and passion.

19. Listen with Topsy. is a Twitter search engine that let's you see if anyone listens or cares. Let's you see the latest Twitter results in the past hour, day, week, 20 days, month or all time — with a cool trending graph. Also, be on the the lookout for a great social media tool called TinyTorch. This premier tool enables you to easily find relevant social content in your industry.

20. Use Tweetdeck or HootSuite to listen to the conversation about you, your company, or your industry. Serious listeners step up to Radian6, what is now the saleforce marketing cloud.


21. Create and tweet great original content that fits your purpose. Create content that is informative and entertaining. Write about industry news, especially if you're in a position to break the news. Stay on top of trends and provide commentary that adds context. If somebody releases groundbreaking research in your industry, write about this research. But don't just regurgitate it. Use your own expertise to explain why this research is important. Show others in your industry how they can apply it to their work.

Use a combination of short-form content, like tweets, and long-form content, like blog posts, to establish yourself as a thought leader.

22. Summarize and curate great content that fits your purpose.

Share facts, insights and statistics in 140 characters or less. Try to keep your tweets to about 100 characters to leave room for links and hashtags and to increase the likelihood that somebody will retweet your content. Use your Twitter lists to curate relevant content. Set up keyword searches to track content by keywords.

23. Spend your time on really great headlines with keywords. Your headlines have the greatest impact on how many people share and read your content.

Here are some proven headline formulas:

  • Lists: Headlines with numbers in them consistently perform well. Example: 7 Undeniable Reasons People LOVE List Posts.
  • How to: "How to" titles promise a benefit to your readers. Example: How to Use Sales Data to Increase Sales Productivity.
  • Target a Shark: Refer to a shark, which can be an important company or person in your industry. This allows you to feed off the shark's popularity to call attention to your content. Example: What Steve Jobs Can Teach You About Startup Success.
  • Include Keywords: If you want to be known for sales motivation, make sure to include that keyword phrase in your headlines. Example: 6 Insanely Useful Sales Motivation Secrets.

24. Keep tweeting — Resend tweets with different angles. Some social media experts (Guy Kawasaki for example) recommend that you send the same tweet four times to cover all four U.S. time zones.

If you want to mix things up, here are some different angles you can take:

Use statistics to show significance: 90% of your sales come from 10% of your list

Address tweets to the individual by including the word "you": Why You Should Focus on 10% of Your Prospect List

25. Alternate tweets by time of day and day of week. Social media scientist Dan Zarrella says that the best time to tweet if you want to be retweeted is on Friday at 4 p.m. EST. That's based on aggregate data he has analyzed for millions of retweets.  The engagement levels on your Twitter account may vary based on your industry and other factors.

Use the Buffer App Tool (one of my favorites) to schedule your tweets. Test different days and times. Monitor engagement by using Buffer's Analytics tab. Identify patterns among your Twitter followers. Schedule your tweets for your optimal days and times. >Don't overlook weekends. Some Twitter users see higher engagement over the weekend. But the only way to know is to test and monitor your results.

26. Bridge Twitter with other media. Create a dynamic experience for your Twitter audience by including different types of media, such as images and videos.

Here are some tools you can use:

  • Twitpic: Go to, create an account, upload photos and easily share them on Twitter.
  • Yfrog: Yfrog is another popular photo-sharing service.
  • YouTube videos: Simply paste a YouTube video URL into a tweet. Your followers will be able to view the video right in their Twitter stream by clicking on the "View Media" link that appears in your tweet.
  • AudioBoo: Use AudioBoo to share audio files. Once you have an account, sharing an AudioBoo link is super intuitive.

Twitter is a very passive media, but great to build awareness and start conversations. I recommend bridging to more assertive media like email, Chatter, LinkedIn, phone conversations, and live meetings. Live meetings are the most assertive, and work great at common events like Trade Shows, etc. Use Twitter to bridge to more assertive media as soon as you can.

27. Retweet great content. When you see something worth sharing in your stream, retweet it. This means that you are sharing somebody else's Twitter content with your own followers. Retweeting somebody else's content accomplishes two things:

  1. It helps you make friends with other influencers on Twitter.
  2. It shows your followers that you're an active member of your online community.

Retweeting is simple. Here's how:

Click the Retweet button on any tweet. This will publish the original tweet in your followers' streams. The tweet will appear exactly as it did when it was first tweeted, meaning it will appear to come from the person who originally tweeted it. A message will appear at the bottom of the tweet telling people that you retweeted it.

Retweet the old-fashioned way. When viewing a tweet, click Reply. Copy and paste the original message into your tweet box. Place the letters RT in front of the original tweeter's Twitter handle, or @ sign. Click Tweet. The post will be published in your followers' streams as if it came from you. Many users prefer this method of retweeting because it's better for building your own brand.

