vendredi 7 mars 2014



Twitter networking success guide

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 11:04 PM PST


HOW TO: Network for Maximum Success on Twitter with Twitter Marketing Software

I have used hundreds of Twitter Tools and TweetAdder is by far the most powerful marketing software I have encountered!

For that reason I have developed this guide to explain how different features make TweetAdder powerful, and how to use these powerful features for the maximum effect.

If you want to see a video that explains some of the core network building features of TweetAdder check out my TweetAdder video review.


For a comprehensive look at the most powerful features of this marketing software then give this guide a read.

Overview Screen


The overview screen allows you to monitor the status and activities of all of your account from one convenient table.

You can turn each account on or off by clicking on the account, and selecting the on/off button.  This is especially useful if you wish to pause updates to an account, or if you are managing an account from a different computer.

The user icons on the far left show which accounts are logged in, and which ones are logged off or turned off.

To open a user to manage, you can either double click on the row, or select a row and click the "Open User" button.

TweetAdder Functions


The TweetAdder sidebar is broken down into six components, five are shown to the left because they are the only five that really matter.

Search Users to Follow is the menu where you can find users to follow based on several different criteria.

As you use the different features for searching for users within this menu you build out a "To Follow List" which you can then get TweetAdder to slowly crawl through and follow the users that are on it.

The most powerful methods for finding users to connect with are listed below in order of most powerful to least.

No matter which method of connection building you use try to manually screen the people you follow if possible so that you can pull out people who are inactive, or irrelevant to you.

Profile Data Search

This a very useful tool for finding more targeted followers.  I build most of my connections via Profile Data searches because I can narrow my search to people who have interests that are relevant enough to them that they list these keywords in their bio.


Following Everyone Followed by or Following of a User


This is a really cool feature that adds all the followers of a particular user to your 'To Follow' list. You go and find a competitor in your niche and start following their followers in the hopes that they'll follow you back.

A powerful way to use this feature is to use people who are similar to you, but very selective about who they follow.  If you follow these people as well you initiate connections with people who are probably active (millions of Twitter users are inactive) and have a high likelihood of being influential.


Tweet Search

This a very useful tool for searching through all of the tweets containing your search term and location (optional).

What people tweet and what they're actually interested in can be a little bit different, so keep that in mind when using this feature.

Twitter tries to put a stop to this sort of thing and will now only produce 20 results at a time, so if you want to use this efficiently you will need to turn automation on let TweetAdder work its in the background.


Following Everyone on a Twitter List

Tweetadder makes it easy to follow everyone on a Twitter list.  Just enter the username and the list name.


Following Twitter Users

After you've found people you want to follow and added them to your To Follow list, you then have the option to follow people as and when you please, or you can turn on the the automation and the program will automatically follow people for you.

Then all you have to do is to turn on the automation and leave it running on your computer and your job is done.

This sort of automation is not allowed by Twitter so Tweet Adder sets delays between each follow so that Twitter can't detect the automation.

You also have the option to limit the amount of users you follow each day and this is especially important when you get to 2000 followers as Twitter starts to put a stop to excessive following that's often used in Twitter marketing. Until you get to 2,000 followers Twitter will stop you from following more that 2k people, so at this point manual network building with tools like Manage Twitter will help to speed things along.

Once you break through the 2k threshold Twitter caps the number of people you can follow in a day at 1,000 people.


Unfollowing Twitter Users

I don't use this feature of TweetAdder, although it is a smart option for anyone who wants to automate Twitter connection building.

I prefer to invest some time every day and use the Twitter Tool Manage Twitter because it offers more options for sorting those people who are not following me so that I can unfollow the most inactive people first.

Here is what the unfollow Twitter users screen looks like:


Thank You Messages

Using this function allows you to automatically interact with your followers as soon as they follow you back, and this can be a powerful way to get onto the radar of new people in your network.

Many people abuse this feature, and for that reason I rarely check my dms.  I recommend that you avoid their mistakes and don't start off on the wrong foot by sending a shameless self-promoting message and link.

The right way to use this feature is by sending a message that introduces yourself and thanks them for connecting.


RSS Feed

Although I don't use this feature because I like to tweet everything manually I recognize its power for automating a stream of tweets to an account that you want to manage automatically.

If you are pressed for time to Tweet this tool could be a serious time saver.


Video Demo

I have also developed a video review of TweetAdder that you might find useful.

You need to download and use TweetAdder to really appreciate it.  Luckily, you can download TweetAdder and test drive it for free.

Then, if you are interested in purchasing TweetAdder, and you buy it through my link:

I will send you a Twitter Tools Book Gold Edition bonus package, worth $198!

