jeudi 10 avril 2014



25 amazing social media quotes from #SXSW 2014

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 09:55 PM PDT


SXSW was a frenzy of new ideas, exciting innovations and awesome friends. I wanted to share highlights from a wonderful panel discussion hosted by Robin Carey of Social Media Today. It was a cerebral download of current social media best practices and issues featuring Whole Foods, Siemens, IBM and MasterCard. Here are 25 highlights:

Sandy Carter GM Ecosystems and Social Business IBM

sandy carter1) “Social media does not change your culture, it reveals it.”

2) “We embed social media inside our processes. Let's look at our processes and see how we can enhance them with social.”

3) “If all you did to improve your commercial presence was to train your sales people on the importance of influencers … how much more effective could they be?”

4) “We have a constantly-changing portfolio of social media experiments. The first time we tried applying social technologies in a customer service department it became the most productive department in the company.”

5) “In just 200 tweets we can assess and identify 52 different personality traits of a customer. We ran an analysis over 500,000 people and we really nailed this. Think of providing this powerful insight to a retailer. We can see what they value, not just what they are buying.  We have found a 40-45% increase in sales when you recommend upsales based on values instead of past buying behavior.”

6) “Some CEO’s feel like if the ‘opt out of social’ they are somehow protected. That is just crazy.”

7) “Security is a big concern on the social web. People are going to try to destroy social media just like they are trying to breach data in other areas.”

8) “The number one use case for social media among our customers is around innovation – innovating with employees and with customers. For most businesses this is going to deliver the highest ROI.”

9) “We have our own internal version of Klout. We do rate people in this way – their effectiveness on social media. Tying social into a performance measurement works. The productivity of a sales who has an effective social media presence is 3x an employee who is not active on the web.”

Mike Stenberg VP web & infrastructure Siemens 

stenberg10) “In some ways, social has done too good of a job in the field of marketing, So much attention is there, it has been difficult to get it into other venues because it has been so successful.”

11) “If you have the leadership team be social, it will set an example for others. It can't flow from the ground up. To get the middle managers involved, it has to be demonstrated from the top.”

12) “Data is a political tool. If you put data on the table it can adjust the way you manage, the way you lead.”

Andrew Bowins SVP External Communications MasterCard

bowins13) “As long as we are not showing the real value of this effort in the language and terms of the business, we're just teenage social media gurus generating Facebook Likes.”

14) “To drive employee adoption, you need to give them a message to rally around. Something to inspire and create pride. And then you need to take down the internal rules that stifle engagement and creativity.”

15) “We are in era of content pollution. We need to go beyond the world of filling the world with shit content and step back and listen to people and see what we're really doing to them out there.”

16) “Curating and sharing something meaningful, driving participation — that’s where we need to go. Once we stopped shouting and started creating targeted, meaningful communication, we saw a 400% increase in engagement.”

17) “Look at content exchanges with customers. Use data and content to earn trust by being helpful and informative.”

18) “We need to get beyond ‘click accept.’ We need to have loud voice and encourage our customers to think about what they are doing, where the limits are. If we don't, we will have practices driven by fear and invite regulation.”

19) “Do you have the right data? If you have bad data you will get bad answers.”

Natanya Anderson Social Media Coordinator – Whole Foods

natanya anderson20) “Creating a social enterprise with hourly employees is incredibly hard. There are labor laws, policies to deal with, personalities and people that are always churning. You always have to wonder, is this a person helping us with social or are they just texting their friends?”

21) “Company culture is the hardest part of the puzzle. After that it is just policy and procedures and that is pretty easy to solve.”

22) “We are always striving to make social customer data real and meaningful at the store level. We spend a lot of time on internal infographics to help explain what we do and why this is important. It’s not just about data. This still takes some human care and insight to make it work.”

23) “Business is about service to our customers. If you don't put that value first in everything we do, including your presence, your, measurement, and analytics you are lost.”

24) “Getting buy-in for social from the C-suite is usually not so difficult. It is the next level of management who present the biggest challenge to enterprise social media. They are actually responsible for the human resources to get the job done.”

25) “To overcome adoption hurdles, you have to make it easy to integrate social into the work employees are already doing. It can't be a scary commitment – it has to be a natural extension of what you do. We have trained our employees to do their jobs with any eye toward social – If they admire a new product on our shelf, use a camera to give a visual image into the store and all that they love, Make it crazy easy to participate.”

