vendredi 16 mai 2014



A Sound Social Media Strategy Is Imperative

Posted: 15 May 2014 08:51 PM PDT

Monica Romeri

Brands who ignore social media do so at their own peril.  Although the business world seems to have accepted social media as a viable marketing channel, many organizations completely lack or struggle with A Sound Social Media Strategy Is Imperative image social media strategy2 social media strategy.  Winning social media marketing is not solely brand-focused; it is about captivating your social audience, engaging your social prospects and delivering real value—in the form of your own original content as well as the high-quality content of others, which you have curated from trusted, industry-leading sources.  The social media landscape is a vast, loud and often chaotic place; breaking through the noise and reaching your captive audience requires a sound social media strategy.

Social Media Has Grown Up

Current marketing trends highlight the reality that social media is serious business; social media as a marketing channel has matured and gained credibility.  Major brands are working harder than ever to engage their prospects on various channels, including social media.  Some have even transformed themselves into media companies and publishers; Coca-Cola has the Cola-Cola Journey, and Red Bull created the full-length feature film on snowboarding, The Art of Flight.  Both are major initiatives to increase fan engagement through not overly brand-focused media efforts—in keeping with the ethos of community-based social media.

There has been a major rise in the popularity of visual social networks, including Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat.  It is becoming increasing vital to generate visual interest in all marketing content as well as to create primarily visual content marketing, such as SlideShare presentations and infographics, which are highly shared on social networks.  Achieving significant Facebook reach now requires brands to “pay to play.”  Many companies are now investing in social media analytics in order to manage, track and measure the many KPIs of social media marketing across various channels.  Google+ has become a necessity.  You would be remiss to ignore this social network due to Google Authorship and its impact on SEO, which has itself gone social.

Opportunity Knocks

Social media offers many ways to increase the reach and credibility of your brand.  Social media marketing, including the promotion of your original blog content, grants you—not mass media—the power to publish and potentially reach a mass audience.  Delivering highly shareable content and fostering the authentic engagement of your social audience can help you build a powerful network of brand advocates who actively share your content and promote your brand.  Aspire to establish a significant digital footprint by publishing stellar blog content and becoming influential on multiple channels, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and others.  Online ubiquity can increase the impact of your content, the recognition of your brand and your rates of lead generation and conversion.

Developing a Sound Social Media Strategy

Without a sound social media strategy, you will miss out on a great deal of opportunities—not to mention the optimization of your social lead generation.  An effective social media strategy calls for allocating the time and resources needed to create and implement one that will provide your company with an integrated, high-value approach to social media.  There are numerous factors you must consider.

1. Understand Your Intended Social Audience

You need a clear understanding of the prospects you wish to reach and your existing social media audience, including the demographics, the social profiles and the associated buyer personas, which are beyond the scope of raw social media data.  To develop meaningful social buyer personas, you need to find the answers to the following questions:

  • What are the vital issues and problems faced by your social prospects?
  • Where and how do they seek new information?
  • What are their business goals?
  • Which social networks do they use most?
  • What are their favored industry publications?

2.  Establish Quantifiable Goals

What do you hope to achieve through your social media efforts?  Gaining clarity on your goals and establishing a hierarchy of priorities for your social media marketing is critical.  Possible goals may include:

  • Amplifying brand awareness
  • Ramping up authentic social engagement
  • Increasing Facebook likes and fan engagement
  • Growing your Twitter presence
  • Amplifying your industry reputation and make real connections on LinkedIn
  • Boosting traffic to your website and company blog
  • Magnifying social lead generation across all your social platforms
  • Augmenting your email subscriber list

Once your list of goals is complete, determine your hierarchy of priorities.

3. Create Highly Shareable Content

Once you have established prioritized goals for your social media marketing, you have the task of generating content that will attract and provide significant value to your social audience so that you can achieve your social media aspirations.  The types of content should include:

  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks and whitepapers to showcase thought leadership
  • Visual content—infographics, SlideShare presentations and YouTube videos
  • Images to increase fan engagement on Facebook
  • Twitter posts to drive more traffic to your website
  • LinkedIn and Google+ updates to magnify professional influence and social lead generation

4. Leverage High-Value Marketing Tactics that Amplify Your Social Media Reach

There are certain marketing tactics that are invaluable in helping you reach your social business goals.  Focus first and foremost on the ones that will yield the greatest ROI for your social presence and business overall.  For many companies, these high-value tactics include expanding an opt-in email subscriber list and amplifying social media reach.

