samedi 22 mars 2014



Ten ways restaurants use social media #infographic

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 02:34 AM PDT

James Todman

ways restaurants use social media

I want to share with you an infographic published by Digital Dining that highlights ten ways restaurants use social media and which platforms.

From my experience of advising restaurants on their social media communications, I picked out five that I consider to be the most important:

Five ways restaurants use social media are:

1: To gain feedback and insight

Planning a new menu item, redesigning your restaurant layout, ideas for a new event? Social media provides the opportunity for immediate feedback by openly asking what people think of your ideas. They will be more prepared to tell you what they think via social media than in person. So be prepared for some honest answers.

Asking potential customers for feedback helps develop loyalty towards your business as they start to have a vested interest in your restaurant’s decision making process.

2: Promote and show off menu items

In the days before social media a restaurant would have to create flyers, design a new ad or write a press release to promote new menu items. Both costly and time consuming.

Now with platforms like Instagram, restaurants can proudly show off new menu items with minimal effort. And if the dish is liked, your social media followers will do the job of promotion for you by sharing the image with their social media friends.

It’s worth taking the time to create quality images of your menu items and a professional photographer can help with this. Poor pictures of your food shared on social media can do your restaurant’s reputation more harm than good.

Another option can be to encourage your customers to share pictures of your menu items, as a Latin American restaurant in New York called Comodo did. But there are risks involved with this strategy so careful planning is required.

3: Having direct dialogue with customers

Anyone who works in hospitality industry will know that direct dialogue with customers is one of the fundamentals of the business.

Now that social media is here, this dialogue can be continued after your customer has had their meal and left your premises. By using networks such as Facebook and Twitter, a restaurant can stay connected with their customers, sharing news, special offers and asking for feedback.

Use this direct dialogue on social media to develop a personality for your business and encourage customer loyalty. Other social media users will notice your conversations and you may attract new customers in the process.

4: Increase awareness

The infographic mentions contest and giveaways, and these are excellent ways to increase awareness of your restaurant on social media. Hard to find anyone who does not love something for free and by offering the incentive of winning a prize, such as a meal for two or a bottle of wine, is an effective way to engage social media users and make sure your restaurant is discovered by potential customers.

Increasing awareness is not only achieved through contests. Just being active on social media will help, especially if you are sharing quality content that appeals to your target audience. And creating positive conversations with influential social media users is a good method to get your restaurant noticed.

5: Monitor reputation

Social media reputation monitoring and sentiment analysis is something we do a lot of at Bistro Social because it is so important for the success of a restaurant.

A customer will only tell you so much about their dining experience when chatting to them in person at your restaurant. But you’ll get a much clearer impression of what they think about your business by listening to what they say on social media.

By monitoring for mentions of your restaurant name across the social media platforms, you will be able to pick up on these conversations and discover whether your customers are happy, or not.

Social media gives you the opportunity to respond directly to potentially damaging comments. And in most cases, if handled correctly, a negative comment can be turned into a positive for your restaurant.

Check out Digital Dining’s 10 ways restaurants use social media infographic and let me know what you think in the comments below:

Ways restaurants use social media

Image credit: The London Foodie

The post Ten ways restaurants use social media #infographic appeared first on Muddywall.

The post Ten ways restaurants use social media #infographic appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

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7 Ways to Promote Your Blog With Twitter

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 01:57 AM PDT


Twitter is a bloggers best friend.  Not only does tweeting your latest blog post help it get picked up by Google, Twitter can be an awesome channel for driving a torrent of traffic to your site.

With the seven tactics in this post you will learn some awesome strategies for getting more Twitter traffic to your blog.

Team the tactics in this post with my tips for getting more Twitter followers and more retweets and you will be ready to make your next blog post an epic Twitter success!

1. Tweet Your Blog Posts

By sending your tweets out manually with a tool like Hootsuite you will have complete control over the timing of my tweets.

Space your tweets out so that you do not flood your Twitter stream with too many tweets at any one time.

For those who like to automate there are some cool Twitter tools out there.

TwitterFeed is one of the cool (free) tools you can use.  With Twitterfeed you can auto-post your new blog posts as tweets.


After creating a Twitter account, you provide Twitterfeed with the URL for blog's RSS feed, and then configure how often you want to post to Twitter.

After that, every time you publish a post on your blog, it creates a post on Twitter announcing its availability. If you have multiple blogs, you can a single Twitterfeed account to promote all of them.

2. Encourage Your Readers to Tweet Your Posts

A tool that I use to do this is called click to tweet.

To use click to tweet you jump over to their website and insert the tweet that you want tweeted.  The tool will then compress this tweet down into a link.

Then simply insert some text with a call to action asking your readers to tweet this post and you're good to go!


 3. Include a Link to Your Blog in Your Twitter Bio

Most people think that they are limited to one link in their Twitter profile.

The fact is that you can include two or more links, although I recommend you limit the links you promote to just two.

For a second link to work you will need to begin it with the http:// prefix.

I use this strategy in my Twitter bio as you can see from the image below:


4. Install a Commenting Plugin With Twitter Integration

A free commenting system that I have use on some of my self hosted WordPress blogs is called Disqus and it works very well for a few important reasons.

  • It is simple to install
  • It offers the most options for signing in to comment
  • It makes sharing on social media sites like Twitter very easy.

The easier you can make it for people to share your content the more people will.

Even if your blogging platform does not support Disqus you should enable Twitter sharing if the option is available, and even if it is not make sure to use tools like click to tweet  and Twitter tweet buttons to get your readers sharing your content.

5. Install Official Twitter Buttons

Tweet buttons are a great way to get your blog content to spread on Twitter.

There are several different official Twitter buttons that you can install and Twitter makes it easy to configure and install them.


I recommend installing a tweet button into every post to help people share your content.

If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog and want to use a sharing plugin like the one following you down the left of the screen make sure you install the free Flare plugin. This awesome plugin is easily customizable and enables you to add a tweet button to every page and/or post you have published.

Below is a snap shot showing what the configuration dashboard looks like:



6. Use Twitter to Run a Blog Contest

Twitter can be a great way to get contests happening for your blog.