Comments from the crowd?

This post was written as part of the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, expertise and solutions they need to become engines of a smarter planet. I've been compensated to contribute to this program, but the opinions expressed in this post are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions. IBM had no editorial control of this content.

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Blog Growth: How to Build a Mega-Following

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 09:25 PM PDT

Michael Stelzner

Do you want to attract a bigger audience to your blog?

Are you wondering how you can write content that will generate more comments, shares and subscribers?

To learn how to grow a successful blog, I interview Syed Balkhi for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast.

More About This Show

Social Media Marketing Podcast w/ Michael Stelzner

The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.

It's designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting).

In this episode, I interview Syed Balkhi, founder of multiple popular websites, including WPBeginner and List25. He's also the founder of OptinMonster.

Syed shares how he grew his very popular sites and provides actionable tips that you can employ to grow your own blog traffic.

You'll learn about the different types of content that work best and some profitable choices for monetization.

Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below!

Listen Now

You can also subscribe via iTunes, RSS, Stitcher or Blackberry.

Here are some of the things you'll discover in this show:

Blog Growth

The idea for WPBeginner

Back in 2009, Syed did consulting work for small businesses, with a lot of the work retainer-based. To free up some time, he decided to switch his clients to WordPress, which would give them the ability to change their own text and not have to contact him directly.

Once this change happened, Syed was still approached with the same questions about WordPress. At the time there was no other WordPress resource site out there for beginners. So WPBeginner was formed on July 4, 2009.


WPBeginner was started because so many people were asking the same questions about WordPress.

Syed explains how his goal in the beginning was to produce multiple posts a day and answer all of the questions that he was asked. The idea was to put the answers on the website so he could link back to them, rather than send an email.

When he noticed that other people were using the site, he knew there was definitely a market for it.

You'll hear how Syed used Twitter to help with content creation and why he used Digg and StumbleUpon to push articles.

Listen to the show to find out why it was Syed's goal to help individuals, rather than have hugely popular articles.

WPBeginner's site metrics

Syed states that WPBeginner gets an average of 1.5 million page views a month and they have just over 70,000 followers on Twitter.

Listen to the show to find out how these figures are similar to Social Media Examiner's.

The lessons learned about content creation

From the very beginning, Syed built an email list, but he didn't engage with it. At first, he didn't realize the value of asking people to ask you questions.

Now when you subscribe to WPBeginner, it asks you one question: "What is the one thing we can help you with right now?"

wpbeginner one question

Once you have subscribed to WPBeginner, you are given the opportunity to ask one question.

You'll discover why there is huge value in this one question and how this has changed the way WPBeginner creates content.

Syed used to be the only person who wrote articles, but the site now has multiple writers with a very good editorial workflow.

Listen to the show to hear how the interaction and response to email has developed the WPBeginner community.

WPBeginner's business model

Syed explains that his business is monetized through building WordPress applications and plugins. A lot of the time, it's conversion marketing for clients.

The WPBeginner brand allows them to position themselves as experts. Whenever somebody wants a WordPress company to work with, they automatically think of WPBeginner.

You'll hear how they use affiliate links for paid plugins.

In the beginning, Syed tried display advertising. He had ads through AdSenseBuySellAds and private ad sales. You'll find out why these ads didn't work for the WPBeginner audience and how affiliate deals make more sense.

wpbeginner plugin deal

Affiliate deals make more sense for the WPBeginner audience.

Listen to the show to find out why we use DoubleClick for Publishers at Social Media Examiner.

The challenges 

Syed explains that one of the biggest challenges they face is being able to stay up to date.

Blog articles can become outdated, and because of WPBeginner's reputation, people in the WordPress community hold them to a very high standard. So they have to make sure articles are updated to the best of their ability.

The editorial team spends time making sure all articles are relevant and concurrently strives to produce new content.

Listen to the show to find out why all of WPBeginner's articles are how-to information.

How List25 started

Syed explains that List25 is an entertainment site. Each article relates to 25 things on a particular topic. The slogan is "Consistently Conciliating Curiosity." You'll hear the original idea that Syed had for a new site and how it turned into List25.


List25 was launched at BlogWorld LA in November 2011.

At present, List25 has over 250,000 Facebook likes, over 530,000 YouTube subscribers and 62 million YouTube views. The site gets tons of visitors every month. It's growing at 52,000 YouTube subscribers a month.