This package includes:

  • A copy of The Twitter Tools Book (140 pages)
  • A copy of The Twitter Tools Audio Book (17 .Mp3′s)
  • A copy of The Twitter Follower Formula (.pdf Report)
  • A copy of The Twitter Tools for Business (.pdf Report)
  • A copy of How to: Make Money with Twitter (.pdf Report)
  • Lifetime access to The Twitter Tools Book Membership site


As you can undoubtedly tell by this guide TweetAdder is a very powerful network building tool that you should start using asap to build your online brand.

Let me know what you think of TweetAdder and this guide in the comments below!

Tweet Adder Review, Bonus & Coupon


The post Twitter networking success guide appeared first on GrowYourTwitterNetwork.

The post Twitter networking success guide appeared first on Make Money Online With Twitter Marketing.

Facebook Updates Follow Button: This Week in Social Media

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 04:06 PM PST

social media researchWelcome to our weekly edition of what's hot in social media news. To help you stay up-to-date with social media, here are some of the news items that caught our attention.

What's New This Week?

Facebook Redesigns Follow Button and Like Box: "Similar to the Like and Share buttons, the Follow button and the Like Box plugin will also be updated with" Facebook's new design.

facebook follow and like box buttons

The new design Follow button and Like Box.

Vine Releases in More Languages: "Now, it's even easier for people around the world to watch and share posts that make us laugh, teach us something new or help us find out what's happening in the world."

vine more languages

Vine is "also beginning to explore ways to surface Vine videos that are popular in a particular country. "

Twitter Improves Age Screening Experience: Twitter is rolling out "an improvement to the age-screening experience on, iOS, and Android devices."

twitter age screening

"Alcohol brands can safely grow their of-age network of Twitter followers in a way that's simpler than before."

Other interesting social media news to follow:

Pinterest Unveils Holiday Giving Guide: Pinterest has "asked some creative Pinners to share their favorite gift ideas to help you find the most imaginative gifts for every type of person on your list."

pinterest giving guide

Pinterest is also "introducing a new and improved Holiday Gifts feed, where you can browse products from top retailers and filter by Gifts for her, Gifts for him, and Gifts for kids, to discover the hottest gifts of the season."

Weekly Marketing Tip

Here we bring you weekly marketing tips from Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner:

How to Create Custom Social Share Buttons for Your Site

Other Mentions

Introducing Social Media Marketing World: 60+ pros help you master social media marketing! Join Chris Brogan (co-author of The Impact Equation), Mari Smith (co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day), Michael Hyatt (author of Platform), Jay Baer (author of Youtility), John Jantsch (author of Duct Tape Marketing), Amy Porterfield (co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies), Mark Schaefer (author of Tao of Twitter), Michael Stelzner (author of Launch) and experts from more than a dozen brands as they reveal proven social media marketing tactics at Social Media Marketing World 2014—Social Media Examiner's mega-conference in beautiful San Diego, California.

Check out this overview of the conference or click here for more details.

What do you think? Please share your comments below.

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Social Strategy: How to Build a Sustainable Social Media Marketing Plan

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 09:36 AM PST

Do you have a social media plan?

Are you wondering how to build a social media strategy for your business?

To learn about the importance of a social media strategy, I interview Neal Schaffer for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast.

More About This Show

Social Media Marketing Podcast w/ Michael Stelzner

The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.

It's designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting).

In this episode, I interview Neal Schaffer, author of Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing. He's a social media consultant and coach. His newest book is Maximize Your Social: A One-Stop Guide to Building a Social Media Strategy for Marketing and Business Success.

Neal shares the unique insights he gained while working overseas with companies that had to build their sales organizations from scratch.

You'll learn the core elements your social strategy needs to be successful and sustainable.

Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below!

Listen Now

You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS, Stitcher or Blackberry.

Here are some of the things you'll discover in this show:

Social Media Marketing Plan

Many marketers are solely focused on the 'how' rather than the 'why' of social media

Neal states that you should operate with a plan. The most precious resource for a marketer is time. Social media can drain your time, especially with the emergence of new platforms.

You need to have a plan—and more importantly, an objective—and be able to measure what you are doing. For a small business it's one thing, but if you are doing it on behalf of a client or a brand/company, they want to know what they will get out of their social media budget.

plan istock 16596422

First of all, you need to have a plan when it comes to social media marketing. Image source: iStockphoto

As social media becomes a mass skill, Neal thinks we'll see a lot more corporate oversight into what people do in social media.

If you concentrate on the tactics alone, then the value of a Facebook like is meaningless. It might be a secondary metric, but at the end of the day, you need to know how it affects your business objectives. If you just look at the tactics, you completely miss the whole business picture.