There are a few different ways you can use Twitter to promote a contest.

You can run a comment contest, where you send tweets out about the prize you will give away to whoever has the best comment.

Another option is to run a contest where the winner is the person who drives the most traffic to the contest page.  Simply tell entrants to use links to track the traffic they send, since links can be tracked simply by adding a + to the end of any link.

For more contest ideas check out this post with 20 killer Twitter contest tips.

7. Promote Your Blog(s) on Your Twitter Background


Despite the many Twitter Tools that are out there and free to use most people still use the web based version of Twitter to send their tweets.

This means that your background is basically a billboard that you can use to promote your blogs and any other social networks you want to build.

This is how I have used my background, with a link to this Twitter blog and other links to my social profiles.  Although these links are not clickable their visibility has undoubtedly  caused some people to check these links out.

Even if you are not a graphic designer you can still create an awesome background without too much effort.  The Twitter Background designer Themelon is a good place to start, as it makes creating a custom Twitter background base very easy.

Once you have a background base design you can link up with a background designer on Fiverr and get a custom background for five bucks.  Or you can download a free trial of Photoshop and tackle the customization yourself.


Did you like this post? Then you should send a tweet about this post on Twitter! :)

How do you promote your blog on Twitter? Leave a comment and let us know!

The post 7 Ways to Promote Your Blog With Twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

10 golden rules of twitter

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 01:23 AM PDT


If you ever wanted to know what the traits of highly successful Twitter users you've come to the right place.  The 10 Golden Rules of Twitter will help make you a  Twitter success by modeling the masters.

Brian Solis, Chris Brogan and myself engage with the following Twitter tactics on a daily basis, and you will find most if not all of them exhibited by any successful social media guru.  Apply these strategies to your own Twitter presence and your following will start to really grow.

You get out of Twitter what you put in to it so invest time into networking and engaging on a daily basis and the good karma that you build will compound and come back to you in time!

1. Reciprocity is Key

Follow and be followed, Retweet and be retweeted, follow and be followed.  You have got to give in order to get, and the more time you are willing to invest in others the more likely they are to give you the time of day.  Reciprocity is a powerful thing, and the main reason for the 255,000 followers I have currently, and the 400,000+ followers I have been able to build for the various accounts I have managed.

Once your network grows to several thousand followers don't let it get to your head, I try to respond to everyone who is not an ass that sends me an @mention, and I even respond to some of the asses.  Haha, but seriously this is key if you want to build a big brand and a strong network.  Look at any Twitter giant and you will see that they have thousands and thousands of tweets and many are conversational.  You've got to talk to people to really connect with them, it's just that simple.

2. Schedule Your Golden Tweetsgolden-tweet

Twitter traffic varies throughout the day, and throughout the week.  The busiest time on Twitter is at the end of the work day, between 3-5pm.  Weekdays are far busier than weekends, and Thursday and Friday are the busiest days of the week.  If you have solid content tweet it out when it can have the greatest impact.

Take a note from the most retweeted tweets of 2010 to get an idea of what works.

The golden tweet of 2011 shows that offering an incentive for retweets works. I have used a tactic similar to the Wendy's tweet below to net over 100 retweets.

In 2012 the most tweeted tweet of the year, and of all time, was from Barack Obama with his election victory tweet "Four more years."

3. Twitter Tools are Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Of course I have a bias having written the Twitter Tools Book, but Twitter Tools really are the bomb.  From Hootsuite, to Manage Flitter, to Twitter Marketing Software, to TweetDeck (which just sold for $30 million), and the list goes on.

By learning how Twitter Tools can work for you, you will give yourself  a competitive advantage over millions of others who neglect these powerful tools.

4. List Liberally

These days people tend to pay more attention to the people who list them than the people who follow them.  Some people recklessly auto-follow people, and this I do not recommend, but it still happens and these robotic follows devalue the action following someone.  To really get someone's attention the best way is to talk to them, and listing is a powerful method as well.

Create lists for your different interests, for example I have a runners list, an entrepreneurs list, and a Twitter Tools list.  Tweet about your lists and there is a good chance that people will follow them.  If your list gains enough followers it will gain greater visibility in list directories like Listorious.

5. Engage

engageThis tip is straight from my friend Brian Solis, and it has worked exceptionally well.  Brian has a massive network at this point and yet he still responds to every comment on his blog and to comments on his Facebook walls and on Twitter.  This takes plenty of effort but it is the reason why Brian has so much influence.  To learn more about this method I recommend that you grab a copy of  Brian's book Engage!

6. Relationships Take Time

Relationships are not instantaneous, the take communication and sharing over time.  To build deeper relationships with people you meet on Twitter it might make sense to connect with them on Facebook as well.

To facilitate Facebook connections I created a custom design for my Twitter background that features a link to my Facebook profile.  On my blogs I try to respond to anyone who leaves a comment if it makes sense to do so.  If they have a blog as well I might take a minute and visit it to return the favor.

7. Add Value

This point has been key to my success on Twitter, and my ability to achieve thousands of retweets.  Even if you are not an avid content creator you can still add serious value by sharing awesome content.

Use Twitter Lists to create streams of people who share the best information and then share the  best content that they share.  Browse the biggest blogs to find the best content and create lists of epic content.  The more value you are able to add the more people will people will realize that you are a valuable person to follow!

8. Don't Focus on Selling

Everyone likes to buy things but no-one likes to be sold.  Twitter is a place to build relationships, and if you focus on doing that people will click your links and look for products that you have to offer.  Focus on the connections and the cash will flow.

9. You are Your Brand

Resist the urge to use your profile picture as your avatar.  You are your brand, so act respectable if you want respect.  Try not to spam Twitter will dozens of Tweets in as many minutes.  I tend to tweet about one tweet an hour, sometimes a little more, sometimes much less.  Conversational tweets don't count, as they are only seen by people who are following both people tweeting.

10. Remember that Twitter is Still a Baby

Although Twitter is a household word at this point it is still only about 5 years old and it's only been mainstream for less than two.  This means that there are still epic developments to come.  By having knowledge about the latest and greatest tools and tips you will be ahead of the curve and you will be able to skyrocket your Twitter success.  Sign up for our free Twitter Course and we will let you know about our latest articles when they go live.


Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of Twitter's Golden Rules!

The post 10 golden rules of twitter appeared first on TwitterToolsReviews.

The post 10 golden rules of twitter appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post 10 golden rules of twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

How to Use Facebook to Sell Your Products and Services

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 01:00 AM PDT

Christian Karasiewicz

social media toolsHave you leveraged the power of Facebook to sell your products and services?

Or maybe you've wondered if you should start a store on Facebook…

Many businesses are using Facebook to sell.

Check out these three ways your business can leverage a Facebook page to sell products and make it easier for your customers to buy from you.

#1: Create a Seamless Store Experience on Facebook With a Landing Page App

Before you start selling on Facebook, you'll need to create a Facebook page and not a Facebook profile.

Using a Facebook page for business not only keeps you in compliance with Facebook's Terms of Service, but also affords you additional benefits that aren't available with profiles. For instance, with a page you can add a custom tab using a Facebook landing page app so you can build an online store.

The benefits of using third-party landing page apps.

Most landing page apps can be easily installed and are packed with features so you can build and manage your store in no time.

facebook app

Sell products on Facebook using a Facebook landing page app.

With a landing page app, you can have a store that looks slick and professional, even if you're not a designer or coder. And it's easy for your customers to use, whether they're shopping on a desktop or from their mobile device.

You can customize the look and feel of your Facebook store. Change colors, add a logo and adjust the layout of your products until your Facebook store closely resembles your website.

Outside of creating the look and flow of your shopping cart, securing your transaction data with an SSL certificate is equally important.

ssl certification error

An example of a Facebook page without a valid SSL certificate.

While they can be expensive (upwards of $70 or more per year) and difficult to install on their own, most third-party landing page tools include an SSL certificate. They even install it for you, so all you have to do is create your store, add your products and associate your store with a Facebook page.

Now that we've gone over some of the benefits of using third-party landing page apps, let's talk about a few you can use to sell products on Facebook.

Sync a store with ECWID's Ecommerce Widget.

ECWID is a no-cost to low-cost way for business owners to add shopping functionality to their Facebook page and website.

ecwid store

ECWID syncs with your website store to put your products on Facebook.

ECWID offers a full list of features, but here are some of the more notable ones:

  • 30 payment options
  • Facebook store app
  • Mobile-responsive
  • Social commerce sharing
  • Sell physical products
  • Sell downloadable products
  • Customize the look of your Facebook store to be consistent with your website

In just a few steps, you can add an online store to your Facebook page, customize it and begin selling products on your Facebook page.

Here's an example of a Facebook store created using ECWID.

ecwid facebook store

An example of ECWID installed on a Facebook page.

ECWID offers a great time-saving feature that allows you to sync your products between your website and Facebook page. Update multiple product catalogs on your website, and your customers immediately see the same thing in your Facebook store.

Couple that with an intuitive checkout process for your customers, and you have a valuable tool for selling products with ease on Facebook.

ecwid facebook store checkout

An example of the checkout process on a Facebook page using ECWID.

ECWID offers multiple versions of their online store. Depending on how many products you have and the features your business needs, there's an option for everyone. To get started, install a basic store and when your business grows, move up to a paid plan.

Import your existing online stores to Facebook with StoreYa.

StoreYa is another alternative. It has a free plan that gives you the ability to add 50 product SKUs, whereas ECWID's free plan lets you add 10.

storeya amazon shopping cart

An example of an Amazon shopping cart on Facebook created with StoreYa.

What differentiates StoreYa from ECWID is StoreYa's data integration feature.

This feature allows you to import your products from over 23 popular store platforms such as Amazon, Shopify or WooCommerce. If you don't have a store on any of these platforms, you can use a CSV file to manually add products. If you have hundreds of products in different colors and sizes, this is a big time-saver.

StoreYa also includes the ability for businesses to have different stores and store managers. This is helpful if you run a business that has a chain of stores, each with its own Facebook page and page admin.

Once you've imported your products, StoreYa has a set of marketing tools that can help you get your customers involved and sell more products on Facebook.

storeya marketing features

An example of StoreYa marketing tools for your Facebook store.

instagram gallery

StoreYa Instagram gallery.

While you'll need one of their paid plans to take advantage of their marketing tools, the amount of time you save by having everything you need to sell products on Facebook in one place might outweigh the cost.

Integrate complete Ecommerce with Bigcommerce.

Not only does Bigcommerce give you control over your storefront, store management and marketing features, but it also uses built-in SEO to help you with improved search placement.

bigcommerce home t facebook page

An example of Bigcommerce added to The Home T’s Facebook page.

Once you're set up, use the Bigcommerce SocialShop to install a landing page app and add your products to your Facebook page.

A big plus you get from Bigcommerce is the apps they offer to let you integrate MailChimp, Constant Contact, SurveyMonkey and other platforms into your store.

While Bigcommerce can cost a little more than other ecommerce solutions, they make up for it with their excellent customer service and the fact that they don't charge transaction fees.

Drive traffic to your retail shop with ShortStack.

While ShortStack won't let you create a store on your Facebook page, you can use it as a marketing tool to display your products to fans and drive Facebook traffic back to your retail shop.


Examples of different ways to use ShortStack.

While this may not seem like an optimal way to sell products on Facebook, remember, it can be a great promotional tool.

If your customers tend to visit you from phones or tablets instead of desktops, ShortStack has you covered with landing pages that display on mobile devices. Simply post a link to your landing page in a status update to drive customers back to your retail shop.

Third-party landing page apps make it easy for you to set up a storefront on Facebook.

#2: Promote Products or Campaigns With Your Timeline Cover Photo

In addition to selling products through a shopping cart on your Facebook page, you can now use your timeline cover photo to market and sell products to fans.

timeline cover photo products

An example of Mari Smith using her timeline cover photo to drive product sales for her Inner Circle product.

Remember to include a direct link to your product in the image caption so fans who are interested don't have to hunt for it on your website.

timeline cover photo with link

Share a link to the sales page in the caption section of your timeline photo to make it easy for your Facebook readers to find you.