Syed believes the reason why it's grown so quickly is because of the type of content. It appeals to the masses and is much more shareable. It raises curiosity in people's minds.

You'll discover why list-based posts are very popular and shareable.

One of the things that Syed did differently with List25 was to grow on all different outlets. You'll find out why they have a lot of success on Tumblr and StumbleUpon, and how Syed uses Twitter search to ride the hashtag during holidays.

Listen to the show to find out how content is created for List25.

The strategy for List25′s YouTube channel

The videos on YouTube are created with the images from each article and made into a slideshow. Syed's friend then does the voiceover from the article list.

wpbeginner youtube slides

The images from each article are compiled into a slideshow-style video for YouTube.

You'll hear how they cross-promote their content and collaborate with various YouTube channels.

Syed says that YouTube was an experiment that turned out to be great. They now plan to put more thought into the video layout.

Listen to the show to hear how the YouTube channel drives people back to the website.

Lessons learned about these two very different websites

Syed states that with List25, you can't control what is said. There is so much up for debate. You can only moderate it or facilitate the discussion; whereas with WPBeginner, you can engage with users and help them out.

You'll find out why WPBeginner is easier to manage.

The reason that List25 has grown a lot faster is because Syed has a network of power users on different social media networks. He understands the game of making it go viral.

Listen to the show to find out why List25 is about stirring people's emotions, whereas WPBeginner has a more practical approach.

High-frequency content versus low-frequency, high-quality content

Syed says it all depends on your audience. On his personal blog he writes once or twice a week, on WPBeginner he writes once a day and on List25, they publish multiple articles a day. It depends on the model you have and what your goals are.

wpbeginner blog

Articles are published once a day on WPBeginner.

If you're a small business, a coach or in a specific industry, Syed advises you to create low-frequency, high-quality content. However, if you have a site where your primary means of revenue is display advertisement, you've got to get more page views. This means you have to provide high-frequency content. You need to provide your audience with multiple articles.

Listen to the show to find out why it's important to stay relevant with high-frequency content.

Survival Tip: How to Use Testimonials in Your Marketing

Recently I've created a new video series. I want to share with you three simple steps for using testimonials in your marketing and why they are super-powerful forms of marketing.

We did testimonials at Social Media Marketing World this year and we will use them to sell next year's conference.

Here are three simple steps for getting successful testimonials.

1. Obtain exit surveys through audio endorsements and video. This is very easy to do. You can use a survey system like SurveyMonkey. The two questions you need to ask are, "Would you recommend this to a friend or colleague?" and "If you were recommending this to a friend or colleague, what would you say?" You'll find out why these questions are so important.

Another powerful form of testimonial is to record someone who can recommend whatever it is you have to offer. You'll hear a testimonial clip from Mari Smith at Social Media Marketing World. When you ask for a testimonial via video, you need to let the interviewee speak first and then always ask a follow-on question. It's the key part of the testimonial.

2. Go through and identify the good testimonials that you might want to use.

3. Pull it all together. You'll find out how we put all the video clips together to make one amazing video testimonial.

Call in and leave your social media–related questions for us and we may include them in a future show.

Listen to the show to learn more and let us know how this works for you.

Other Show Mentions

SMMW logoSocial Media Marketing World 2014 is our physical mega-conference, which is set to return to San Diego, California on March 26, 27 and 28.

The conference features more than 60 sessions in four major tracks: social tactics, social strategy, community management and content marketing.

Click here to see the full clip of all the great video testimonials we put together for Social Media Marketing World. It's a 10-minute video, which includes a lot of people you respect such as Chris Brogan, Mari Smith and many others, who thought this was one of the best conferences they had ever been to.

I suggest you check it out.

Key takeaways mentioned in this episode:

Ways to subscribe to the Social Media Marketing podcast:

What do you think? What are your thoughts on building a mega-following? Please leave your comments below.

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4 Social Media Tools to Improve Your Social Media Marketing

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 08:52 PM PDT

Alex Manthei

social media toolsAre you struggling with day-to-day social media marketing tasks?

Are you looking for tools to speed up your social tasks?

In this article, I'll share four social media tools and tips to help community managers save time, show creativity and streamline community management for their companies.

Why Social Media Tools

Community managers for organizations of all sizes are tasked to cover everything from curating content to creating it. Customer support, marketing, Vine and webinars all fall into the mix.

The sheer volume of tasks can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. With just a few tools, individuals and teams can manage their responsibilities better, while presenting a successful social media presence.