Expanding Your Opt-In Email Subscriber List

Establishing or expanding your opt-in email subscriber list can an be done relatively quickly in a few simple ways, including:

  • Offering free premium content, such as a whitepaper or a SlideShare presentation, on your blog in exchange for an email address to download
  • Creating a custom tab on Facebook to capture email addresses to download an ebook or a whitepaper
  • Running contests or promotions on Facebook, which require registration with an email address

Amplifying Your Social Media Reach

To amplify your social media reach, consider:

  • Providing free premium content, such an ebook or access to a webinar for liking your Facebook page or following your company on LinkedIn
  • Follow the followers of other industry thought leaders on Twitter

5. Track, Measure and Optimize Your Social Media ROI

The KPIs that you should track and measure include:

  • The size of your social media audience, including Twitter followers and those who have circled you on Google+, followed or connected with you on LinkedIn, or liked you on Facebook
  • Leads generated on social media
  • Facebook shares
  • Twitter retweets
  • Website and blog traffic

These are only basic metrics.  You must determine what other metrics are useful in optimizing your social media efforts.  Learning which metrics are most meaningful to your business overtime will allow you to fine-tune your social media strategy and attain optimal results.  Embrace social media and high-quality, original content creation to succeed in the ever connected, information-rich, and socially driven reality of doing business today.

A Sound Social Media Strategy Is Imperative image CTA Clickhereforselfguidedtour 0153

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Helping Your Kids Understand Social Media Safety

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:21 PM PDT

Penney Fox

Helping Your Kids Understand Social Media Safety image Helping Your Kids Understand Social Media Safety 600x434

My son on Instagram

A couple of months ago, I showed my 10 year old son Jake how to use Instagram. I started messing with the program last year and I’m still trying to figure out how to use this for my business.

So I was on Instagram and my son asked me what I was I doing. I explained to him how the filters work, all the cool features and how you upload your photos to your profile.

After we did a picture together, I showed Jake how to see the photos of the people I follow. Then I made the mistake of leaving him alone with Instagram pulled up on the screen.

I went upstairs to put  away the laundry. I swear, it couldn’t have been more than 15 minutes.

When I got back downstairs, Jake greets me with this crooked smile and a “Guess what I did Mommy?” By the look on his face, I really didn’t want to ask but hesitantly responded with a  “I dunno, what?”

He looks at me with this huge grin and says “I Instagrammed my butt.”

My heart started beating fast. The only words I could get out were “Give me that tablet.”

I didn’t want to but I looked.  There it was for all the world to see – my son sitting upside down with a picture of his butt crack, with filters and all the cool features. There was Jake’s butt, smack in the middle of my Instagram profile page.

I went into full force mommy-freak-out mode and tried my best not to show my fear. I immediately deleted it from my account AND in the photos on the tablet. Oh crap … what have I done?

After a few deep breaths, I proceeded to tell Jake the story about social media and how many billions of people are connected to these programs. We talked about privacy and using appropriate photos when posting to stuff like Instagram or Facebook.

I mean, I teach this stuff for a living. If anyone is going talk to my son about social media, it should be me.

For the rest of the day we talked about social media, how it works and how I needed to be able to trust him to make good judgments about his posts. It was kinda weird at times, like maybe this was the warm-up conversation to the eventual sex talk that I’m so NOT looking forward to.

Talking to your kids about social media

Hopefully, you won’t have an Instagram incident to prompt you to have the big social media conversation with your kids.

By now, most parents know about talking to our kids about what’s OK to post and when something is inappropriate. They’ve read enough articles to learn how to discuss this with their kids.

But what else do you need to tell them? How can you help them develop safe habits as they start to get more and more connected to social media?