Besides uploading a new timeline cover photo that will show up in your fans' news feeds, you'll also want to promote the link to your product from time to time.

timeline cover photo with url

How to get the URL of your Facebook timeline cover photo.

To do this, simply click your Facebook page's timeline cover photo, copy the URL in your browser's address bar and share it with fans in a status update.

Don't ignore this simple way of using your timeline photo to get your product in front of your Facebook audience.

#3: Share Product Links in Your Facebook Status Updates

While this may not be the most glamorous way to sell products on Facebook, it does work and you have a few options to use.

Post a link to your product.

First, you can post a link to your product as a status update.

Make it easy for customers to get to the product you're advertising and to drop it into their cart and check out. Use a deep link that takes fans straight to your product, not just your website.

Be sure not to make the mistake of displaying a product with no link. This can lead to a high abandonment rate in your shopping cart.

In the image below, UnMarketing is using Facebook to sell their book.

unmarketing selling book

An example of UnMarketing selling their book listed on Amazon.

Use the embedded post feature.

Second, you can use the Facebook embedded post feature to embed your public Facebook posts outside of Facebook.

Post a status update that includes a link to your store or a product and embed it on a blog or a website.

embedding facebook post

An example of embedding a Facebook post.

When your readers click a link included in a Facebook embedded post, they are taken directly to your product or to your Facebook store, and can check out from your store on your Facebook page.

By sharing your product links in your Facebook page updates, you're likely to drive more traffic and make more sales.

Selling Your Products on Facebook

Regardless of whether you use just one of these methods or combine them, remember that you cannot just set up a store and expect customers to flock to it. Be sure you test it and have proper marketing ready to go.

Before you post any links to your Facebook store, create a focus group or invite some of your best customers to try out the process before you push it live to everyone.

Have product images ready to post on your Facebook page, add a new timeline cover photo to advertise your store or specific products and publish a status update to let your fans know that you've added a store to your Facebook page, so they can check it out.

And don't overlook leveraging other social networks such as Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram to market your store to users on those networks.

What do you think? Have you used any of these tactics or tools to sell on Facebook? What else have you had success with? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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How To Improve Your Writing Skills With Twitter

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 12:37 AM PDT


This is a guest post by Alvina Lopez.

Twitter has proved itself to be a useful tool for marketing, business, and networking for several years now.

Even those late to hop on the bandwagon can attest to the usefulness of the web tool and networking site. As a mini-blogging platform, Twitter originated as a social networking and social sharing site, but quickly evolved into a marketing and promotions tool to reach millions throughout the web.

While social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have received a considerable amount of criticism, there are many things these sites have done for us. One might be surprised to learn the writing benefits Twitter can teach any writer who aspires to inmprove.

How To Be Concise

Many argue that the character restrictions things like Twitter and text messaging impose on people is damaging to their writing development. However, this limitation can actually be a very useful tool for writers and can help instill a very important writing practice.

Concise writing is essential. Talented writers are those who can get across what they need to say with as few words as possible. Of course, with creative writing there are certain creative liberties writers can take, but, for the most part, strong professional writing is concise.

By being limited to 140 characters, we are forced to be concise and brief. Business writing values saying what you need to say quickly. Twitter encourages and cultivates this skill.

How To Read Your Audience

Twitter is a public writing experience. That’s the point. People are supposed to post things on Twitter that they would like to share with their followers. In this way, Twitter is very much about knowing who you are talking to.

By getting response to what you write within a matter of minutes you get immediate feedback and quickly learn how to read and cater to their audience.

In business writing and even conversation you want to know and understand your audience. Knowing who you are talking to and what it is they would like to hear from you helps you create material that appeals directly to them.

Twitter helps you practice writing for a specific audience and the better you are able to develop this skill the more retweets and followers you will get.

Learn How To Be Direct

While directness is certainly an aspect of being concise and brief, there is much more to the art of direct writing. Business writing values a style that is direct and demanding.

With Twitter you can Tweet at people and direct individuals’ attention directly to your post. This demanding aspect of the platform speaks well to business writing values.

You want to direct your reader’s attention to your message. Be direct and up front about your purpose and what you wish your reader to do.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

While there are plenty of examples throughout the Twittersphere where people have failed to proofread and edit their Tweets, the platform does encourage that you look through your writing before you “publish” it.

This is an essential lesson for business writing and other writing alike. You must proofread and edit your work. Unedited and incomplete writing is unprofessional and considerably less effective on your audience.


Do you think Twitter has made you a better writer? Let us know in the comments below.

This is a guest post by Alvina Lopez is a freelance writer and blog junkie, who blogs about accredited online colleges.

The post How To Improve Your Writing Skills With Twitter appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

6 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Reputation

Posted: 22 Mar 2014 12:20 AM PDT

Dan Virgillito

social media how toDo you use Twitter to market your business?

How's your Twitter reputation?

Twitter's short form messages require the same care you put into Facebook and other longer-form social media platforms.

In this article, I'll show you six tips to help you protect your Twitter reputation by avoiding some common mistakes.

#1: Verify Everything You Tweet

False information spreads like wildfire on Twitter. Celebrities die and resurrect daily, inaccurate news gets exposure, bad links get passed and misattributed quotes receive thousands of retweets.


Do you verify before you tweet, retweet or like a tweet?

The cornerstone of a thriving Twitter account for your business is a reputation for being a reliable source of information. Before you tweet or retweet a link or story through your account, it's important to make sure the link leads to a genuine article and that the story or news you tweet is accurate.


Sharing good content from other resources provides value to your followers, but you'll want to first make sure the content is accurate.

Select the content you share from reliable resources. Tweet from your account only when you're 100% confident the content you share is true and accurate.

#2: Form Relationships Before You Sell

One of the most common mistakes you can make as a business owner or manager on Twitter is to try to sell to your followers and audience before you make a connection with them.


Would you buy from somebody you just met on the street?

If you want your brand to be perceived as valuable and interesting to customers who are interested in your services and products, you need to use Twitter as a platform for making and nurturing connections with a long-term perspective.