Keep reading for four social media tools that will make your social media tasks much easier.

#1: Manage the Appearance of Links to Your Website With Facebook Debugger

We all know Facebook updates that include pictures and snippets of their content do unbelievably better than ones that publish bare links. We're a visual bunch, us humans.

Has this ever happened to you? You updated a page on your website with new images. Then, when you tried to publish a link to the page on Facebook, you found yourself staring at the link text for way too long.

debug link

If Facebook has trouble finding an image to include with your link, the preview can take a long time to show up.

After what seemed like an interminable amount of time, you ended up with a link that looks an awful lot like the link text.

debug link

This link leads to a page that hasn't been debugged.

There are times when you'll need to debug the links you want to share. Learning how to force Facebook to refresh its cache of your site is a rite of passage for social media pros. Once you know how, you'll want to tell everyone how to do it!

When you add content and images to a webpage, use the Facebook Debugger to make Facebook update its information for the link.

debug link

Use the Facebook Debugger to refresh the cache on Facebook.

After you enter the link in question, Facebook will publish the image you added to the page, alongside your link.

facebook debugged story

This is how the same link previewed after I put the link through the Facebook Debugger.

Bookmark the Facebook Debugger for quick and easy access, and your links will include an image in the preview each time you update a web page.

#2: Create Your Own GIFs With GIFBrewery

GIFs are "in" right now, and for good reason. Brands use these mini-clips/short demos/video previews to communicate emotion and engage their communities.

Because GIFs often have a choppy, raw quality to them—they can even be pretty arty—they add a human touch to your marketing. GIFs are also incredibly lightweight, which makes them perfect for emails. They add an animated element to an otherwise static medium.

Gone are the days of complex frame extracting and layer fiddling on Photoshop. GIFBrewery lets you quickly and effortlessly convert small video clips into GIFs, with almost no technical or animation skill. In fact, you can create high-quality, original GIFs in about 2 minutes or less.

Here's how it works.

Use QuickTime's Screen Recording option to capture a short demonstration of your app, a brief clip of how to use a tricky new product feature or a workflow tip to share with your community.

quicktime url

Create a quick screen recording, then use GIFBrewery to make it into a glorious GIF.

Then use GIFBrewery to convert the video into a GIF.

gif brewery

GIFBrewery has a slick, simple interface that takes just minutes to learn.

InVision, the free prototyping and collaboration tool for design teams, has definitely got this trick down.

They sent out this newsletter the other day. It shows you just how powerful a GIF can be, when it comes to immediately summing up a new feature. Don't worry, this is some pretty advanced stuff (don't expect these results your first time). With GIFBrewery, you can get similar results without much effort.

invision gif

InVision perfectly pulls off the use of a GIF to tell how to use a new feature.

GIFBrewery has a number of useful features and is available from the Mac App Store for $4.99. Want to get more creative with it? Use it to create GIFs for Twitter replies, animated team portraits for your About page or to introduce a longer video over social media.

No Mac? No problem. Android users can create GIFs using GIFDroid.

#3: Set Up a GIF Database on Tumblr

Now that you've got all these awesome GIFs, you need to make sure your community management team can access them at a moment's notice.

Tumblr is the perfect platform for this. Famous for sharing animated GIFs, Tumblr also lets you create password-protected blogs and grant access to multiple users—perfect for your team.

tumblr blog

Tumblr's protected blogs allow for multiple users.

Load or reblog the GIFs that fit your brand's tone to your protected blog, and your whole team can access what they need from anywhere.

#4: Automate Community Management Tasks With Zapier

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Whenever X happens, I always have to do Y. I wish I could make that happen on its own." Wish no more—welcome to the future of the automated Internet!

One of the fastest and most powerful ways to streamline your community management workflow is to use a service like Zapier to automate your social media–related tasks.

zapier app

Use Zapier to streamline your social media workflow.

Zapier integrates directly with over 250 other apps through what they call zaps, "a connection between two apps that automates time-consuming tasks."

While you can spend hours going through the site and getting inspired by new app connections, here's just one way I use Zapier every day to make my community management an automatic breeze.

I have all of my scheduled Buffer posts set to be immediately added to our Google calendar so everyone on my team can keep track of when I post what.

buffer interface

Use Zapier to automatically add scheduled social updates to your Google calendar.

Zapier ties these services together, asking your permission to allow it to act as a sort of bridge between them.