1. Oversharing

Social media is about sharing. If we couldn’t post messages to our connections then what’s the point of being on social networks, right?

As parents, you should realize that your kids will be doing the same activities that you’re doing when you’re on Facebook or Twitter. When you log on, you’re sharing your photos and updates to let your friends know what you did over the weekend.

Take a look at your social activity on your profile and multiply it by ten. That’s your kid on social media.

As you’re teaching your kids what’s acceptable to post, you’ll also need to explain when their sharing goes over the line. Let them know that social media is not the place to talk negatively about your friends or teachers.

Teach them to be careful with their words. It only takes one person to take a comment out of context and blow it out of proportion.

Talk to them about about how nothing really disappears on the interwebs. Even if they delete it, once it’s gone live and people have seen it, it’s out there.

Do your best to keep the lines of communication open with your kids about social media. Tell them if they ever have a question about whether to post something or not, to come to you first. Chances are, if they’re questioning the content of a message, it probably shouldn’t get posted.

2. Sharing passwords

As adults, we’ve been trained to keep our passwords closely guarded. Most kids don’t realize the harm sharing their passwords with their BFF can cause. Explain to your kids that while you may know your best friend wouldn’t do anything to their account, you never know who she’ll share your information with and what they’ll do.

And teach your kids about creating strong passwords. With the recent news of Heartbleed bug spreading, the earlier you can teach your kids how to protect their accounts, the safer they’ll be.

Take a look at this article about Top Notch Passwords to help them (and yourself!) create passwords that are hard to crack.

3. Privacy Settings

Let’s take a look at the top three social programs that kids use and how to set their privacy settings:


  • Walk your kids through the privacy settings section. You’ll find this information on the top blue bar within Facebook. To access this section and make changes, click on the lock icon.
  • Make sure all their settings – who can see my stuff, contact me or look me up – is set to friends. This will block their timeline posts from anyone who has not been accepted as their friend.
  • You’ll also want to mark all the settings in the Timeline and Tagging section to friends only. This will prevent people who are not their friends from seeing their timeline as well as who can see them when they’ve been tagged in a photo or a post.
  • Also make sure they set the Review Tags People Add to ON so they can approve a post or a photo that a friend tags them in.
  • And the last thing – have them adjust the Followers section to Friends. This will prevent anyone that they haven’t approved from seeing their timeline posts.


  • Unlike Facebook, Twitter’s feeds can be see by anyone, whether you’re following them or not.
  • The only way to keep your kids tweets hidden is to set their account to private by enabling the Protect My Tweets feature.
  • You’ll find this under your account in the privacy and security section. Click on the Privacy button to enable this protection.
  • When your kid sets this feature, Twitter requires manual approval of each and every person who may view your kid’s tweets.
  • For more details about this function, take a look at Twitter’s Help Center about Protected Tweets.


  • Just like Twitter, Instagram profiles can be viewed by anyone who is online.
  • To make your posts private so only approved followers can see them:
    1. Go to your profile by tapping Helping Your Kids Understand Social Media Safety image 851562 562030643860957 134735474 n on iPhone and Windows Phone or Helping Your Kids Understand Social Media Safety image 851562 257078811139963 1753956571 n on Android
    2. Tap Edit Your Profile next to your profile picture
    3. Turn on the Posts Are Private setting and then tap Done.
    4. Once you make your posts private, people will have to send a follow request if they want to see your kid’s posts or their followers list. They’ll see the follow requests in their News activity section, which your kid can either approve or ignore.
  •  They’re also able to block someone even they already approved them. Once that person is blocked, they can’t view photos/videos or search for your kid’s Instagram profile.

Photo credit: geometrically locked

PS Have you signed up  for my Social Media with Strategy online course? It's FREE and you'll learn how to find your target audience, which social media program and how to create marketing messages that really connect with them.  What's stopping you from learning more about how to find your inner social media-ness?