Always think about helping people before asking anything in return.

Share useful content, enter conversations where you can add value, help people out whenever you can and @reply more than you tweet.

Do these things to create a relationship with your followers, and they'll welcome your relevant offers.

Engage first, sell later.

#3: Respond to Customers Quickly

Twitter is not email. People who reach out to you on Twitter expect that you'll respond promptly, especially when they have problems with your service or the issue is time-sensitive.

Fans and potential customers will interact with you once you have a presence on Twitter. When they do, it's important that you respond very quickly to their questions and requests for help.


Social media–savvy companies know that speed is very important.

If you don't have a complete answer, acknowledge the sender's tweet immediately and let him or her know you'll follow up with a complete answer as soon as possible.


Even if you can't answer their question, your effort will be appreciated.

Shoot for a 20- to 30-minute time frame for responses.

#4: Post Consistently

Tweet 20 times per day for a month, then disappear for 3 weeks and the pattern will send a message of inconsistency to your audience.

Nothing outlined in the previous three steps will work unless you manage your Twitter account consistently.

Set a frequency for posting; for example, at least 3 times per day—and stick to that as closely as possible.

Use online services like Buffer to schedule your tweets and retweets at certain times of the day and week. Any content you place in your queue will automatically share from your account throughout each day.


Use a scheduling tool to help you deliver tweets on a regular basis.

Maintain a steady flow of tweets to create confidence in your comfort with the medium.

#5: Face Your Critics

Bill Cosby once said he didn't know the recipe for success, but knew the one for failure: try to please everybody. There will always be someone who doesn't like your brand or doesn't agree with your view on certain topics.

If your tweet or something related to your business is criticized on Twitter, what matters is how you react.

Deleting your tweet may seem like a quick fix, but it's a huge mistake. Everything on social media is permanent, and screenshots of anything you delete can end up hurting more than a live tweet.


Dr Phil's controversial tweet was deleted, starting #DrPhilQuestions trend.

Dark Horse Espresso responded in this way to a customer complaining about the number of power outlets in their premises:


Dark Horse Espresso's response means "We don't care about you."

To protect your reputation in the face of potential negativity on Twitter, there are a few definite do's:

  • Respond as quickly as possible.
  • Keep your response positive.
  • State the facts and your opinion clearly.
  • Apologize if necessary.

Dealing with critics properly will reinforce your opinion or minimize the damage of your mistakes.

#6: Automate Responsibly

Too much automation of your Twitter account can hurt your image.

It's okay to use automation and scheduling tools such as Buffer, If This Then That and others if you want to:

  • Synchronize other social media updates with your Twitter feed
  • Welcome new followers with a non-spammy direct message
  • Preset a time-sensitive update
  • Tweet at a certain pace through the day or week

But you do not want to use too much automation. Your followers want to feel a connection with the person behind your account and your business.


Automation is best used in moderation. Image: iStockPhoto

Use automation to help you manage your updates, but remember that Twitter is a platform that thrives on the almost instant flow of conversation. You'll need to be there in person to make your efforts there successful.

Your Personal Takeaways

Although Twitter moves fast, any missteps you make can stay with you and damage your reputation with followers and potential customers.

Use these tips as a starting point to create your reputation for managing a successful Twitter account.

What do you think? What's your experience with Twitter reputation management? What tips can you add to the conversation? Please leave your comments below.

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#ManageFlitter Redesigns, We #Review