This is such a powerful tool. Bringing services together can cut down a variety of repetitive tasks. Consider using Zapier to help you and your team work better… and smarter.


Social media community management is a high-volume, fast-paced undertaking. As your brand grows, so do the number of social media profiles, tasks and demands for original content. As the size of your community management team grows, so does the need for tools to help streamline the workflow.

Use the tips and tools in this article as a starting point to help you manage how links to your website appear on Facebook, create content that supports your brand and automate repetitive tasks.

What do you think? How do you streamline your day-to-day process of creatively engaging with users? What tools can you share? Leave your questions and comments in the box below.

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Leap Forward into Daylight Linking Time (DLT): 4 Tips for Social Selling Success

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 08:16 PM PDT

Kurt Shaver

Leap Forward into Daylight Linking Time (DLT): 4 Tips for Social Selling Success image Clock girls dreamstime xs 8602004Did you remember to set your clocks forward one hour when you went to sleep Saturday night? If not, I'm sure you've figured it out by now otherwise you were an hour late to work today.

The purpose for daylight savings time is to extend after work daylight hours for additional activities like working on that golf game, playing catch with the kids, or getting those yard projects finished. We give up one hour in March and gain from it all summer long. That's a pretty good ROI.

Want an even better ROI? Invest one hour a week on building and nurturing your professional network. The best way to do that is with a daily LinkedIn routine that can be done in 12 minutes a day (M-F = 1-hour).

Here are three big payoff activities that should be part of that routine:

1. Review Your LinkedIn Homepage:

Spend 3 minutes reviewing your personal business news portal. A quick glance will reveal information from your connections, companies that you are following, and industry news. It will keep you up-to-date on what's going on and give you an opportunity to engage your business network via Comments and Likes.

2. Nurture Existing Connections:

I am a strong advocate of using the LinkedIn Contacts feature that automatically notifies you when your Connections have been promoted, changed jobs, moved, been featured in the news, or when it's their birthday. These are all great trigger events for you to reach out and strengthen your relationships. LinkedIn makes it so easy that another 3-minutes will result in your being top of mind with 8-10 Connections. Don't be surprised when you get a "I'm glad you contacted me. I've been meaning to call you…" response.

3. Invite Your Profile Viewers to Connect:

Spend 3 minutes viewing "Whose Viewed My Profile" and invite the people who look like they fit your network criteria. I keep boilerplate text in a Word doc like this:

I noticed you recently viewed my LinkedIn profile. Since I am a LinkedIn trainer, I send invites to people who have viewed my profile and ask them to let me know how they found me.

Please accept and I'll send a link to some free resources top help you get more out of LinkedIn.

Kurt Shaver

4. Review Your Update Metrics:

Spend the last 3 minutes reviewing the "Who's Viewed Your Updates", a feature that that LinkedIn introduced within the past six months. (You are posting Updates, right?) This feature shows the results of your content sharing. I'm encouraging clients set up their own internal competition to see which posts draw the most Views, Likes, and Comments.

Do these things on a routine basis and your business will grow. The momentum will give you the opportunity to leave the office on time and enjoy that extra Summer hour for golf, playing with the kids, or working in the yard.

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Top 10 Social Media Blogs: The 2014 Winners!

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 07:41 PM PDT

Cindy King

Are you looking for some good social media blogs to read? Look no further!

Our fifth-annual social media blog contest generated over 600 nominations.

Our panel of social media experts carefully reviewed the nominees and finalists. Each of the social media blogs were analyzed based on a number of factors, including content quality, post frequency and reader involvement.

With that in mind, here are 10 social media blogs to put at the top of your reading list.

#1: Jon Loomer

Jon Loomer consistently delivers long-form articles, videos and detailed educational content that share an impressive depth of Facebook marketing knowledge.

jon loomer blog

Jon Loomer's blog is enthusiastic, helpful, detailed and well-illustrated.

#2: RazorSocial

RazorSocial explores social media tools and technology with well-illustrated, detailed posts written by Ian Cleary.

razor social blog

RazorSocial's useful content is delivered with no-nonsense, practical, actionable, step-by-step instructions.

#3: Socialmouths

Socialmouths, authored by Francisco Rosales, gives readers down-to-earth social media advice that can be applied to practical and tactical uses.

socialmouths blog

Socialmouths publishes how-to articles with examples and case studies.