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Solange Knowles, Beyoncé, And Jay Z Respond To Elevator Fight

Posted: 15 May 2014 03:48 PM PDT

Amanda Peterlin

Solange Knowles, Beyoncé, And Jay Z Respond To Elevator Fight image 10447684506 ff41277f82 b

Finally, these three celebrities speak up about the elevator incident on May 5 which showed Solange attacking Jay Z, with Beyoncé near the two as a security guard intervenes, which took place inside the Standard Hotel in New York City. Following the incident, Solange deleted all of her Instagram photos that included Beyoncé.

For the past week, all anyone wanted to know was what could have caused this eruption. The hashtag #WhatJayZSaidToSolange provided some comic relief and helped the time pass. The trio made an official statement to the Associated Press saying "families have problems and we're no different."

"As a result of the public release of the elevator security footage from Monday, May 5th, there has been a great deal of speculation about what triggered the unfortunate incident. But the most important thing is that our family has worked through it. Jay and Solange each assume their share of responsibility for what has occurred. They both acknowledge their role in this private matter that has played out in the public. They both have apologized to each other and we have moved forward as a united family. The reports of Solange being intoxicated or displaying erratic behavior throughout that evening are simply false. At the end of the day families have problems and we're no different. We love each other and above all we are family. We've put this behind us and hope everyone else will do the same."

Well. That wasn't exactly what people were looking for, dancing around the topic. But no one should be surprised a family that doesn't share much private information responded this way.

The Standard Hotel employee who leaked the video to TMZ for $250,000 has been fired.

[Photo credit: NRK P3]

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Young Adults Trust Twitter Less Than Traditional News Sources

Posted: 15 May 2014 02:45 PM PDT

Ian DeMartino

Young Adults Trust Twitter Less Than Traditional News Sources image Twitter Trust

"They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true" Or so says the pretty girl in an old State Farm commercial. It is a perception that many of us hold. Not that all information on the internet is true but that someone, somewhere actually does think that, even though I doubt any of us have actually met someone that would make such an absurd claim.

Still the perception that certain people, particularly younger people, believe everything they read on "the internet" still exists. The concept itself is insulting, implying that because a good percentage of the information "sources" on the internet are wrong, the entire internet is suspect. The truth, which should be obvious to anyone who has spent anytime on the internet, is that sources can range from the extremely reliable to the obviously false, and everything inbetween.

More damning to the stereotype that young people can't differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources, is a new study coming out of Michigan State University that seems to indicate that young adults are better than expected at not allowing false information cloud their memories.

It has been well documented that by providing people with false information right after an event can affect their memories and make them believe things that didn't happen did happen. The phenomenon is commonly referred to as false memories. The participants of the study, all undergrads at MSU, with an average age of 19, were shown pictures depicting a carjacking. After, participants were given information, much of it false, either through a Twitter-like News Feed or in a traditional news website format.

The results were probably only surprising to people who think those "damn kids" depend on their "TweeterFace" for their news, but participants of the study who were fed false information through the Twitter-like feed were less likely to regurgitate that information as fact later. The researchers theorize that the participants are naturally distrustful of social media as a source of news.

No, not everything on the internet is true, but that doesn't mean anyone believes it is.

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How to View Your Recent LinkedIn Activity

Posted: 15 May 2014 01:41 PM PDT

Alicia Dodd

How to View Your Recent LinkedIn Activity image Advanced editing workshop at Wikipedia in Higher Education Summit 2011 07 09 300x200You've been tuned in to the best practices on LinkedIn and you've been following the rules – posting, liking, commenting, and sharing on a daily basis. You think you've gotten a hang of how LinkedIn works, but where can you go to see all of your recent activity?

I must admit that unless you take the time to push every button and drop-down menu on the homepage you might miss how you can preview all of your recent activity on LinkedIn at once. This post is a quick "how-to" on doing just that in 4 easy steps.