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 11:53 PM PDT

Quinny Robbins

We recently got the opportunity to check out the newly redesigned ManageFlitter–a Twitter management tool designed to help users efficiently communicated with followers and control account interactions. The service, which is based out of Australia, offers some interesting features that distinguish it from other Twitter clients. From its unique PowerPost tool to topic analytics and and follower stats, ManageFlitter brings a lot to the table. But how handy is it? We took a look at each piece to determine just how useful it is from the perspective of both a casual user and someone looking to strengthen a business brand. Unfollow The first tool that is presented to a user is designed to enumerate accounts that you should stop following–and it is aptly named Unfollow. This tool displays specific data about accounts you follow: those that don't follow you back, those without a profile picture, potential spammers, non-English tweeters, accounts that don't have many followers, inactive accounts, talkative accounts, and non-talkative accounts. If you upgrade to a Pro account, you also get the options of seeing fake (spam) accounts that follow you, combine these filters in Ninja Mode, or create a whitelist of accounts that you don't wish to modify. For anyone in these categories, you can easily unfollow, force them to unfollow you, or manage them with Twitter lists. It's a bit odd that this is the first tool that is presented to users of ManageFlitter. For starters, how often are you going to want to mass-unfollow a group of users? It seems as if you would only use this tool occasionally if you find that your feed is becoming too cluttered. From a strategic perspective, users often follow Twitter accounts with the sole hope that the account will follow them back. The Unfollow tool would be useful to prune out those accounts that did not return the favor, but again, how often would this be used? From the perspective of social media marketing, it makes even less sense to highlight this mechanism. If you're concerned with quantitative interactions it is unlikely that you're going to want to mass-unfollow accounts or force them to unfollow you. If the idea is to spread the word about your brand or product, limiting your social connections feels like it is in the opposite direction of where you want to be heading. Follow The next tool, Follow, acts as the exact opposite of Unfollow. However, it is only available to Pro accounts. As you might expect, this tool is designed to help you figure out new accounts to follow. It contains filters that outline people who are following you but you aren't following back, your verified followers, and popular followers. It also lets you see who other accounts are following and who is following them. And like Unfollow, the Follow tool lets you combine filters in Ninja Mode. For the casual Twitter user, this feature is great in aiding the discovery of other users with whom to connect. In the eyes of social media marketing, it lends useful data about the users who are following your account. Many social media campaigns like to follow back their followers–it's a nice gesture that helps build a customer-brand relationship. The Follow tool makes it easy to quickly follow back other accounts and find out who and what else your followers find interesting. One of the downsides of this tool, and throughout the service, is that there's no easy way to engage with your followers. You are simply given data in the form of a list. While quantitative data has its merits, quality connections are gold in social media. It is much more valuable for your brand to build a strong and meaningful connection with 200 users than it is to pass along surface content to 2000 users. This might seem contrary to traditional marketing, but social media is not traditional marketing. Two hundred devoted and engaged customers are more likely to share and recommend services to friends and family and other users will trust personal recommendations far more than typical advertising. Unfortunately, ManageFlitter doesn't provide much of a mechanism to facilitate this. Search ManageFlitter's search tool is much more powerful and user friendly than the one built in to the Twitter website. Simply type in a search term and you can see what people are saying about it. Like the other tools, it allows you to mass select search results so that you can manage follow settings and lists very easily. It is also extensible to user profiles as well. One of the nicer features is that you have the capability to order the search results. Twitter's native search only lets you order by date. ManageFlitter lets you order by user tweets, lists, a user's last tweet, how influential a user is, and followers. For both users and brands, the search tool is very powerful in finding out what others are talking about. Analytics Analytics, like Follow, is another tool that is only available to Pro accounts. It is very similar to Search except it keeps historic data and presents it in a graphical format. To test, we searched for the term besttechie and observed the output. One of the most interesting features was the output of Tweet Clusters. This graph attempts to analyze both when and how people are discussing a topic–either through retweets or sharing of a specific link. Other useful data about a topic is also available. You can analyze by language, mentions, author, source, hashtag, and url. Such information is valuable when trying to gauge how users are discussing a topic, such as your brand. Our only complaint follows suit with the issues with Follow. While the data is nice, there is no immediate way to act on the data from within the tool. If I see that a lot of users are tweeting about a specific link on my website, I may wish to reach out to them to respond to their comments. As of now, there is no way to do that from within ManageFlitter. PowerPost The last, and most interesting feature of ManageFlitter is PowerPost. The name says it all: it is a powerful tool that allows you to strategically schedule tweets. The idea is that it gives you the ability to send out a tweet when the most users are likely to see it. You can tune it in terms of hours or days. You also have the ability to view statistics by location. If you live in Los Angeles but want your tweet to be seen by users in New York, you can pull the appropriate data to do that. And if you have a Pro account, you get additional features such as the ability to see when most of your followers are likely to be active. PowerPost is an extremely smart tool to use when trying to get announcements out to your followers. While it would be impractical to try to use it for every tweet, it seems to be a perfect fit for "big news" types of announcements. If more people see your content, and the content is meaningful, it stands that more people are likely to share your content. This is a win in social media. Final Thoughts ManageFlitter certainly offers some unique and powerful utilities for gathering and analyzing Twitter data. Its user interface is intuitive and easy to use, and if all you're looking for is raw stats, this may be the tool for you. However, if you are trying to launch an actual social media campaign, it would be worth your time to research other tools that are available. ManageFlitter falls short when it comes to bridging the gap between data and interaction. While both are important, you cannot build a true social presence without connecting to your users. ManageFlitter would benefit from somehow integrating this into their service. As a user, it would be very nice to take the data that is presented and dive right in to personal Twitter interactions. Perhaps ManageFlitter has plans for this down the road, but it's just not there yet.

The post #ManageFlitter Redesigns, We #Review appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

#Everything You Need to Know About #Timing Your #Tweets

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 11:23 PM PDT


By: @Garin Kilpatrick

Leveraging timing on Twitter is a great way to increase your reach and get more traffic from Twitter to your website.

By strategically timing your tweets you will be able to get more retweets and more Twitter followers.

To schedule your tweets I recommend using Hootsuite (free for up to 5 social media accounts) for complete control over when your content goes out.

Another Twitter tool called buffer is a great way to space your tweets out automatically, without having to specify a specific time every time you tweet.

Buffer co-founder Leo recently published the findings of some very interesting data they derived from their users:

"People that start to Buffer their Tweets increased clicks on links they posted by 200% within 2 weeks of using. The amount of retweets doubles on average. Finally Buffer users increase their follower count by 104 followers within 3 weeks on average." – the study concluded.

The Twitter management and analysis tool SocialBro can examine the activity of your 5,000 top followers to determine the best time for you to tweet.  To access this feature click the "Best time to tweet" button from your dashboard.


Below is an example of the type of heat map report SocialBro can generate.  A neat feature of this report is that it can be exported as a .PDF as well.

The only downside to this report is that it can take several minutes to create, but this might just be due to the fact that it had to analyze over 400,000 followers for my account.

Once your report is ready you will get an email notification which will bring you to the following heat map:


The SocialBro report also has four other graphs visualizing the best times for you to tweet in different ways.

More Strategies for Timing Your Tweets

For those who have networks larger than 5,000 followers it is also helpful to consider some more general Twitter timing trends as well.

Social Media scientist Dan Zarrella analyzed a large sample of accounts and drew some conclusions about timing and Twitter.  Kiss Metrics visualized data from his study about twitter timing into the infographic below:


Another important thing to take into consideration is the time zone of your followers.  If you are in North America and following mostly other North Americans you should consider the density of people in different time zones when timing your tweets.


Clearly the Eastern Time zone has the most people living in it so lining up a few tweets near the 5PM EST peak time is a good call.

Twitter is based in San Francisco and many people use Twitter in the PST so if you are in the EST like I am right now it's a good idea to line up some tweets until 8PM EST so that you hit the 5PM peak time for those living in the Pacific time zone.

Sysomos analyzed 20 million tweets and published some interesting Twitter stats, including the graph below showing that tweeting activity is busier during the week than it is on weekends:

twitter-activity-by-day-of-weekBased on my own experience I have noticed that I get many more retweets during the week, and it seems to me that many people take a break from their regular tweeting routines on the weekends.

The data visualization company came recently designed an infographic with some cool twitter timing stats that might give you some more insight into the art and science of Twitter timing.


The main takeaway from this post is that you can have more influence and achieve more clicks if you space your tweets out so that more people see them and less people unfollow you.

Flooding your followers with a bunch of tweets at once will piss some people off, but tweeting is a good thing so don't feel like you absolutely must schedule every single tweet you send.

Twitter is based on the question what are you doing? after all, so send live tweets and make your tweets feel real.