#4: Post Planner

Post Planner provides a witty yet intelligent and actionable collection of easily consumable Facebook marketing posts.

post planner blog

Post Planner's well-formatted and easy-to-read posts include useful examples and images.

#5:'s Dustin W. Stout shows readers how to become better social media storytellers. blog shares excellent case studies and how-to articles.

#6: Danny Brown

Danny Brown publishes timely, informative and in-depth marketing advice and SlideShare decks.

danny brown blog

Danny Brown's easy-to-read blog posts are smart and thoroughly cited with third-party links.

#7: Boom Social

On Boom Social, Kim Garst provides conversational posts, advice and case studies on social media marketing.

boom social blog

The content on Boom Social is easy to read and speaks directly to the reader.

#8: Jenn's Trends

Jenn's Trends is where Jenn Herman uses simple, concise language to deliver personal perspectives on social media trends.

jenns trends blog

Jenn's Trends has an engaging style that is easy to digest.

#9: Top Dog Social Media

Top Dog Social Media, the blogging home of Melonie Dodaro, focuses on what's happening in social media.

top dog social media blog

Top Dog Social Media publishes tips in Q&A format and a mix of personal and professional posts.

#10: Simply Measured

Simply Measured focuses on trends and measurement in the social media space.

simply measured blog

The content on Simply Measured benefits any social media marketer.

Congratulations to the winners! Be sure to check out these amazing social media blogs.

top social media blogThe badge of distinction: If you're a winner, you can post the image you see here on your blog. Please link back to this page.

Special thanks to our judges: Lee Odden (author of Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing and CEO of TopRank Online Marketing), Denise Wakeman (founder of The Blog Squad™) and Neal Schaffer (author of three books, including Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing).

What do you think? Share your thoughts and comments in the box below.

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Instagram Surpasses Facebook And Twitter Usage Among Teens (Study)

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 07:23 PM PDT

Megan Charles

Instagram Surpasses Facebook And Twitter Usage Among Teens (Study) image Instagram Surpasses Facebook And Twitter Usage Among Teens

According to a spending assessment study titled "Taking Stock with Teens" from Piper Jaffray, a full-service investment bank and asset management firm, Instagram has surpassed the social media networks Facebook and Twitter in usage among teens.

With advertising becoming more commonplace on social media, marketing research is important in order to hone demographic interest.

For the study, 7,500 teens – with a mean age of 16.4 – rated the top three social networks Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in terms of importance.

Piper Jaffray analysts determined Instagram toppled the two social media giants in popularity among teenagers, but not to worry, Facebook and Twitter are still used by the whipper-snappers.

Last fall, Twitter surpassed the list as the most important social network, with Facebook and Instagram neck-and-neck for second. And the prior spring, Facebook beat out Twitter and Instagram, explains Allfacebook.

For anyone void of technology or social media, Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service. The Instagram app allows users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters and edits, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr.

Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010. The photo-sharing service has since gained over 100 million active users.

Instagram has become so popular that in 2013 its growth of users increased faster than Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Tumblr and Pinterest combined. These stats were part of a Global Web Index report released in January 2014.

[Photo Credit: Jason A. Howie]

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10 Reasons You Should Attend Social Media Marketing World 2014

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 07:10 PM PDT

Patricia Redsicker

social media reviewsDo you attend conferences?

What if you could rub shoulders and soak in knowledge from the social media pros you follow online?

Imagine networking with 2,000 fellow marketers in beautiful San Diego, California.

Now add the waterfront Manchester Grand Hyatt, an opening-night party on a naval aircraft carrier and 60 expert-led sessions.

You can now bring this vision to reality.

Introducing Social Media Marketing World 2014…

Social Media Examiner founder and CEO Mike Stelzner and his team have prepared the social media marketing conference of the year—Social Media Marketing World 2014!

Running from Wednesday, March 26 through Friday, March 28, 2014 in San Diego, California, this in-person conference is designed to offer outstanding content infused with a truly social experience.

Watch this quick video for an event overview.

Here are 10 reasons you should attend Social Media Marketing World 2014.

#1: Amazing Content

The most valuable and inspiring social media marketing content will be at your disposal at Social Media Marketing World. And the best part is there's something for everyone! Whether you're a social media rookie or a pro, you'll have your choice of 60+ expert-led sessions to attend.

Tracks will include social tactics, social strategy, community management and business development, and content marketing. You'll leave incredibly energized and inspired by the amount of knowledge you'll gain.