1. Log on to LinkedIn and view your Homepage

2. On the upper right hand side click on the drop-down menu that says "All Updates."

How to View Your Recent LinkedIn Activity image Screen Shot 2014 05 14 at 12.33.19 PM

3. Next, click on "Your Updates"

How to View Your Recent LinkedIn Activity image Screen Shot 2014 05 14 at 12.37.00 PM

4. Voila! You should now be able to see all of your recent activity.

How to View Your Recent LinkedIn Activity image Screen Shot 2014 05 14 at 12.41.20 PM

Why you should view your recent LinkedIn activity

Periodically review your recent activity and gauge the impact you are making in your network. Look to see how your posts are doing. Is the content you're sharing being liked, commented on, and shared by others in your network? Are any recent posts you've liked also being liked by individuals you have interest in knowing better? These are great ways to start a conversation with people.

These are just a few questions to ask yourself. Never thought about using your activity in this strategic manner? Test it – see if you can use your activity to start a conversation or two.

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Mockingjay: First Look at Julianne Moore As The President

Posted: 15 May 2014 12:12 PM PDT

Amanda Peterlin

Lionsgate has posted the first official look as Julianne Moore as President Alma Coin in the upcoming release of Mockingjay – Part 1 due in theaters November 21. Before this first look, all fans have seen are promotional posters and on set photos of the moving being shot.

President Coin is the leader of the revolution, also known as District 13. Julianne Moore is looking hot and fierce in this photo. Take her seriously people, anyone with silver hair, by choice, should not be messed with.

Mockingjay: First Look at Julianne Moore As The President image jm 600x359

Mockingjay: First Look at Julianne Moore As The President image ps and jm 600x421

Julianne Moore and Mockingjay sits comfortably at the top of Facebook trends, while Hunger Games fans go crazy with actual photos and this insider look at a new character.

If you cannot remember how Catching Fire ended, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) destroys the games forever, waking up on her way to District 13. With the help of her friends and presidential leadership from Alma Coin, Katniss will attempt to save Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) and the entire nation who stands behind her.

Watch this interview with Moore below. She talks about the political side of these films, working with Lawrence, and President Alma Coin.


[Photo credit: Lionsgate]

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4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience

Posted: 15 May 2014 11:30 AM PDT

Courtney Christman

Having a presence on social media is highly suggested, not only to synchronize your marketing efforts, but also to provide a seamless user experience for your website visitors, customers and potential customers.

For the purpose of this post, I'm going to focus on the latter.

As I wrote in a recent post, user experience is how a person feels or reacts to a brand's products and services. It's the feelings evoked, the trust and loyalty created, the elements that set you apart from your competition, and most importantly, it's the experience you create.

Social media is an additional avenue to connect with existing and potential customers. We use social media to engage with our followers and provide them with content they'll find informative and interesting (among other reasons). In the process of addressing each of these, our goal must always be to ensure that our users have a positive experience with us, before, during and after purchasing or using our products and/or services.

Providing users easy access to social media

Social media can be a powerful tool when it comes to user experience. Before we jump into the ways social media promotes excellent user experience, let's touch on how users will navigate to and from your website to social platforms, and vice versa. The simple answer is through social media buttons.

Social buttons allow your visitors to easily navigate to and from your various networks. One site that does this exceptionally well is ModCloth.

At the bottom of their homepage, ModCloth has several social buttons for visitors to access their networks. You can "Like" them from their homepage, and even see friends of yours who "Like" them.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image ModCloth Social Media Navigation1

Click on the Facebook button, and it brings you here:

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image ModCloth Facebook Navigation

In addition to having a link to their homepage in the about section (which is highly recommended for all businesses), ModCloth also has buttons for their other networks including Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. This simple navigation allows visitors to get a comprehensive view of what people are saying about their products, along with outfit ideas and inspirations further down the page – and let's face it; most women LOVE this!

And when you visit a product page, you can Pin, email, share on Facebook, or save any particular product to your Wanelo account.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image ModCloth Sharing Products

Throughout their site and social platforms, ModCloth provides users the ability to learn more about who they are, what their customers think of them, all while engaging with their customers and fans.

Navigation that allows your visitors to jump from your site to social media, and vice versa, only adds to user experience. Not only do you help users get a feel of who you are, but by connecting everything, you make it easy to see various aspects of your organization. This makes a brand more appealing than one that makes you work to find additional information.