28. Send direct tweets as a great form of communication. Direct tweets are one-to-one messages as opposed to one-to-many. So, these tweets are more personal by nature. Use direct tweets to build strong relationships and to communicate important messages.

There are two types of direct tweets:

At-replies: Send an at-reply to another Twitter user by hitting the Reply button on any tweet. Type your message into the box that pops up and click Tweet. Your at-reply will show up in this person's Interactions stream, which means it is more likely to be seen than a regular tweet. Just remember, your at-reply will also be visible to the public as part of your general Twitter stream.

Direct messages: If you don't want anybody but the intended recipient to see your tweet, use a direct message. Click on the gray gear icon at the top of your Twitter profile. Select Direct Messages and create a new message. Once you submit it, it will appear in the recipient's inbox. 

29. Use great #hashtags. Hashtags categorize your tweets, which makes it easier for others interested in your topic to find them. Turn the keywords you want to be known for into your hashtags. Create a hashtag by placing the # symbol in front of your keywords. For example, #insidesales, #sales and #salesdata are popular hashtags in the sales space. Remember the rule though: divert a river, don't dig a well.

Find existing hashtags with lots of traffic by searching for them using the Search Bar at the top of your profile. View a list of related tweets by clicking on a hashtag inside a tweet.

Make a hashtag for every event and presentation you do. #salessummit was our hashtag for our big Virtual Sales Summit. It already had lots of existing traffic (divert a river.)

Put your hashtag right at the bottom of every slide in your PowerPoint to make it easy for people to see it and tweet while you are presenting.

30. Leverage your tweets in Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs. Share your Twitter content with your audience on other networks by re-posting your tweets on Facebook and LinkedIn, when appropriate. You also can embed a tweet into your blog or website. Click on the date in the upper-right-hand corner of a tweet. Then click More and select Embed Tweet. Copy the code and add it to your blog or website.


31. Check where you stand on social media tools, like,,, Your influence on social media matters. The higher your score is, the more influential and relevant you are to others in the social media realm. One of the most popular tools is Klout. Quickly set up an account on Klout to see your score from 1 to 100.

Use these Twitter tips to help you build your business.

NOTE: I've been asked a lot to receive more details on how to do these 31 Twitter tips. If you practice by sending me a Tweet, I'll respond and copy you with a link with a more complete version of this article to help you do each of the 31 tips. Good luck! – Ken

The post 31 Twitter Tips: How To Use Twitter Tools And Twitter Best Practices For Business appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

Is using social media damaging your health?

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 08:57 AM PDT

James Todman

Is using social media damaging your health?

Social media has become ingrained in our daily lives. The addictive quality of the communication medium is well-recognised.

But could this obsession with the likes of Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram actually be affecting our health? have gathered together some stats on the subject and published them as an infographic. It reveals how social media affects our mental and physical well-being. Whether this is a positive or a negative is open to debate.

But one thing is true. The more time we spend on social media, the less time we have to exercise. The infographic suggests spending 30% less time on social media will free up 7 hours a week for keeping fit. So it could be argued that social media really is damaging our health.

I’ve picked out a few key takeaways, with a link if you want to tweet them:

  • 38% of social media users aged 18 – 34 check their social networks before their emails when they wake up.Click to tweet
  • 50% of participants in a study by the University of Salford said using social networks like Facebook makes their lives worse. Click to tweet
  • In the same study, 66% claim it’s difficult to sleep or relax after checking their social networks. Click to tweet
  • Participating on social media activates the Nucleus Accumbens in the brain, a region important in the development of addictions. Click to tweet
  • 80% of what we post on social media is about ourselves. Click to tweet
  • In a survey by Boost Mobile 50% of the respondents admitted to being addicted to social media. Click to tweet
  • In the same survey, 31% admitted to using social media while sitting on the toilet. Click to tweet
  • 68% of people surveyed admitted to checking their social media up to 10 times a day. Click to tweet
  • 15 to 19 year olds surveyed by Boost Mobile admitted to spending 3 hours a day on social media. Click to tweet
  • Talking about yourself on social media activates the same pleasure region of the brain associated with making love. Click to tweet

So what’s the solution?

Could the answer be Google Glass? Go for a jog and review your social media at the same time? Just be careful to avoid any lamp posts!

Google Glass jogging

Seriously though, with the growth in wearable technology, avoiding our regular daily activities to make time for social media could soon be a thing of the past. Tweeting at the gym may well be the future and this debate whether social media damages your physical health will be irrelevant. Mental health is another matter.

Here’s the infographic, and let me know what you think in the comments below:


The post Is using social media damaging your health? appeared first on Muddywall.

The post Is using social media damaging your health? appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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