#2: Priceless Networking

Social Media Marketing World will be the networking event of the year! While the conference is guaranteed to provide extraordinary value in terms of content, the people you'll meet will be the highlight of the event.

Be prepared to make priceless professional connections that will last a lifetime. There will be multiple networking opportunities to meet with speakers, peers and people in your industry. Here are some of the ways you can expect to network:

  • A pre-event LinkedIn group
  • A mobile app to help people meet and connect with each other at Social Media Marketing World
  • Different interest groups will be meeting throughout the event
  • A team of dedicated networking ambassadors will help you make the connections you're looking for
  • Two networking parties and four dedicated times reserved just for networking

Marketers getting to know each other…

#3: Entertainment Galore!

midwayThe opening night party will be held on board a Naval aircraft carrier—the USS Midway—the world's largest ship until 1955. You'll enjoy mouth-watering food and stimulating conversation, experience giant hanger bays, view San Diego from the 4-acre flight deck, fly simulators and explore this massive ship. It'll be a truly unforgettable evening!

#4: Meet the Speakers

smmw14 speakersSocial Media Examiner is bringing together over 75 of the world's leading social media experts to be your instructors.

How would you like to meet them face to face?

Your presenters include the experts you've come to know and respect, such as Mari Smith, Jay Baer, Chris Brogan, Amy Porterfield, Nichole Kelly, Lee Odden and many more.

You'll also get to meet new instructors who have very interesting things to say.

In addition to those listed above, instructors include:

  • Michael Hyatt
  • John Jantsch
  • Michael Stelzner
  • Mark Schaefer
  • Laura Fitton
  • Steve Farber
  • Joe Pulizzi
  • Marcus Sheridan
  • Gini Dietrich
  • Cliff Ravenscraft
  • Pat Flynn
  • Simon Mainwaring
  • Steve Spangler
  • Viveka von Rosen
  • Pam Moore
  • Kim Garst
  • And many more!

#5: Rave Reviews

Last year, 1100 marketers attended Social Media Marketing World. Here's what some of them said about the conference:

Click Play to hear what people said about our 2013 event.

"Outstanding job—this is one of the most well-executed, high-class conferences I have attended."Lisa McManus

"The quality of the content and speakers were a huge draw. They gave practical tips that I can implement in my everyday work—not high-level theory."Ashley Levesque

"It's hard to say whether I loved the networking or the speakers more! I loved the opportunity to meet and talk with so many speakers and to build lasting relationships."Alexander Briggs

"Hearing from experts in their fields was very valuable. It made me want to read all of their books! I found the conference incredibly energizing as a whole."Rachael McGovern

Hear what other attendees said here.

#6: Leading Brands

When you attend Social Media Marketing World 2014, you'll hear from experts from leading B2B and B2C brands around the country. Last year, speakers came from Sony Electronics, Petco, Walmart, Whole Foods, SAP, Citrix, Sharpie and more.

If you want to hear what other large companies are doing, you can hear from industry panels at every session.

#7: Impressive International Attendance

Over 2000 marketers from around the globe will be attending Social Media Marketing World 2014. Last year, 1100 participants came from 30 countries including Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, India, Philippines, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, France, Italy, China and many more.

#8: San Diego

In keeping with tradition, Social Media Marketing World will return to 'America's Finest City.'  If you've never been to San Diego, prepare to be amazed—it is breathtaking!

The city boasts wonderful weather all year round, 70 miles of pristine beaches and a dazzling array of world-class family attractions, which make it a truly unforgettable destination for you. When you get here, you'll understand why Social Media Examiner chose San Diego as its headquarters.

If you're coming from the East Coast, this will be the perfect place to thaw out after a long, icy winter.

#9: The Venue

The conference will be held at the bay-front Manchester Grand Hyatt, which is just 10 minutes from the airport. It's located on the waterfront in scenic San Diego, California, adjacent to Seaport Village, the San Diego Convention Center and the historic Gaslamp Quarter. The hotel is gorgeous!

If you book early, you'll be able to stay in the same venue where the event is taking place (the hotel has capacity for all 2000 attendees). That means you'll have plenty of chances to bump into your peers and speakers while you're on your way to the pool, gym, spa or any of the other luxury amenities that are complimentary to hotel guests.

#10: Vacation Getaway

Social Media Marketing World starts on Wednesday, March 26 and ends on Friday, March 28, 2014. Why not stay for the weekend and make a vacation out of your trip? If you've never been here before, you're in for a treat!