Here are three more ways social media offers value to your website's user experience:

Social media supports and strengthens brand consistency

Much like your website, social platforms are an extension of your brand. One of my favorite things to write about (just ask my boss – hey @ckilgs!), brand consistency is key when marketing your business. It's also an integral part of user experience.

When your visitors move between your website and various platforms, you want their transitions to be seamless. In terms of brand consistency, make sure your logos are aligned and your voice among all platforms is the same. While we'll get into voice and personality in the next section, it's an important element of providing your users with a consistent brand experience.

lululemon athletica is an example of a brand that creates a seamless user experience across all their social media outlets. Let's take a peek at their website to get a better understanding of what they stand for and the message they're trying to deliver.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image lululemon athletica website

lululemon is a healthy brand; they promote and encourage sweating every day, and create high quality products to help you perform at the highest level. More than their products, lululemon wants you to feel good about yourself, in a healthy and happy way. Here's their manifesto that gives you a better idea of what they're striving to achieve with their brand.

Moving onto their social media, lululemon is present on various outlets including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. On each, they are consistent in the messages they send and the manner in which they're delivered.

Focused on sharing healthy tips, recipes and inspirational quotes, lululemon is the epitome of a lifestyle brand who knows how to stay consistent on all platforms.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image lululemon social media collage

lululemon is also consistent with their profile pictures. This is an aspect that's often overlooked, by making profile pictures uniform you help encourage and strengthen brand identity. When people see lululemon's logo – what looks to me like an upside down horseshoe – they know who it belongs to. Whether their visitors land on a social network or the website, the branding is consistent in both look and feel.

Social media reinforces your brand's voice and personality

And since we all know how much I enjoy talking about branding and brand consistency, we're going to continue with how social media reinforces your brand's voice and personality. Voice and personality work hand-in-hand with brand consistency; in fact, they're crucial elements of brand consistency.

Old Spice is a quintessential smell that transports me back to my childhood whenever I see the classic white or red ship. While I can't remember the advertising and marketing surrounding the aftershave way back when, these days, I have to tip my hat to Old Spice for their consistent and unique voice and personality.

Humor; it's difficult to execute, but if you can do it, the rewards can be great.

While their Twitter is my favorite of their social networks, Old Spice is brilliant at executing humor. Just scroll through some of their tweets and you'll see what I mean.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image Old Spice Twitter

And here's one of my favorite Facebook posts:

Products that every man uses (or should use), Old Spice caters to men who appreciate smelling great, and who can laugh at themselves about things often out of their control – namely natural smells and hair growth.

What other brands can learn from Old Spice's use of voice and personality in regards to user experience is to keep it natural. Don't try too hard, but when you find something that works, stick with it and use it. Use it on your website and social networks – keep it consistent!

Social media promotes engagement and showcases consumer feedback

Social media is all about engagement and interaction. Ultimately, when a brand is on any social platform, they want their fans and customers to engage with their content. This has also led to social media as an additional avenue for consumer feedback.

Engagement is more than just the number of fans, followers and likes you have. While these are great initial ways to build a following and encourage engagement, the most effective way of engaging your audience is through targeted posts. Post content that speaks to your audience so they'll be more inclined to share it with their friends and followers.

If you're not sure whether your posting strategy is working, measure social engagement through interactions including hashtags, comments, mentions in tweets or Facebook statuses, private messages, number of brand tags, number of shares, etc.

If you've ever visited one of GE's social networks, specifically Facebook, it's clear they know what they're doing when it comes to social engagement.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image GE Facebook Engagement

Not only do they have over 1.2 million "Likes", they also have thousands of people talking about their brand. What I enjoy most about GE's Facebook page is the responses to most of the comments on the page. People like to feel like they've been heard, and a response from a brand on social media goes a long way with customer satisfaction.

Taking social media engagement and interaction a step further, you can embed custom feeds on your website from Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. This allows visitors to see what people are saying about you on social media, without ever leaving your site – talk about easy!

On, they've embedded a multi-platform at the bottom of their flawless website. On their site, you get a taste of what their customers think about their products, as well as information about upcoming events and links to their other social networks.