As a small business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers. There is more focus on the 'how,' because you can be too concerned about trying to keep up with everyone else.

You'll hear Neal give an example of a hotel client's Facebook strategy and how it's not all about the number of likes you have compared to your competitors.

maximize social business on facebook

Facebook likes aren’t what you should use to compare yourself against your competition.

Likes are important to companies that want to get brand recognition in the marketplace—although it's not a business objective, it's more brand awareness.

Listen to the show to find out why the number of likes is only one indicator in comparing yourself to your competition.

How working abroad helped Neal in the new world of social media

After graduating from college, Neal moved to Japan, where he helped three companies in the high-tech industry. Neal says it provided him with a lot of extremely holistic business experience.

He had to launch their sales organizations from scratch and had to figure out how to get brand recognition across different countries in markets where they weren't known.

These jobs included sales and marketing, attending conferences, hiring people, dealing with legal issues and offering customer support. All of these roles led Neal to a very holistic view of social media in terms of not just using it for marketing but throughout the enterprise.

You'll hear why storytelling helped strengthen these Chinese brands and Japanese technology.

Neal gained unique insights while working with these companies and it has given him a way to look at things in a practical, rational and actionable way.

Listen to the show to find out about the analogy of thinking about a social network like a country.

Trends marketers need to understand 

One of the trends that Neal brings up in his book, Maximize Your Social, is the convergence of information and communication.

maximize your social book

Neal’s book, Maximize Your Social.

Social media users join social networks in order to get back in touch with friends on Facebook or colleagues on LinkedIn. When you start to share more information and ask questions, the more you go to these social networks as a source of news, visual inspiration or entertainment.

So what used to be about communication is now about information. Neal believes companies need to be informed and not just talk about themselves, but more about things that their target audience would be interested in.

One of the trends seen very clearly is paid social. With Facebook's recent announcement that you don't need third-party apps to do a promotion anymore, what they are trying to do is to get companies to invest more in Promoted Posts to market the campaigns instead.

In order to keep your engagement level up, you need to do Promoted Posts on a regular basis to keep your page fresh in people's minds. The idea behind paid social is that you need to pay to play, which is becoming more important.

A lot of companies believe that social media is free and that they shouldn't have to pay for it. With paid social, it can really assist your social media marketing. It can accelerate all of the organic things you do. Neal says it's a trend that everyone should acknowledge.

You'll discover how Neal uses StumbleUpon's Paid Discovery to generate website traffic and why he's had extreme success with it.

stumble upon paid discovery

StumbleUpon’s Paid Discovery is a great tool to help generate website traffic.

Most companies make the mistake with paid Stumble of having just a home page. Instead they should have something that's a resource for their target audience.

Neal has found with some campaigns that traffic from StumbleUpon has seen lower bounce rates, more time on site and more page views because you can target the right audience with the right information. It's all about relevance.

Listen to the show to learn what happens when the StumbleUpon crowd sees someone just marketing to them.

Where a business should start with a social media strategy

Neal states that you should start with your objectives. Most companies have multiple objectives, with brand awareness being one of them. Neal worked with a company for which reputation management through social media was their main objective.

The more defined your objectives are, the easier it will be to plan your tactics, metrics and measure ROI.

If you have a lot of different product lines, look at your own corporate strategy. What is your strategy outside of social media? This is where your social media objectives should map into your corporate strategy.

If you're a social media marketer for a company and don't know what the objectives are, then you need to ask your CEO or president, as it's these people who want to see how social media affects the bottom line. Ask yourself what the three strategic things are as an organization that you want to push forward on in the next 3-6 months or 6-12 months. You need to think how social media can help you.

You'll learn about the people you can use in your organization to help you create a more inclusive social media strategy, which will be more comprehensive and help you company-wide.

social media icons

Let staff throughout your organization help build your social media strategy. Image source: iStockphoto

The next part of your strategy is to consider what social media channels you want to establish a strategic presence on. You then have to look at the different functionality of each channel that you can maximize.

As you measure and create your metrics from your objectives, you need to figure out how your activity on these channels contributes to your sales.

Over time, you will then see which platform contributes more to your sales. This gives you the insight into where you should increase and decrease your investment. You have to adjust these levels regularly and take a data-driven approach to be able to fine-tune it.

You'll hear Neal give advice for a new organically grown business whose objective is to drive more traffic to their blog and to get people to sign up for updates.

Listen to the show to hear about what Neal calls content buckets.

The advantages of paid social

Should someone even consider the paid social? Neal says it all comes down to the fact that time is money. There is an opportunity lost for whatever you do.