Want more cool content like this? Sign up for my free Twitter eCourse and get a Twitter PDF when you do!


The post Timing Your Tweets appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post #Everything You Need to Know About #Timing Your #Tweets appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

An 8-Step Approach To A Better Twitter Marketing Strategy

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 10:55 PM PDT



Twitter is a social site used today by tens of thousands of businesses for micro-blogging. It is the preferred place on the web where big enterprise organizations as well as smaller brands post short updates, to be precise, an update less than 140 character long. For many businesses, Twitter is a hybrid from the cross of an instant messaging service and a chat room. It is in principle an open forum but as a Twitter user, you can restrict the people with whom you connect. For any business, Twitter is an incredible marketing and PR tool.

With that said, if you've decided to finally join the Twitter bandwagon to increase the reach and impact of your business, you are going to need some guidance. Out there, on a social site like Twitter with a current estimate of over 500 million registered users, it is easy for businesses to get lost never to be found by potential customers. So what should you do? What should your Twitter marketing strategy look like?

To help you get started with marketing on Twitter, below is an 8-step approach to successful micro-blogging.

So here we go! Buckle up and let's get started!

1.      Choose carefully who to follow on Twitter

On Twitter, what you will come across in terms of updates and knowledge is going to directly depend on the people you follow. Your learning curve will therefore depend on those initial choices you'll make picking out the Twitter accounts worth following. In the beginning, the temptation to follow just about anyone is going to be strong and you will have to resist it.  Always remember that your incoming stream should stay relevant.

2.      Organize the Twitter accounts you follow

So you are on Twitter and you've managed to find some influential Twitter accounts worth following. It might be a good idea to actually organize your incoming stream into lists using Twitter tools including Tweetdeck and Hootsuite . This helps you keep tract of those topics that you particularly care about.


3.      Don't think twice about blocking irrelevant accounts

Like on the social media giant Facebook, Twitter offers its registered users the possibility to block other Twitter accounts. One of the mistakes that many businesses make is that they opt for ignoring the spammy accounts that follow them but on Twitter, you are judged based on your followers. So if you have spammy accounts following you, don't think twice. Block them.

4.      Don't make retweeting people a point of pride

On Twitter, businesses often make it a point not to retweet other people's updates. This is not the right approach. As a matter of fact, you should be retweeting people you wish to build a rapport with.  If you come across something useful or interesting, share the good stuff. What's the harm in that?

5.      Always find new people to follow

Setting up a Twitter account and following a few people in the first couple of weeks followed by the occasional update and retweet is not the right approach to micro-blogging. Always make it a point to find new and relevant Twitter accounts to follow. One of the best ways to do this is to find the time and research the Twitter streams of the people you follow. The site's Advanced Search function might also be helpful.

6.      Streamline the things you share on Twitter

To most businesses, social media marketing is a joke but it's not. You see, having a Facebook account with hundreds of fans or a Twitter account with hundreds of followers is not really the goal you want to set for your marketing strategy. What you should be doing is engaging your audience and finding the triggers that will convert potential customers into buyers. So don't share just about anything you find on the web because you can't be bothered to come up with good stuff. Invest in the content you share. Sure sometimes you can curate content from the web if you are blank on what to share with your followers but stay relevant.

7.      Use the weapons in your arsenal, for example ‘Favorite’

Did you know that each time you favorite someone's content or Twitter update they get notified about it? Use this to your advantage. That right there is an incredible tool you have to dangle your name in front of people you respect and wish to connect with.

8.      Learn the semantics of the micro-blogging site

If you've been on Facebook or Twitter for long enough, you would know that people on a social site tend to speak a language characteristic to that particular social network. Learn the secret language of Twitter. Of course you can refer to the Twitter Glossary but more importantly you want to pay attention to how other people are using the social site.

The post An 8-Step Approach To A Better Twitter Marketing Strategy appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post An 8-Step Approach To A Better Twitter Marketing Strategy appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

15 #Awesome Small #Business #Twitter Tips

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 10:35 PM PDT



If you use Twitter the wrong way or ignore Twitter it can harm your brand and cost your small business customers and sales.

However, if you apply the Twitter tips and tools in this post I am certain you can significantly accelerate the success of your business on Twitter!

The key to successful Twitter marketing is to focus on building strong relationships with your customers and prospects.

Rather than just trying to sell and promote seek to help and engage and you will build a network of people who want to learn more about you and will choose to do business with you above the competition.


The best way to get new followers for your Business and get your business started on Twitter is to follow the people and businesses you already know. If these accounts are active on Twitter there is a great chance that they will follow you back.

Once you follow people you already know the next step is to follow highly relevant people to your business.

These people that are most relevant to you are the most likely to follow you back and to re-tweet you. Don't be afraid to search Twitter and engage with people who are already talking about your business and topics that matter to you.

From my experience managing Twitter accounts for several different businesses I can say without a doubt that there is a correlation between the amount of personality a Twitter brand has and the success it achieves.

People simply connect better with other people than they do with brands, so make sure it is apparent who the people are who are tweeting on behalf of your brand.

Twitter Tips to Help Small Business Owners

1. Use Twitter Directories to Promote Your Business & Network

Add your business to categories related to your niche and find other people to network with in your niche.

2. Optimize Your Avatar

Many business owners want to use the business logo as their Twitter avatar, and this is understandable, but you should consider using a picture of your team or of the person managing the account and including the logo in the corner of the image.

3. Customize your Twitter Background

Include pictures of the person or people who manage the account on your background. The more personal you can make your Twitter brand, the better.

A cool free tool for creating custom Twitter backgrounds is Themelon by Colour Lovers.

4. Use Twitter Marketing Software

Rapidly build a targeted network of followers by using the tool TweetAdder.  With TweetAdder you can build connections with people based on specific keywords in their bios, keywords they have tweeted, location, and several other .

Although following people is a great strategy for creating new connections you don't want to follow more people than follow you.  One way you can avoid this is by using the tool Manage Flitter to remove inactive accounts (users who have not tweeted in 30 days) by up to 100 people at a time.  See the image below for a better idea of how this app works.