4 Ways Social Media Adds Value to User Experience image Rogue Ales Spirits SM Engagement

A notable component of user experience, social media has the ability to make a difference in the way your visitors perceive your brand. In fact, it could ultimately fuel the decisions whether or not to use your products or services.

Don't just use social media as a sharing tool, use social media to add value to your website, brand, and the overall experience you want to create for your users.

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Milan Lucic To Dale Weise: I’m Going To F***ing Kill You Next Year

Posted: 15 May 2014 11:18 AM PDT

Dan Evon

Milan Lucic To Dale Weise: I'm Going To F***ing Kill You Next Year image milan lucic

The handshake line is one of the oldest traditions in the NHL. After a hard fought series filled with chipping, cursing, fighting, and big checks, two teams put their competitive hate aside and congratulate each other on a hard fought game. Well, except for Milan Lucic.

The Boston Bruins player used the handshake line to threaten Dale Weise of the Montreal Canadians after Game 7 last night.

There isn't any audio of the threat but it's pretty clear that Lucic is saying something along the lines of: "I'm Going To F***ing Kill You Next Year."

Now, there are a few ways to take Lucic's threat. Some people are calling Lucic a classless player who brought dishonor to the sacred handshake line. Others think that Lucic and Weise hate each other, have always hate each other, will always hate each other, and this little exchange in the handshake line was just a moment between two very intense players after a grueling game seven series.

And then we have others who basically just think it's hilarious.

Are you surprised that Milan Lucic threatened Dale Weise in the handshake line?

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Justin Bieber Tells Twitter Followers, “Don’t Believe The Rumors”

Posted: 15 May 2014 11:16 AM PDT

Dan Evon

Justin Bieber Tells Twitter Followers, Don't Believe The Rumors image justin bieber

There's almost always a rumor floating around about Justin Bieber. At the moment, the Canadian singer is being accused of stealing somebody's cellphone.

Bieber didn't come right out and deny it but he did say that people shouldn't believe the rumors.

Justin Bieber definitely gets a raw deal when it comes to rumors but the singer's past behavior has made these type of incidents more believable. Justin has had plenty of run ins with photographers in the past so it isn't much of a stretch to see him snatch a phone out of some overly eager fans hands.

Justin was never arrested over the incident and the headline "Justin Bieber Steals Cellphone" is definitely a little exaggerated. Still, Justin shouldn't be too surprised when people actually believe these type of rumors.

Other rumors, like the one about Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone having a gay relationship, those are the ones he should be upset about.

Most of the rumors about Justin Bieber end up being false but some do have some truth to them. Recently, people have been talking about a duet with Michael Jackson. The singer seemingly confirmed the news today when he retweeted this message from MTV.

photo credit: jaredpolin via photopin cc

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Kim Jong-Un Video Game ‘Glorious Leader’ Features Flaming Unicorns, Dennis Rodman

Posted: 15 May 2014 11:01 AM PDT

Dan Evon

Kim Jong Un Video Game 'Glorious Leader' Features Flaming Unicorns, Dennis Rodman image glorious leader

Kim Jong-Un is getting his own video game. MonkeyHorse Games released a trailer for "Glorious Leader" today and it's pretty awesome. I mean, how can a game that involves propaganda, machine guns, and flaming unicorns not be awesome?

GeekoSystem reports that "Glorious Leader" is a "run-and-gun" Contra style video game. Players will control Kim Jong-Un as he navigates his way through an apparent American invasion of North Korea. But don't worry, Kim Jong-Un doesn't battle the evil American forces alone. He's got his best friend Dennis Rodman with him.

Here's a look at "Glorious Leader."

OK, let's recap what we just watched. Kim Jong Un just rode a flaming unicorn through a battlefield, destroyed an American tank, and then rode a secret elevator with a gun-wielding Denis Rodman down to a secret lair. Yep, "Glorious Leader" is going to be awesome.

The game doesn't have a firm release date yet but it's bound to be a hit when it does become available. The trailer has already been watched more than 200,000 times and today it was top trending on Facebook.

The post Kim Jong-Un Video Game 'Glorious Leader' Features Flaming Unicorns, Dennis Rodman appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

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