A lot of small businesses that have grown organically probably spend less than $100 a month on any given tool. You do have the free version of Hootsuite and Google Analytics.

You don't have to use paid social. The best way is to grow organically. This is easy for companies that already have brand awareness, but if you don't, it will take a lot longer. The problem is that it's easier for your competition to gain mindshare.

Neal advises to stop commenting on 100 different blogs and instead spend your time creating better content. For the time you save, you can afford to spend $20-$100 on paid social.

You'll find out the advantages of having an ROI attached to something.

Although paid social is one component, for Neal it's about maximizing potential. Whether you use it or not, it's something to be aware of. It's another tool in your toolkit that you can use.

One way to use paid social is if your goal is to reach 20,000 likes and you are only at 15,000, you could budget to supplement your organic growth rate to help you achieve your target. This can also bring in new blood that might engage with your content in a different way.

facebook sponsored stories

A Sponsored Story is a great way to increase your likes on Facebook.

It's a component you should experiment with. If one hour of your time is worth $20, then spend it and use that time to do something that is more strategic or more valuable.

Neal is not saying that blog commenting and engaging on social media aren't extremely valuable, but you can't be everywhere at once. You have to be careful how you spend your time on social. Use paid to supplement it.

Listen to the show to find out how you can use paid social to get your name out there.

This Week's Social Media Question

Felipe Bzr asks, "I visited Coca-Cola's Facebook page and most posts were in German. With me living in Vienna, I discovered that they obviously found my location. I was wondering how they find out which language you use? How can I focus on a language if I'm an international company and I want one page for my company internationally and how can I spread the word in different languages without having different pages?"

coca cola facebook page

Coca-Cola is one of the big brands on Facebook that post updates in their fans’ own language.

This is a great question and it doesn't cost anything to do this.

First you need to have a Facebook for Business page. When you go into the Status Update field, there is a little target that appears in the bottom left. You click on it and it will say "Target By" and you can choose from many different options.

For example, you can choose target by location. You will see all of the locations available. For the U.S., you can target by country, region, state or a city. For people outside of the U.S., it might be a little bit different.

You can then target any country you want and it will only show updates to people in that particular country, region or city.

A lot of big brands post updates in their customers', prospects' or fans' language and they will only be seen by the people in those regions. Facebook knows you are in a particular region because of the information you provide when you set up your Facebook personal profile.

You can do more than just target by location. You can target by relationship status, gender, educational status, age and language. Not everyone provides this data in their personal profile.

There are a lot of creative things you can do with targeting. Give it a try and experiment with it.

Call in and leave your social media–related questions for us and we may include them in a future show.

Listen to the show to learn more and let us know how this works for you.

Other Show Mentions

Social Media Success Summit 2013

Social Media Success Summit 2013 is a special online conference designed to help you master social media marketing (brought to you by Social Media Examiner).

Social Media Success Summit 2013.

Forty-five of the world's leading social media pros will show you how. Instructors include Jay Baer (author, Youtility), Chri s Brogan (co-author, Impact Equation), Mari Smith (co-author, Facebook Marketing), Michael Stelzner (founder, Social Media Examiner), Mark Schaefer (author, Return on Influence), Jesse Stay (author, Google+ for Dummies), Amy Porterfield (co-author, Facebo ok Marketing All-in-One for Dummies) and experts from General Electric, Sony, E! Online, Kelly Services and Discovery Channel–just to mention a few. Fully online. Click here to learn more.

We are only days away from one of the biggest and most popular online events we have ever done. Tons of presenters will present the absolute latest and greatest to you on everything from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to blogging, podcasting and video marketing.

You will find a lot of great stuff here. If you want to take your professional development to an entirely new level, make sure you check it out.

Key takeaways mentioned in this episode:

Ways to subscribe to the Social Media Marketing podcast:

What do you think? What are your thoughts on creating a social strategy? Please leave your comments below.

Images from iStockPhoto.

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5 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Twitter, Facebook and Beyond

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 03:00 AM PST

social media toolsAre you using hashtags in your social media campaigns?

Do you want to find tools to help manage your hashtags?

The right tools can help you launch, track and analyze hashtags across social networks.

In this article, you'll discover five tools that make it easy to track hashtags and their related conversations.

Why Use a Hashtag?

Hashtags make it easier for people to find and follow discussions about brands, events and promotions. They also let brands track the performance of promotions across social media.

Hashtags can determine how easily you can target and track a campaign. You've probably seen many businesses use generic hashtags like #food or #chocolate. While these will get your update into a large conversation, using such broad hashtags is wasting your time.