5. Integrate Twitter with Linkedin

Twitter and Linkedin recently reached a deal so that Twitter tweets could be imported as a Linkedin status and tweets can be exported to Twitter from Linkedin.

Updating Twitter from Linkedin is simple.twitter-and-linkedin

Once you click the Twitter link from your profile you can setup a Twitter account in a few steps. After this you will be able to click the more tab, then Tweets and that will take you to a page that displays your twitter feed and has the status box (pictured above) which you can use to send a tweet. By checking the box above the "Update Twitter" button you can also assign a tweet as your linkedin status.

Updating Linkedin from Twitter

Making this connection is simple. All you need to do is specify on the Twitter settings page of Linkedin if you want to either import all tweets, or only the tweets that contain the hashtag #in.

6. Check out the Twitter Business Portal is a newly developed resource guide for businesses getting started on twitter.

This resource is essentially a 101 guide that seeks to answer many of the common questions business owners may have about Twitter.


Topics discussed include:

  • So how does it work?
  • So how do businesses use Twitter?
  • So what does Twitter do for businesses?
  • Getting Started
  • Increasing Sales
  • Connecting with customers

7. Build Rapport with Retweets

Especially when trying to network with influencers you will have a greater chance of getting a response if you first retweet some of their content first.


Use classic style retweets (ie: RT @username) rather than the new style because this will get you into the mention stream of the person you are retweeting which means they have a better chance of noticing you.

If you have retweeted someone a few times before you try to engage them in a conversation there is a better chance that they will respond since they don't want to risk alienating you and not getting any more retweets in the future.

If you want to learn how to get more retweets check out this article I wrote with 35 tips about how to get more retweets.

8. Time Your Tweets for Maximum Effect

Focusing the timing of your tweets on Twitter is a great way to increase your reach, and get more traffic to the links you share.

Check out this post to learn the stats about peak twitter times and my best strategies about timing your tweets for maximum reach.

9. Get More Twitter Followers

The more followers you have the easier it will be to spread the word about your business far and wide.

If you want more followers there are plenty of options, check out this post I wrote with 50 tips about how to get more followers if you want to discover my best follower getting secrets.

For those interested in investing in more Twitter followers I recommend the service Grow My Twitter Network.

10. Search for Terms Related to Your Biz

I recommend using a Twitter management application such as TweetDeck or Hootsuite so that in addition to viewing your new mentons you can also scan live tweets about terms that matter to your business.

The name of your business is one search term to keep on your radar, and monitoring keywords that are related to your niche is important as well.

There are free Twitter tools such as tweetbeep and nutshell mail that can send you daily updates so that you are always in the loop about tweets that matter to your biz.

11. Tweet Photos

Pictures get great engagement and retweets on Twitter and they humanize you brand.

Some cool tools to consider using are listed below. My favorite tools are emboldened:

  • TwitPic - TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter
  • FlickToTwitt - Post a photo to flickr and announce it right away on Twitter
  • Twitsig - Your tweets as images
  • Twiddeo - Twitter with video
  • Flittr - Picture your words
  • – Anything and everything
  • TwitnGo - Quick photo posts to Twitter
  • TwitImg - Keep everyone up to date by using your latest Twitter status, displayed in the form of an appealing image
  • Twitgoo - Share your pictures on Twitter
  • SnapTweet - Send your Flickr photos to Twitter
  • 2Tweet - Tweet multiple photos and videos
  • Zannel - Instantly share your pics, videos and text to Twitter
  • ScreenTweet - ScreenTweet shares videos, pictures, screen shots, and images on Twitter
  • Greetter - Share photos and videos on Twitter
  • – Photo sharing service for Twitter
  • Instagram – iPhone photo sharing service. Won app of the year from Apple.
  • Tweetphoto - Photo sharing made simple
  • TweetMojo - Share your videos, webcam, photos, docs and more on Twitter
  • Twittergram - Send your Flickr pix to Twitter and show people what you're up to
  • Twitpickr - an easy way to upload your TwitPic images to Flickr
  • Yfrog - Share your images and videos on Twitter

12. Don't Bother With DM's

Personally my DM inbox is 90% spam so I don't bother checking it for days at a time. Many people don't check their DM inbox at all so if you send someone a direct message there is a terrible way to connect.

Use @ mentions to spark conversation, or send a message to the person on Facebook. These ways your chance of getting a response is significantly better.

13. Analyze Your Progress

There are several powerful free Twitter Analytics tools that can help you measure the progress you are making on Twitter.

When you analyse and visualize your activity on Twitter you can get a better idea of what is working and what is not so that you can optimize your actions to create a bigger network and a more engaged following.

14. Engage the Influencers in Your Niche

The largest twitter directory wefollow organizes people from most to least followed. You can use this organization to identify the people in your niche with the largest followings.

By focusing your networking activities on engaging with people who have large networks you stand to benefit from their reach as they engage with you as well.

Wefollow allows you to add yourself to up to five interest categories in their directory. By strategically choosing and adding yourself to long tail terms that have members with fewer followers than you, you will be seen as an influencer in that niche by everyone else who checks out that directory category.

15. Leverage Twitter Lists

If you include someone on a Twitter list this is far more effective for getting their attention than simply following them.

Even if you create a simple list called "cool people" or something like that, which is not subject specific, the fact that you took a few extra moments to include someone in that list shows them that you have them on your radar.

Listing people is also a great way to get listed since some people feel inclined to return the favour.

Bonus Tip

If tweeting in a team use cotags to identify who it is that is doing the tweeting.  Cotags are initials that identify who is tweeting when multiple people manage one account.  For example, if I was tweeting as part of a tweet I would end every tweet with my initials like so: ^GK.

For best results include pictures with names and cotags of the different people who tweet for the account on the Twitter page background for that account.

Next Level Twitter Tips

Sign up for my free Twitter eCourse for some of my most powerful Twitter tips, free updates, and a free .pdf!

How do you use Twitter in Your Small Business?

Let us know how you use Twitter in your business in the comments below!

The post 15 #Awesome Small #Business #Twitter Tips appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post 15 #Awesome Small #Business #Twitter Tips appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

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