San Diego has some of the finest shopping and dining experiences you can imagine. You'll have a variety of eateries, including gourmet restaurants, sports bars, coffee houses and quick 'grab-and-go' outlets.

Check out this video for some inspiration on what you can do while you're here:

San Diego is calling you!

Want to Save Money?

For a limited time, you can save hundreds of dollars off the regular registration price. Click here to register.

Your Turn

Are you pumped up about this conference? Don't take our word for it. Come and experience the excitement and opportunities in store for you at Social Media Marketing World.

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Facebook Will Require Messenger If You Want To Chat On Mobile

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 06:47 PM PDT

Mike Stenger

Facebook Will Require Messenger If You Want To Chat On Mobile image facebook messenger change

The Facebook app has chat functionality built in, but soon the social network will require users to install Messenger if they want to keep conversations going.

A spokesperson confirmed the controversial move, saying the change will eventually roll out worldwide to Android and iOS with a few exceptions.

For example, older Android smartphones with lower memory will be exempt, including Windows Phone devices and all tablets.

Paper, Facebook's news app launched in February, will also keep messaging, at least for the time being.

Mashable's Editor-At-Large Lance Ulanoff responded to the move with 11 reasons why it's terrible, making such strong points as parents will hate it (huh?) and "I like it the way it is."

Many of the comments slammed Ulanoff's failed attempt, and commenter Alex T put it rather bluntly:

"This article actually made me remove Mashable from my RSS feed and Twitter. That's how bad it is. If you paid the author anything for this, then you should get the money back. This site has gone far downhill."

Ouch. While installing another app to do something you can already do may be a nuisance, the change isn't such a terrible one.

Facebook Messenger underwent a drastic redesign back in November 2013, and you can still send images, files and voice messages as before.

The social network also added the ability to send SMS messages, and last week introduced free voice calling on iOS and Android.

For iOS users, let's just hope Facebook irons out the battery drain issue that's been plaguing iPhones left and right.

The post Facebook Will Require Messenger If You Want To Chat On Mobile appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Millenials Are Flocking To User-Generated Content Found On Social Media (Infographic)

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 06:43 PM PDT

James Kosur

Millenials Are Flocking To User Generated Content Found On Social Media (Infographic) image Millennials and Content Consumption

When it comes to a "trust factor" for online published works, Millenials LOVE user-generate content.

According to a new study by Ipsos MediaCT, Crowdtap & the Social Media Advertising Consortium, younger users trust content more openly when it is created by a group of their peers.

The study which surveyed 839 Millenials (18-36 years old), found that they spend an average of 18 hours per day with various forms of media. Of that information 30% is user-generated, 33% is traditional media (print, tv, radio), and 37% is "other media."

The Millennials study finds that 71% of users find content using social network platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest appear to lead the pack, likely because of their sheer reach and the ease at which content can be shared with a users friends and followers.

Not only are users checking social media, they engage with it 11% more than TV, 18% more than radio, and at a rate 22% higher than email, text, and chat combined.

Check out the full study below.

Millenials Are Flocking To User Generated Content Found On Social Media (Infographic) image Millennials Heart UGC Infographic

The growth of social media remains explosive as users seek out new forms of content, and even create their own web portals through use of their favorite networks. Given that growth we expect to see even higher social media engagement numbers before the end of 2014.

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Listen To The 10 Most Viral Tracks On Spotify

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 06:40 PM PDT

Mike Stenger

Listen To The 10 Most Viral Tracks On Spotify image spotify most viral

Spotify users streamed 4.5 billion hours of music last year, and 2014 is shaping up to be another exciting year with a new redesign announced last week.

Today, music business blog hypebot published the most viral tracks as of April 6, also drilling down to just the United States and United Kingdom.

Based on the number of social media shares divided by total number of users who listened, here are the 10 most viral Spotify tracks in the U.S.:

The U.K. shares just a few of the 10 most viral tracks in the U.S., and here are the others:

Worldwide, Shakira's "Boig per Tu" came in at number one, followed by The Black Keys' hit in the U.S. and U.K., and Future Islands' "Seasons (Waiting On You)."

Spotify rolled out unlimited free streaming at the beginning of 2014, and last month introduced a new $4.99 per month plan for college students.

The post Listen To The 10 Most Viral Tracks On Spotify appeared first on Twitter Tools Reviews.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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