Can you imagine how many posts (tweets or otherwise) contain #chocolate every minute? Managing the hashtag would be a nightmare. You'd spend weeks sorting through every instance of the hashtag to determine which mentions apply to you.

It's worth the effort (and your sanity) to come up with a unique hashtag that fits with your particular campaign.

A good example is Subway's #januANY campaign. Their hashtag has two key components: it's distinctive enough to track easily and it's simple for fans to remember.

subway januany tweet

Subway uses hashtags that are memorable and easy to track.

As you're choosing a hashtag, follow Subway's lead. A good hashtag is memorable, unique and relevant to your campaign.

Following those guidelines, you'll find it's much easier to keep track of how many people are participating in your campaign and spreading the word.

Read on to discover five tools that can effectively track, analyze and report how others are using your hashtag.

#1: RebelMouse: Embed Your Campaign on Your Website

RebelMouse is your best friend if you're running a cross-platform campaign.

Not only does it fetch hashtag conversations happening anywhere on social media, it also offers integrated Google Analytics, social sharing, RSS feeds and content moderation.

Add to that a custom domain feature with customizable designs and CSS capabilities that let you embed RebelMouse on your website, and you have a one-stop shop for your social storytelling.

rebel mouse

RebelMouse is your social media front page.

Burger King's #SATISFRIED campaign used RebelMouse to pull hashtagged Instagram photos into their website and show off how fans were being satisfried.

burger king rebel mouse page

RebelMouse embedded on the Burger King website.

Having people share the hashtag provided social proof for friends of friends and helped Burger King reach a wider audience.

#2: Tagboard: Get the Complete Conversation

Tagboard gathers text, video and image posts to give you an overall picture of what's being said around a hashtag.

After grabbing relevant conversations from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Vine, Tagboard puts them in a user-friendly interface where you can interact with the results.

tagboard platform

Tagboard lets you track hashtags across multiple platforms.

Audi used Tagboard to track their Super Bowl ad for #Bravery in 2013. They were able to pull in tweets, Facebook mentions and Instagram mentions.

audi tagboard page

Audi has been using hashtags with their Super Bowl ads since 2011.

#3: Talkwalker: Analyze Hashtag Campaigns

Talkwalker is more than a hashtag tracking tool. Its capabilities go far beyond letting you listen to and engage with conversations around hashtags.

Talkwalker gives you data for gender distribution, geographic distribution and sentiment analysis on your own hashtags, as well as your competitors' hashtags.

talkwalker metrics

Track more than mentions—get key demographics with Talkwalker.

All the data are easily filtered, sorted, analyzed and charted using their tool. The insights can be seamlessly exported into Excel, PowerPoint and Word so you can manage and present results easily.

#4: Bundle Post: Generate Hashtags Automatically

Bundle Post is a very useful content management system that lets you generate, organize, schedule and post content for hashtag campaigns. It also integrates with HootSuite, HubSpot, Buffer and other systems.

bundlepost platform

Bundle Post automatically generates hashtags for you.

This tool has a specialized feature that identifies popular keywords in your content and automatically replaces those words with hashtags. After you type these keywords and phrases into the Bundle Feed feature, it goes out and finds relevant, related content for you!

#5: RiteTag: Find the Perfect Hashtag

RiteTag optimizes updates for Facebook, Twitter and Google+ with the best possible hashtags for your post, then analyzes them to let you create a library of hashtags to use.

To make publishing easier, RiteTag has an extension you can add to your web browser. Use the extension to schedule updates with your optimized hashtags from wherever you are.

Bonus Tools Just for Twitter

Tweet Binder and Twubs are specialized Twitter tools for analytics and filtering conversations, respectively.

Tweet Binder lets you enter a hashtag, then provides an in-depth report of actual conversations, retweets, associated images and links based on your hashtag. Once you get the results, you can categorize your findings by influencers, contributors or other media filters.

tweetbinder platform

Tweet Binder gives you a custom ranking feature for events.

Twubs acts as a live stream for Twitter chats. It has been known to be more real-time than Twitter itself! If a hashtag conversation is moving too quickly for you, just hit the Pause button to catch up.

twubs platform

Use Twubs to track your hashtags in real time.

Over to you

From Google+ and Facebook to Pinterest and LinkedIn, hashtags are everywhere these days.

With the right tools, hashtags make it easier for brands to manage and maintain social media campaigns.

The tools above can help you launch, track and analyze hashtags across social networks. You can see what's working and what's not, how big your reach is and even how you compare to your competition. I'd say that's pretty handy.

What do you think? What do you use to keep track of your hashtags? Have you tried any of these tools? How have they worked for you? Share your experiences and opinions in the comments below.

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